Tess Elated

Tess Elated

Inspired by Minesweeper but unlike anything you’ve tried, Tess Elated is fresh and inspiring.

The vibrant and diverse cast of characters makes the story both interesting and rewarding with plenty of laughs.

With a colorful and fun art style and a joyful soundtrack, the game is sure to keep your interest.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Touch-Friendly Games.

“Tess Elated” is nothing new. In fact, it’s a direct copy of “Cavesweeper”. Also it’s NOT a logic puzzle as they claim, because it requires guesswork. A logic puzzle never requires any guessing, only logic. The game has no instructions or a way to skip the long repetitious dialogues between levels. The Medium and Hard modes use three and four colors, so you will spend most of your time guessing, unlike Minesweeper which inspired it. Also, the Achievements are broken.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Tess Elated on Steam



In Bubblelands you will lead a team of cartoon heroes - the brave bean brawler, the fluffy feline defender, and the outlandish onion with oseledets - through a series of tactical turn-based battles on a grid of hexes. Each hero on the team has a different potential use in battle, skill set and development opportunities. The combat rewards smart positioning and using skills appropriate to the situation on the battlefield.

On their way, the heroes may encounter characters who need their help and allies who will join their party and strengthen the team with their special powers. You can meet them later at the party’s camp, where the heroes can also improve their skills and buy upgrades.

Bubbles are what fuels the technology and economy of this land. However, one day the soapy resource ceased to flow from the taps and fountains. In the atmosphere of the apocalypse, three heroes set off on a journey through foreign lands to find out where the life-giving Bubbles have gone.

Tactical Yet Simple Combat

The game is rules-light, you’re not going to find long statblocks and hour-long battles here. You may just hop in for a few fights any time!

Simple Yet Deep Mechanics

Bubbleland is not crunchy, but you still have to think before you act. Cautious positioning of the heroes and planning your actions is crucial!

Deep story… Not Really!

The world and story of Bubbleland is colorful and fun to watch. Find out if fluffy cats, angry cucumbers and onion cossacks fighting each other over bubbles have any deeper meaning!

Read More: Best Cartoony Stylized Games.

Bubbleland on Steam



A charming, relaxing little puzzle game suitable for just about anyone. Warms you up and makes you feel cozy just watching your pets, children, and grandmothers perk up and smile as you provide them with needed light and heat. Also provides the right amount of frustration as you realized–yet again–that EVERY SINGLE GRANDMA needs THREE sources of heat before she’ll knit you that sweater she promised.

[And honestly, you’ll need the sweater because SOMEBODY has to trudge out into the darkness to get more wood for the freaking fires. Just kidding, this game isn’t Don’t Shiver, heh.]

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Casual Games.

Warmth is a short logic puzzle about finding the right arrangement of heat sources in order to satisfy certain heat requirements. The levels have a grid-like structure, with some of the tiles occupied by characters (either by a dog, a child, or a grandma), each of them having specific heat needs (for example, the grandma requires 3 heat sources around her, while the dog needs only 1). The remaining tiles can be filled with torches and camp fires that will generate heat in the surrounding cells, but must be connected with each other in order to spread the heat.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Warmth on Steam

Gem Wizards Tactics

Gem Wizards Tactics

Ok, I don’t know how to write reviews so I’ll just tell you an experience I had with the game wich shows why I think it’s great.

My small team of Potato soldiers were about to be wiped out by an overwhelming force of soldiers from the Azure Order. I had already captured three of the four flags I needed to win the battle, but I was getting swarmed and pushed out towards the northwestern corner of the map. And my leader, Andromeda Robin, was already dead. My only chance to get the last flag was to kill an enemy squad leader. Unfortunately the squadleader was behind a ton of spearmen, knights, archers and catapults.

Real player with 381.3 hrs in game

Exceedingly good and long-lasting gameplay value for those with limited time–each match lasts anywhere from 20-30 minutes at most. The player factions are varied and fairly balanced from my limited exposure of each. Gameplay is simple at first glance, but the synergies among units adds deep, tactical and surprising complexity to the Advanced Wars-like formula.

About the only thing that would add value to an already enjoyable game would be at least two or three more player factions, but the developer has already hinted that this is a possibility. Could we get a robot faction please?

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Gem Wizards Tactics on Steam

Mini Army Tactics Medieval

Mini Army Tactics Medieval

Fun little game. Shows promise. Looking forward to any updates.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Mini Army Tactics Medieval on Steam

Irongate Arena

Irongate Arena

Continue your family legacy into new and exotic lands, but first prove yourself a worthy commander to the men who have pledged fealty to you. Battle in the proving grounds where humans are not the only fighters trying to knock you on your ass! Will your reward be glory or death?

If you have the strength, journey through the desert where if the heat doesn’t kill you, something or someone venomous just may. If you have the will of a warrior those deadly and toxic creatures may join you and take up your cause of vengeance.

