Meow Lab

Meow Lab

This is a really relaxing game. I been playing on and off. Tooka break when I couldn’t figure it out. Love it, highly recommend for anyone who need to de-stress and figure this puzzle out. The music is not bad, sometimes I listen to it but I think it could use a variety, but regardless over all, I love it :D Plus the kitty is what drawn me to the game, so thats a cute bonus factor xD

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Cats Games.

Short, Adorable and Fun

I am a simple person and bought this game because I like puzzles and black cats. Due to it being so cheap, I expected nothing, but I am pleasantly surprised. This is a very cute puzzle game that starts off easy then gets gradually more and more difficult.



  • Fun but simple mechanics that get more complex as you progress. The later levels definitely offer a decent challenge but feel very satisfying to complete.* The Easter Eggs are really cute. I love the Death Stranding one. Too cute!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Meow Lab on Steam

Car Puzzle: Round Ways

Car Puzzle: Round Ways

It makes an error when a car collides with a pizza delivery coming out of a delivery point. While pizza deliveries move backward when they leave the points, the developers have not programmed how to deal it when a car collides with the back of another one. It makes the game get totally stuck, so I have to turn off and restart the game.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Casual Games.

Round Ways is a mobile port of a free game that has nothing new to offer in the paid version. The features listed on the Play Store and Steam are exactly the same word for word. It’s a bad port too with relics of the mobile version still intact with a clunky mouse only interface for finger sliding/tapping. It is more of a quick reaction time game than it is puzzle that just doesn’t work well on the PC. The core design has the player switching cars between tracks by tapping the switches, which is much easier to do on a touch screen phone where the player can have their fingers lined up with multiple switches at once vs on the PC where the player can only click one switch at a time and requires dragging the mouse to the next switch. Each level is fairly simplistic, but the time limit and switch limits for getting 3 star ratings become too cumbersome on the PC version. As early as level 13 it’s like the dev just gave up on the level design and flat out admits the level does not have a solution and instructs the player to use an auto-abduction power-up that passes the level. After this point the entire game can just be auto-completed and it’s hard to tell which levels actually have a solution anymore. Just play the free version on a touch screen phone.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Car Puzzle: Round Ways on Steam

Hare In The Hat

Hare In The Hat

Hare in the Hat. Objective release the hare from his cage freeing him from the magician.

What a tough little puzzle game this is. I truly enjoyed the challenge. Everything occurs in a single room much like Please, Don’t Touch Anything occurs on a single console. A little point and click and a lot of puzzles: picture puzzles, sliders, and logic. Excellent game.

Warning: Skipping a puzzle results in permenantly locked achievements and I will not get into the debate over the developers' personal opinion about the fact they consider skipping a puzzle cheating. As of April 29, 2016 with the purchase of DLC Hare in the Hat: The Abyss this permenantly locked condition is released. Reset game and try again for the achievements.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Adventure Games.

Hare In The Hat is a short point and click adventure in which your objective is to free a bunny by solving a series of puzzles. The game consists in only one location that contains different clickable objects that trigger the mini-games. There is no story attached to it and no cut scenes. And even though the game has an ending, the fact that it is comprised of only one scene suggests that this was designed more like a demo or as a first chapter of a longer game.

The puzzles’ difficulty vary from the easy jigsaw puzzle to some really challenging ones, for example a chess variation or rotating 4 pieces puzzles. Despite the fact that some of them have a brief indication about what you’re expected to do, there is no other hint option or skip button. On the other hand, having hints and skip buttons would considerably decrease the gameplay hours since 90% of the time is spent on trying to solve those difficult puzzles. I personally got stuck a couple of times and I gave up for the moment, but then I went back to the game and eventually completed it. There are no available walkthroughs at the moment online, so you can’t rely on them to save you.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Hare In The Hat on Steam

Mike & Tyler

Mike & Tyler

Take control of Mike and Tyler in their effort to investigate a mysterious murder case in an adventure packed with puzzles, beautiful locations, and dangerous characters, all provided in a retro fashion.

Mike & Tyler is a point & click - police adventure game that is heavily focused on puzzle-solving.

The game skips text dialogs altogether, in favor of simple comic bubbles. No lengthy dialogs, here. This game is not an interactive story.

Check out our other titles

Mike & Tyler on Steam



Extremely Fun game with a unique and well designed card game mechanics. While there are a few things I think that could be improved, overall they really pale in comparison to the fun I’ve had from this game.


  • Fresh new card game mechanics with well designed factions that are both unique and synergistic

  • great story

  • Very replayable

  • Fun Gauntlet mode make your own deck each win with difference Champs

  • Great sound track and voicelines


  • animations and walking can get a little tedious on multiple playthroughs

Real player with 88.5 hrs in game

This game could have been AMAZING but has some design and balance shortcomings. I’ll list them briefly then go into more detail below.

  1. No way to collect all the cards or undo certain permanent changes

  2. No real post game or new game+ to try out different deck types. Unskippable cutscenes ruin the thought of replaying the game.

