Punch It Deluxe

Punch It Deluxe

This game has beautiful assets, really challenged my trigger finger control!!

Almost reminds me of one of the harder, longer games off the classic Work Time Fun psp game!

Fun Visual, Intense music- and the grunts~ stupendous lol

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Relaxing Games.

I achieve a Zen like state by beating joe roegan. I could’nt beat santa little fucker cuz I ended up roflmaoing into over 9000 evrey time the twist made it shat istelf. The brain is pain but it was no grain on my refrain.

I give this game 10 ramen noodles.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Punch It Deluxe on Steam



A pretty interesting yet fun game that reminds me a bit of Happy Tree Friends with how the game does the deaths. The story was actually pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot. I really like the art in the game. I love the game mechanics and thought it was a fun and somewhat unique. I don’t like it when games that don’t show the settings options in the first menu you see (thankfully, the devs did add a settings option but only after you start to actually play the game). There is no option or way to window the game, which is also another annoyance I had with it.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Adventure Games.

Once upon a time… The art of storytelling

Haimrik is a side scrolling puzzle game (with some light platforming and action elements) that requires you to think on your feet. You will use words to overcome obstacles forging tools and other useful items with your unique powers.

Beginning in a squalid town, this mundane little corner of the world is an appropriate reflection of the game’s titular hero. Haimrik is a spectacularly unremarkable scribe who spends his days trying to scratch out a living in the basement of the local bar. A fortuitous series of events gift Haimrik a magical book with a difference. Unlike traditional spell books, this particular tome does not simply bestow magic upon its owner. Instead, it demands blood and transports players into a world where the pen really is mightier than the sword.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Haimrik on Steam

Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition

Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition

A simple mouse aiming arcade that can be completed in 3 to 4 hours on normal difficulty, but if you wanted you could replay it on new game+ that increases the challenge. Note that you can change mouse sensitivity in the settings - the default was completely unplayable for me. My experience with the game varied depending on which stage I was playing, partially because some of the early levels lacked in variety, and the soundtrack was hit-and-miss. When you get toward the second half, the game will introduce more challenges such as flipping the screen or making you shoot in both directions. During the levels, you can earn points that work as a currency in the shop. You can only equip 3 abilities at any given time, but there are a couple more to choose from that have additional upgrades that reduce cooldown. There are several unique biomes that have multiple stages with occasional boss fights. I am not sure how the local co-op works, I was unable to select the second player with what I have (although I have nobody to play with anyway).

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Indie Games.

It’s a very very good flash game. It’s fun for couple of hours and has interesting playstyle but the at the core , its a spear throw mechanic that should be a part of a bigger game . Its not bad its just not a full fledged game. Still if you have couple of hours that you’d like to throw on something new try it out. Personally I’d rather some 15-20 hours worth games with story rather than a short mini game.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition on Steam

Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood

Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood

Foreign Legion, Buckets of Blood is the perfect example of a developer creating a casual game that’s not simply a frenzied money grab. Despite being an incredibly simple game, and an incredibly small one at release, the developers have worked hard to improve every single aspect of it.

While the lower difficulties are pretty much impossible to fail on the harder ones provide genuine challenge. The leaderboards and small meta-game will keep the game interesting beyond the initial 30 minutes of excitement.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

J’ai profité du Foreign Legion Bundle 9€99 sur Steam pour m’acheter le jeu et au final je pense que c’est une assez bonne affaire, le gameplay est simple et le jeu devient vite corsé en augmentant la difficulté.

Pour ce qui trouvent que le jeu est répétitif, je dirais que cela est normal vu que c’est un jeu bourrin et qu’il faut uniquement tuer des Hordes zombies et/ou terroriste grâce aux nombreuses armes qui vous sont proposés en montant en niveau.

Vous pouvez également jouer jusqu’à quatre, le jeu est excellent entre amis.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood on Steam

VCB: Why City 4k

VCB: Why City 4k

(Got this for free from the developer’s submission to OMEGA Trade - G. Thanks…)

VCB: Why does this game exist?

VCB: Why City 4k is…..well, simply put…not a good game. What you would expect of Grand Theft Auto (which I haven’t really played, to be honest), ends up tossed into a meat grinder and mixed in with some 3 month old salami. This Russian made game is filled with venom for streaming, Steam, and for critics in general, to which I can only assume is this developer’s grudge against criticisms towards his various games, including the original version of this game. That’s right, this is the 2nd version of the game VCB: Why City and I assume there have been no changes to it upon being reuploaded other than slapping the label “4k” on it.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

First let me just say the story behind this game is not like any other. This game touched my heart, my soul, and my bootyhole. The graphics behind this game are unbelievable. when I first started to play this game my initial thought after the first mission was “Hey why can’t I get out of the car” but then I realized that this was intentionally done. think about it is there really a good reason to get out of your car, you are out doing stuff of course there is no reason to get out of your car unless you are shooting some of the numerous baddies of this game or you just want to enjoy a delicious kabob. this feature of not getting out of your car unless necessary is something big companies missed with game like GTA, Saintsrow, Watch_Dogs, ect. This games story is a tear jerker I finished it all without putting the game down. This games story involves such topics as SPOILER betrayal, gay vloggers, and kabobs. The main character in this story is so compelling and really draws you into his role especially with how badass, selfless, and slut hatting he is. Also you may notice if you are not too distracted by this compelling story that the music in this game is killer especially during the boss fights and this just leads you to become more drawn into the story which leads me to personally thank the MC fucker of this story. My one critic with this game is that I want more story to this game but sadly with just how good this game is I am afraid that no matter how much story is included within this game I will never be satisfied. I will say that this game is possibly the best game there is out there and no other game will even come close to topping it. Thank you for this wonderful game of VCB: Why City 4k 12 peppa pigs out of 10

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

VCB: Why City 4k on Steam

9-nine-:Episode 4

9-nine-:Episode 4

Episode 4 is the first game I’ve played of the series.