To make it in the harsh, icy, North you must be a wise in deploying the right strategies to defeat your enemies in the Arena. Vikings, elves and witches can be so cold, but not cold enough to turn down a little coin to join your ranks, if the price is right.

Put your team skills to the test and push their limits in order to survive the Inferno. Hotter than Hades itself only the most vile creatures dwell here, along with the strongest arena fighters. If fear has not run your men out, then you may stand a chance, otherwise see yourself cut down by powerful beings capable of wielding great strength and abilities.

You must have strategic cunning when facing Lord Asshat, so that you may reclaim honor to your surname. Will your become the champion your father was or will you fall before your enemies?

Irongate Arena on Steam



Crowntakers (CT) is a short rouge-like game, where you traverse 8 different quasi-hex based maps, building a party of up to five members along the way. Each map is comprised of various nodes, where you will search for loot, upgrade your gear, recruit new members to your party (one per map), and of course fight battles. You are tasked to storm the castle and rescue the king in 18 days (yes you are timed even though this is a fully turn-based game).


    • There are 10 different different classes, and each class comes in three different flavors (you pick one “archetype” at the time you recruit each member). These classes are fairly diverse given the streamlined stat system set-up.

Real player with 46.1 hrs in game

(This game was a gift from a friend)

Before I begin the review, a word of warning to Completists: “The Explorer” achievement is broken in the current game version. There are several instructions on how to download previous versions of the game on the Crowntakers steam forum, but if you don’t feel like jumping through hoops then give this game a skip.

As for the game itself:

Crowntakers is a very simple game. Your adventure takes place on a hex grid where you walk from location to location usually searching buildings. There are a lot of unique blurbs and situations at these locations, but due to its roguelike nature it’s inevitable (especially with how many times you have to play through it) that you will see the same ones multiple times.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Crowntakers on Steam

Codex of Victory

Codex of Victory


+Enjoyable campaign.

+Varied units.

+Units can be varied even more with modules.

+Units can be upgraded in levels which grant bonuses and abilities.

+Nice progression meaning you shouldn’t feel overpowered or underpowered.

+Story keeps you on your toes.

+Ant farm base building.

+Solid tactics.

+Lovely artwork.

+Nice devs.

+Nice learning curve.


+Plenty of missions.



-Tough (some may find this a con so).

-Enemy has some units you can’t match on harder difficulty without a good understanding of the game.

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game

Greetings, comrades, today I am here to talk to you about “Codex of Victory.” If you enjoy war-games with turn-based combat, you will enjoy “Codex of Victory.” It reminds me of playing the old Avalon Hill 20th century boardgames such as Panzer Leader and Panzer Blitz. The game is fun against the computer and can also be played against a human opponent in a 1-on-1 skirmish. Actually the skirmish mode is more fun as the computer mode involves a very long campaign. In PvP skirmish mode, your turns are timed and you only get a finite bit of time to study the map, plan your move, move your pieces and fire.

Real player with 50.9 hrs in game

Codex of Victory on Steam

Gunslingers & Zombies

Gunslingers & Zombies

plays well once you figure out the goals - no idea how to save progress though

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Całkiem miła i relaksująca gra. Grafika prosta, kreskówkowa - pasuje do lekkiego klimatu gry. Interfejs intuicyjny, przyjazny. Jak na razie nie napotkałem na żadne bugi. Po przejściu pierwszych kilku plansz, jak na razie trochę brakuje głębi strategicznej. Miałem czasem wrażenie, że wystarczy po prostu iść przed siebie i strzelać. Ale może powinienem poczekać i pograć kilka kolejnych plansz, zobaczymy wtedy.

Jak na razie daje łapkę w górę - gra bez jakiegoś wielkiego szału, ale można dla relaksu popykać,

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gunslingers & Zombies on Steam



This is a really pleasant puzzle game!

This is one of those games where you start it up, and you’re immediately dropped into a set of puzzles with no explanation as to how to proceed. Thankfully, the mechanics are easy to pick up, and new concepts are gradually introduced in intuitive ways. All throughout, the puzzles are very well-designed, and the difficulty curve is smooth.

Though there are only 90 “basic” and 21 “hard” puzzles in the game, and it may feel like a majority of the puzzles are themselves easy and short, I would say the game makes up for it by increasing in difficulty and throwing in a few tough puzzles in between the easy introductions of new concepts (which themselves are designed so as to not overwhelm you as you get used to them). The game also has two difficulties, an easy mode and a hard mode; these give you different achievements and have different puzzles in each, so this adds to both the replay value and challenge of the game.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game


3/5 Stars - This is a pretty decent logic based game. If you like messing around with numbers then check this game out. I would describe it as a logic meets sudoku puzzle. Definitely something different.


Casual, Puzzle, Single Player, Indie, Logic


Release Date: May 2018 - Click on the hexo’s to add or remove number dots. Equal the amount needed at the end of the hexo to finish. Puzzles get more challenging the farther along you go.


Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Hexologic on Steam