SnowBall FPS

SnowBall FPS

WARNING Do not waste your time or money!

Only a lan game that you will need friends for in order to play…

The slopes are glitchy and that’s 80% of the map, you get stuck….all the time.

The movement is wonky and cheesy, you see the price tag, you join the game…and you go…yea…I get it now…

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Indie Games.

SnowBall FPS on Steam

Christmas Adventures: A Winter Night’s Dream

Christmas Adventures: A Winter Night’s Dream

There aren’t many things that deserve to be hated with raw and ungodly passion, but this game (if it can even be called that) is one of them. In the best of times, I loved this game for what it was. The art is beautiful, the the concept is charming, the music is delicately blissful, and it is a fun thing to play to pass the time while enjoying a nice winter night. At the worst of times, I was simply able to brush off the nonsense mechanics that occasionally popped up as simple elements to move the story forward and get you the items you needed to fill the time. All in all, this was supposed to be a fun and relaxing game that, while at times a little illogical and goofy, wouldn’t cause unbridled rage and resentment for the capability of humans to vomit up the most sinful of false entertainment. Everything was going great until I got to the volcano rune drawing part (if that sounds absurd, it’s because it is and deserves to be mocked like pig garbage slap trash that it is) which proved to be the feature that turned this game from a nice Christmas adventure to a hellish nightmare like that of my reoccurring night terrors. Suffocating from the merciless downfall of thick black ash only to be overtaken by the destructive fire of Earth’s magma in my dying breath would be more enjoyable than this game. I’d rather scissor kick a bear and challenge it’s superior strength than play this game. I’d rather Santa show up at my house in the middle of July when I’m sleep in bed sweating from the Summer heat and throat punch my unsuspecting neck for ever buying this game. Don’t let yourself enjoy this game just to have that happiness ripped from your innocent little hands, your cute little innocent gamer hands. This game is worse than swallowing water the wrong way and you start to cough when there are other people around and they all start asking you if you’re okay and you try to stop coughing and just wish they’d stop looking at you and your face is getting all red but you just have to say your okay when you’re not. I hate this game so much that I don’t even want to get a refund because the money I used to spend it feels doomed to only purchase me gross little piles of gutter trash thrown away in a dumpster fire. Laughing at inappropriate times because someone made you laugh and just the idea of having to stop laughing in that moment but not being able to, thus causing you to laugh more and making everyone look at you and think “what the heck is wrong with that person why are they laughing right now they’re awful” sounds like a better time than playing this game. Now, one might ask, “Stranger leaving this review, did you finish the game after you got past the volcano rune drawing puzzle?” and as a response, I would say, “Yes, I did finish the game, but only because I’m prideful and refused to let this game win.” Now, is that to say that I didn’t use the SKIP button to get past the volcano rune drawing puzzle? No, it’s not to say that, because that’s exactly what I did. And maybe haters will say that by doing that, the game did win. And to that I say that you’re entitled to your stupid and wrong and thoughtless opinion but you’re wrong and dumb like this game. I’ve spent nearly 26 years of my adult life playing video games for a living okay? I make AT LEAST $127 MONTHLY from playing video games so I know what I’m talking about. I have a YouTube channel (slapdumpy56) and I’m along the elite gamers of the world. I pay my taxes, I’m an American, I drive a Ford pickup, my neighbor has a cousin that served in the military before being dishonorably discharged for scissor kicking his superior, so I shouldn’t have to put up with this. This game took tax payer money to make and this is what we have to show for it? Wake up sheeple.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Hidden Object Games.

The clues for this game are so obtuse. There are mini activities you have to complete before each hidden object puzzle and most of the time the clues barely give any indication of what you are to be looking for or do. I don’t think this is a translation error as they are super short and vague. There are a couple of translation errors that will leave you randomly clicking until you find what it is you’re looking for (like a lobster, named Omar); however the first game in the Christmas Adventure series has similar translation errors so I went in expecting it. I had a super frustrating time with this game, unlike its predecessor, and I don’t play hidden object games to spend the entire time bumbling around pulling my hair out; I like to play them as a form of relaxation. In general, I was really disappointed with this one but I’m hoping that they’ll continue the series (spoiler: there’s a cliffhanger of sorts) and improve on these things. I won’t give up on them just yet! (Also, I’m hoping they fix the 2 broken achievements as I’m a bit of a completionist.)

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Christmas Adventures: A Winter Night's Dream on Steam

Frosty Jumper

Frosty Jumper

Your world is freezing. You need to build your shelter as soon as possible. Time is running out and you must collect blocks of ice to finish your igloo in time, avoiding an evil hungry bear that wants to capture you at any cost. Jump into the frozen sea, from block of ice to block of ice, devouring delicious fish, dodging crabs, seagulls and oysters that just want to take you to the bottom of the sea. Build your cozy and warm igloo and find your warm and protective home

Read More: Best Cartoon 3D Games.

