

Background Story :

Race for President is comming !

In 2020 , There are two candidate , one for pence , one for new .

And you’re just the head of a new souvenir factory , all this has nothing business with you .

One day , a man in black find you , and give you a secrect missison :

“You must help the current President pence , do anything you factory can do !”

Then the man who called The Director disappear .

“OK ,let’s see what I can do .”

You start check order , market and production , and start you secret mission .

Game Goal :

1.Make sure you factory survive .

2.Help the current President pence sucess.

How to play :

1.Build your production line ,and select production to produce .

2.Check the market and buy resouces or sign a order .

3.Check the polls view ,and influence the rate of support in secret .

Tips :

–You can upgrade your technology to help your factory .

–The more expensive the production, the more impressive it will be .

Read More: Best Cartoon Strategy Games.

SecretMission_ProduceForPresident on Steam

Kaverini Nuuk Adventures

Kaverini Nuuk Adventures

Welcome to Nuuk, the capital of Greenland! Design or choose your own character and immerse yourself as a tourist in a fanciful cartoon RPG depiction of a legendary Arctic city!

Explore the ice sheet, boating trips and the fjord alongside shopping malls, nightclubs, bars and museums!

Get drawn into a plot that places YOU as one of the most pivotal revolutionaries in the history of the world!

You may encounter foes of all sorts, be they sentient machines, rebellious foods, the occasional frustrated tourist, a frightened animal, or even the elements themselves, but never fear! Your emotional intelligence can disarm them all with no guns or sticks required!

Read More: Best Cartoon Cartoony Games.

Kaverini Nuuk Adventures on Steam

Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2

Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2

King Alexander XI is dead, and without heir.

Your parents want you to be that heir. Luckily for you, there’s totally an ancient tradition for electing a new ruler in times like these: simply lock eight children of royal blood (or the closest thing) in Castle Elsinore, complete with the ghosts of past rulers, and let them manipulate the living heck out of each other and the local population! Two shall rise above the rest: King and Queen (or Queen/Queen, King/King, King/Nobody, Queen/Nobody)! Everyone else that is still alive gets to go home! It’s a win-win for everyone (except those that died)!


  • Interact with eight different potential royal candidates! Sabotage or help them!

  • Decide what skills you want to learn as a potential ruler!

  • Part strategy, part dating sim, all royal bloodbath! This is more a dating sim than an election sim, though.

  • A variety of paths to go down, depending on what you do in the game! Who do you romance? Who do you backstab? Who do you romance and then backstab?

  • Invading armies? Political debates? It’s all in here!

  • Direct continuation of the story started in Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?, but completely separate from Furry Shakespeare and Dinosaur Shakespeare! Telling you why would be spoilers. Also, just a perfectly good stand-alone story!

Read More: Best Cartoon Visual Novel Games.

Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2 on Steam

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Point and click adventure game with a quest to find a Russian symbol.

True to it’s Russian nature you’ll see a lot of Russian stereotypes and clichés which can be fun and annoying.

I do wonder whether I’m walking through some sort of mini-Russia

! with drunks on the streets and being poor with almost everyone asking for money and many things just broken or in a worn down state. To come accross Very rude and impolite people is something I didn’t expect, actually.

The game has a very usable system to interact with the envoirement and a handy map that will transport you trough the game if you don’t feel like taking your characters walking. Beautifully drawn backgrounds and freshly designed lead characters. Still has that olden days Russia look of course. With Russian voices make it sound true to it’s Russian nature. It’s was hilarious to hear them talk in Russian for the first time, luckely the English subtiltes made sense. That’s where this game differentiates from other point&click games, it’s Russia style of handling things.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Well, it’s a russian game. Its main characters, Peter Isaev and Vasiliy Ivanovich Chapaev, were real people who served in Russian Civil War. Then, in 1934, came a very successful and popular film “Chapaev”, so this pair became the stable character of jokes and folklore, being popular for decades the USSR existed. They only lost their former glory in in 1990s-2000s, because of changed times and morals.

And, this game was made first decade after vanishing of that country, in a dark time for millions of people. Among questions that arose then, there was one, kind of philosophical - whither to move? For some people the way to get to the answer was - since the Union’s return in the nearest years seemed to be highly improbable, it’s reasonably to sum up all the previous experiense that country, consisted of every inhabitant, had, to highlest its best, to use it as base for building something some suitable for new circumstances, and then to move on.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded on Steam

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded

A poor attempt to cash in on the success of the previous game, about 25% of the locations and dialogs are from the first game, when I started playing at first I though I’m playing the first game again. puzzles are TOO easy to the point where you just need to visit all the locations a couple of times and youre done. The story line is very weak, basically one of the heroes gets some brain implant and they travel to the future to get it removed via plastic surgery, thats it. Most of the characters are reused, there are maybe 3 new characters in the entire game. The game itself is very short,

Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

This game is more of add-on, than of sequel in a full meaning of this word. Much of game’s sprites vere reused, especially in the first location, but some new characters appears as jusk reskins of those from the “Red Comrades 1 ”. Also, albeit this game is stand-alone, it’s much shorter than the previous insallement, and can be easlily done in under in 50 minutes.

Conceptually, this game is mainly focused on how in the late 1990s developers saw “the land of the free” throught the prism of the Soviet folklore. They were also making fun of some “western realities”, that have been a fashion in Russia back then. Previous installement seemed to reflect briefly the same theme whilst our stay on the “Brothel level”, and this adds more.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded on Steam