The story is so good that I want to read all of the chapters. Except I don’t, because that would mean I wouldn’t see Noa and Kakeru together anymore.

The creators did a splendid job at helping you understand the plot without having to read the previous chapters. This was definitely one of my bigger concerns because nobody likes experiencing things where they’re left completely out of the loop.

I find the quality of this story to come close to some of my favorite novels: Chaos;Child, Steins;Gate and ISLAND. Many events in this novel seem to be centered around personalities and it shows you how much thought went in to every single character, but the main story revolves around the concept of time travel with their own fascinating twist added to it.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

This is not a proper review AT ALL, I am just typing what I have in my mind.

9-nine series, definitely masterpiece-tier visual novel for me. Who would have thought a simple story about investigating the truth behind a crime would lead up to so many messed up things. Truth to be told, I thought 9-nine is just another visual novel that talks about daily life with the heroines, having dates, sharing first kiss, saving the heroines in dangerous situation and so on. Hell no, 9-nine brought me more than that, of course one thing that surprised me the most is the game breaking the fourth wall and involve you as much as possible into the story.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

9-nine-:Episode 4 on Steam

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

J’ai profité du Foreign Legion Bundle 9€99 sur Steam pour m’acheter le jeu et au final je pense que c’est une assez bonne affaire, le gameplay est simple et le jeu devient vite corsé en augmentant la difficulté.

Pour ce qui trouvent que le jeu est répétitif, je dirais que cela est normal vu que c’est un jeu bourrin et qu’il faut uniquement tuer des Hordes zombies et/ou terroriste grâce aux nombreuses armes qui vous sont proposés en montant en niveau.

Vous pouvez également jouer jusqu’à quatre, le jeu est excellent entre amis.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

This game is a gem.

It’s not a game that you sink many hours in, but the time you spend in it is pure joy.

You instantly notice that GRIN were not held back in their creativity and madness.

So there was no blown up marketing department to say “Oh my god, we can’t do this!”

They just did ;)

Show me another game in which it’s an achievement to kill hundreds of dolphins.

Ya, we’re talking this level of freedom in design.

All that said - i highly recommend getting it, but for full price only if you really

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre on Steam

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

Remember that time you went to the movie theater. What did you spend, like $10 maybe $12? Oh, and you brought your girlfriend too, right? Cause you totally have a girlfriend. And then you bought popcorn of course, cause what kind of loser brings his girlfriend to the movies and doesn’t buy her popcorn. So two movie tickets and popcorn, what did that cost, like I dunno, $29.99 or something. Well then you broke up and now look at you, all you are left with is clogged arteries and a distant memory of a dumb movie you saw with a girl you lost because you were too cheap to buy some rootbeer. Everyone knows you need something to drink with popcorn dude.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

If you’re thinking of getting Rick and Morty VR, the first thing you need to do is sit down and ask yourself this: Are you a really, REALLY big Rick and Morty fan?

If the answer to that question is no, then absolutely don’t buy this game. Just move along and look elsewhere for your VR fix.

If the answer to that question is yes, then…eh, MAYBE if it’s on sale. I’ll try to sum things up below.

Let’s start with the plot. R&M:VR lets you go on your own “grand” Rick and Morty adventure. What’s the theme of the adventure? You get to do Rick’s laundry. That may give you a chuckle initially, but then you realize that the game has all the fun of doing actual laundry. The movement in the game is limited to restricted teleporting to a few small room scale areas, with the majority of the game taking place in RIck’s garage. There’s various things you can mess with that have mostly made brief appearances in the various episodes of the show with the main draw in the garage being a device that combines things. This sounds interesting at first, but gets kind of boring after a bit when you realize how shallow it is. After you move the main plot line along a little bit, you’ll eventually get to walk through some warp portals to a few other areas where you have a single room scale area to move and interact in. One of those areas is the bathroom in the house, so other than some toilet humor there, which I’m fine with, you’ve only got 2 other actual outside areas. Only 1 of the 3 places outside of the garage you go to at least sort of has the feel of a real RIck and Morty adventure to it, but it’s still pretty bland when you get down to it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality on Steam

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition

Take a zany tour through Chichester, England… NOT AMERICA!!! As our male protagonist Spy realises he is in the wrong country in this comedy Visual Novel. If you have played the first WTC Visual Novel then you know to expect plenty of wild Austin Powers type sarcastic humour BUT if this is your first experience, like it was mine, then throw all seriousness out the window and enjoy this hilarious romp…

Created using Visual Novel Maker, this point & click comedy VN is spread over 7 brief chapters and are all controlled by the click of the mouse.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

(Got this game courtesy of the developer’s submission to OMEGA Trade - G. Thanks!)

Welcome to…hey, we improved what part 1 was a test of!!!

After playing several bad games lately, I heard this one had recently gotten achievements. So I thought…I may as well try it out…after all, it is short (clocking in at about 75 minutes for me, but taking longer to read all dialogue and try to get all achievements). I remember playing part 1 to this story, so when I saw this offer land at my feet, I was intrigued to continue the story.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part I : The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide HD Edition on Steam

Zombie Town VR

Zombie Town VR

really fun game to play totally enjoyed it….. completed levels wish there was more …….. love the dancing a great feel game and fun fun fun leaves me wanting more ,,,,,,

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Very Fun, but short. Hopefully the developer will add more levels.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Zombie Town VR on Steam