Abacus Finch

Abacus Finch

Abacus Finch is a fun platformer aimed towards kids, but that did not stop me from playing this game. I love a fun platformer that adds some thinking to traverse a game. The game makes you use your brain with math skills and platform skills to move forward in this good looking and well designed game. Definitely aimed towards young ones, but fun for all!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Adventure Games.

Abacus Finch on Steam

War Solution - Casual Math Game

War Solution - Casual Math Game

Hello Yaw Studios!

I don’t usually play math games, but I ended up giving this one a chance …

It was a great decision because the game is very beautiful and it also has a win-win relationship. I say this because when I’m playing the game in a few minutes I forget the mathematics because I have to worry about other things that are happening in the battle and without realizing it I improve my thinking agility and my knowledge.

Congratulations, looking forward to seeing the next shows!


Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Casual Games.

In fact, a great game for an affordable price. There are many game modes! Particularly, the survivor and adventure modes were the ones I like most. If you are looking for an adventure game where you can learn Math in the journey, this is it. Strongly recommended!!!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

War Solution - Casual Math Game on Steam

Mondrian - Plastic Reality

Mondrian - Plastic Reality

Probably the best relaxing and stress reliever game i’ve ever played

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoony Level Editor Games.

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Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mondrian - Plastic Reality on Steam



NagiQ is a family-friendly word game. In NagiQ you think of English words and place them on a board, vertically or horizontally, trying to connect your words with some special, mystic letters already placed on the board. There are more than 100 levels grouped into 5 islands, and each island introduces variations to the basic gameplay:

  • Mindia Island: For completing Mindia’s boards we only have to conquer all of the mystic letters already placed on the board.

  • Vulcania Island: Vulcania’s boards contain bugs! Hopefully, not “programming bugs,” but little creatures on cells of the board. We have to surround those bugs with letters, and also catch all of the mystic letters.

  • Nuntel Island: These boards have a timer! Don’t worry, though, as the timer fully restarts with each word you place on the board.

  • Raspit Island: This island introduces an additional requirement, as any new word you place on the board will have to include orange tiles. Each time you play a new word on the board some of its letters will have their tiles colored orange. And your next words will have to include at least one of such letters in orange tiles.

  • Partok Island: An island whose boards combine challenges from previous islands.


  • Type a word with your keyboard. If the word is accepted by the game’s dictionary then use your mouse to place the word on free cells of the board. Your word can overlap cells which are already occupied by a letter, but only if letters match. You can also use your mouse to type your word with the on-screen keyboard, but using a real keyboard is much faster.

  • Press the space bar to switch the orientation of your word (vertically or horizontally). Alternatively, do a right click with your mouse inside the board.

  • Press the backspace key to delete the last letter of the word you’re currently typing. Alternatively, do a right click with your mouse outside the board.

  • Press the escape key to clear the word you’re currently typing.

  • Press the enter key to place a word on the board. Or simply do a left click on the board.

The game has a little on screen keyboard which also has special buttons for some of these actions, such as changing the orientation of a word.

NagiQ on Steam

Educational Games for Kids

Educational Games for Kids

This game is as advertised. My son always wants to join in during the few times I get time to game. Being able to help him develop some computer skills and have fun at the same time is worth it.

Real player with 106.7 hrs in game

This game sucks. Do not buy it. My 3 year old knows his geography. I bought it for the geography puzzle, but the game will not allow him to play any of them until he beats the baby games, which bore him. So, i fully wasted $12.99. my 3 yr old is not distracted at all. The baby is screaming and i fucking HATE this computer game passionately.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Educational Games for Kids on Steam

Matraquinha PAIR

Matraquinha PAIR

Stars received: 1.0/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0.1] Game Content

[0.1] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: move an item to the correct shade

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

It’s a really sensational game, I loved the art, I recommend

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Matraquinha PAIR on Steam

Buddi Bot:  Your Machine Learning AI Helper With Advanced Neural Networking!

Buddi Bot: Your Machine Learning AI Helper With Advanced Neural Networking!

A free game that will not teach you a lot about machine learning but is cute and fun for an hour or so. You are retraining an AI to associate objects with the object you want them to interact with. The trick is you cannot always retrain the object you want to without sending off to do something unwanted first, so you have to indirectly train about an object that shares a trait, so the learning will carry over to a new object. Sound tricky? It kind of is, though if you get it right on the first time it makes sense. The main downside is you can’t save your progress so if you want to come back to the later levels on a different sessions you have to replay the earlier ones. Ok if you can play a longer session at once but less convenient if you have to quit partway through. Anyway, it costs nothing, is pretty funny sometimes and has a light atmosphere. Worth a try if you like small games and don’t mind a bit of trial and error.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

A cool little AI game that is simple but interesting and most importantly free.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Buddi Bot: Your Machine Learning AI Helper With Advanced Neural Networking! on Steam

Bunny Puzzle

Bunny Puzzle

Super casual puzzle game with tons of cute bunny pictures! I haven’t finished it yet but i suspect it will take me hours to get through all of the puzzles.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Bunny Puzzle on Steam

Food Comes From Above

Food Comes From Above


Really fun, very good gameplay, very good graphics. Such good yes

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Food Comes From Above on Steam

Swatch Out!

Swatch Out!

Swatch Out is a very entertaining game. While it is aimed towards kids and young ones, it still pulled me in with the gameplay that makes you mix and choose the right colors to defeat enemies and progress. It is a fairly challenging, yet rewarding fun little game. It is aimed towards children which helps them learn about colors and thinking skills to defeat enemies. However, this sweet little gem pulled me in and I recommend it not only for children, but for people who like a fun little nostalgic game that reminds them of their future, while being fun.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Swatch Out! on Steam