  3. Some balance shortcomings can make a couple parts almost impossible in some cases, this game is otherwise extremely easy.

I still had fun with this game and not a lot of people make games like this anymore. The story and writing is charming and the art grew on me. The complaints only hurt so hard because the rest of the game shows so much promise. I still had fun with my 14ish hours of it but I wouldn’t recommend paying full price unless you really love these types of games.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Cardpocalypse on Steam



Connect 3+/bubble shooter game for casual gaming, but challenging nevertheless. Contains modifiers which make the game more interesting and fun. Requires precision and quick decision making in some modes. Spent a few hours of playing without topping the scoreboard in any of the 4 modes available. I blame my mouse!

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

I originally bought this game for my mother who is a Panda Pop addict. When I asked her to describe what she thought of Pop’N’Splat, she used words that I never knew existed. Apparently she never made it through the menus and couldn’t figure out how exit the game because every action within the menu requires you to select an option and then confirm through a separate button. The developer has yet to discover the double-click.

Aside from the redundant menu system, the game has a huge pointer that’s more of a nuisance than a benefit. Some of the pop effects obscure targets so you have to wait for them to clear before shooting. This is especially annoying during the time-based modes. Other issues include random ball colors appearing in the machine which aren’t on the game board and accidentally shooting a ball while clicking on the “plunger” when trying to access the menu to save a game. There’s very little variety in terms power-ups. The visuals are nice but that’s about it. The game brings new definition to boring. What happened? Pass it unless it’s on sale for pennies.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Pop'n'splat on Steam

Tango: The Adventure Game

Tango: The Adventure Game

I happened to be looking for a new point & click/adventure game and happened to come across this little gem. It is a little charming Indie game that utilizes real locations in Buenos Aires and combines with both satirical and factual interactions with one of Argentina’s most prominent Tango musician. Your adventure begins in a prison, playing a fictional version of Carlos Gardel. The scenes that follow all seem to be based around lyrics from his many songs, somewhat, and one can base this on the fact that one of his songs is actually titled “Prisionero” (Prisoner).

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

There wasn’t a whole lot of fanfare with this game’s release; I’m a fan of the genre and I have been following point-and-click game development for a while, and it still sort of flew right by. Luckily, thanks to a lovely word-of-mouth campaign, I still picked this one up just after release.

Loosely based on the life of musician Carlos Gardel, Tango opens with a prison escape sequence (one of my all-time favorite point-and-click tropes) before transitioning to an extended flashback to explain how you got there. The total playtime is about 2-3 hours, and the tone of the game definitely leans more towards comedy than drama.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Tango: The Adventure Game on Steam

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle

I had fun playing this game. Very relaxing the puzzles was. Plus the music made me feel sleepy as well.

I enjoyed unlocking the achievements. I had trouble finding out what to do to unlock the hidden achievement. But thankfully I found a website guide about the achievement.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

what a nice game to play!

Quiet and well-made music.

The art is interesting as it was made, it has animations and has many pieces and that gives a bug in the brain kkkk

I liked the game!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle on Steam

Yet Another Hero Story

Yet Another Hero Story

What a marvelous game! I’m having lots of fun playing it. Let’s start with the pros.

  • The plot is surprisingly good. The story unfolds at the right pace, there’s lots of healthy humor and great ideas.

  • The artwork is next to ideal.

  • The puzzles are just right. Not too tough, not too light.

  • Pixelhunting, while present, is implemented with great skill. You don’t have to hunt pixels, you just have to stay alert and spot minor details.

  • Voice acting, while scarce, is very enjoyable.


  • Some locations feature simplistic and annoying music.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Overall, a good indie adventure game.

Good Stuff


  • The graphics are really nice.

  • Well written, although I would have like it better, if it was a bit more text heavy in some parts. (Maybe that’s just me)

  • It’s funny at times without trying too hard.

  • Logical puzzles.

  • Simple interface

  • Not too short, not too long

Not so good

  • Some of the dialogs feel a bit underdeveloped.

  • The game doesn’t include full voice over. Although, I guess that it is something to be expected at this price point.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Yet Another Hero Story on Steam

CATch the Stars: Japan

CATch the Stars: Japan


_Beautiful graphics

_Nice music

_It is relaxing

_Not to difficult

Not so good:

_Music could have been better if there were more variation.

Over all very nice game, I enjoy very much and was fun too. I Thank the developer for have done a lovely work.

I absolutely recommend!


Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

I found this game from “CATch the Stars” and this was my review for that game which is very similar.

I loved this! I had it running at work on my laptop and played during breaks. I would say it took me maybe an hour total to beat. It’s fairly simple and once you understand it, each level is a fun little challenge to beat. The images, music, sounds, etc. work really well together and it’s a great way to spend an hour or two if you like puzzles.

Between the two, I think this version is a bit more imaginative. Both are enjoyable, though.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

CATch the Stars: Japan on Steam