Frosty Jumper on Steam

Super Snow Fight

Super Snow Fight

Very fun game. Have got some achievements already - yes, the MONSTER Kill, too!

But uff, “very hard” is like snow ball machine guns against you. :D

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I purchased this game while having the winter/Christmas season in mind. I paid $5.49 CAD so my expectations were not that high at all, but I ended up having a ton of fun.

The game consists of 2-4 players having a snowball fight (Human or AI). You start with 5 hearts each and the aim is to “kill” the other player. During a match you can use a light or heavy shot. A heavy shot being performed while holding the throw button to charge it up. The winner being the first to kill X amount of people or being the leader after the time limit is up.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Super Snow Fight on Steam

Nino Maze LOFI

Nino Maze LOFI


This game started out promising.

Relaxing music, not too difficult maze, nice animation of a running cat, …

I liked the game instantly and felt like it would be a nice way to relax.

But the further I got in the game, the more I felt like the goal of the creators was to irritate us.

The “difficulty” of the mazes was the increasing length and the smaller size. Everything became smaller so it’s not a game for people with bad eyesight! And the mazes were super easy but just really long. The music also became more irritating. Sounds that don’t fit together and “singing”?

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Overall exactly what I expected, with a few issues -

The fact that it gets smaller with each stage wouldn’t bother me had they kept to a light colored background and tiles - a black cat would show up fine in contrast. I was able to see fine in all the stages, it just was more annoying on those.

I really, really wish the LoFi didn’t have any speaking to them. It made me jump multiple times, and just pulled me out of the relaxing mood. It’s only in a few of them, but I personally didn’t enjoy it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Nino Maze LOFI on Steam



Loved it!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Nice casual game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Brotate on Steam

Waddle Home

Waddle Home

(played on the oculus rift s in a relatively small l-shaped play area)

waddle home is a short easy puzzle game about leading penguins through a tile-based island, collecting eggs and avoiding enemies to reach a final goal. there’s 40 levels, having taken me about 2 hours to beat all of them with 100% collectables and now working back through in order to get the 1000 minimum score on each level achievement.

it’s not a new concept - not by any stretch of the imagination. back to bed is pretty much the same game - replacing penguins with a dreaming person and the dogs with robots - relying on the gimmick whereby your player(s) walk straight and turn left, and enemies walk straight and turn right. the primary differences are that a) this game is in vr and b) back to bed has a deeper set of mechanics and a more challenging levelset. if you’re going into this game expecting a brand new exciting (and difficult) puzzle experience, this isn’t worth your £4. buy back to bed instead, it delivers a far better experience on that front.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Your goal is to release cute penguins onto a level, who passively move through it: they only walk forward (you don’t control them), and only turn right when they bonk on something. You look down on the entire level as though you were a kid standing over a playset (think one of those Thomas the Train tables). Because of this, the game feels smaller and involves no movement around your room. If you can only play standing up, this is the perfect VR game for you. Anyway, the penguins need to pick up eggs and then exit. To guide them, you can raise or lower blocks, thereby altering the penguins' paths. There are enemies along the way who can remove your penguins. That’s it! Highly polished game, clean design, good fun. For an entry-level VR user who is looking to do something besides the tech demos and partial experences that lack progression, this fits the bill nicely. It not a visual feast, but it’s charm factor is AAA.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Waddle Home on Steam

Spring Bonus

Spring Bonus

This is the second casual coffee-break friendly match-3 I’ve played from Grey Alien, and I’m going to say this is an improvement over Holiday Bonus Gold. Besides there being a lot more variety in your screen-to-screen goals (you may have to match a certain number of a particular tiles, allow some unmatchable tiles to drop down the bottom, break some frozen tiles or a combination), the easy access to the Timed mode gives the game a lot more urgency. I’m usually not a fan of hurried puzzle games, but until level 98 (curse you level 98…), I had no problems beating the allotted times for each round. Cheerful music, though the art does look a bit Hallmark card-ish. Looking forward to rounding out the trilogy with Spooky Bonus next.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Enjoyable cute Match-3 with good game length (played through all 100 levels). Nice for relaxing :)

Soundtrack gets annoying after a while, though you can disable it.

There are no Steam cards, Steam backgrounds or achievements for it though.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Spring Bonus on Steam

Fish Feast

Fish Feast

10/10 Masterpiece

Fish Feast is a gameplay marvel, rewarding fishiness and agility in a way few games do.

There are lots of different fish and locations to admire. Fish Feast is lots of fun!

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Fish Feast on Steam

Kill The Santa

Kill The Santa

For a dollar you can shoot that jolly red suited bastard. save up points for a sniper and aim for that fat bastards testicles. Get to see them rupture in 3d and proceed to shoot his reindeer dead also

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Finished the game within 4 hours, really addicting and fun game for when you’re bored exspecially near the christmas season, i shot santa in the balls like a boss!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Kill The Santa on Steam