

Nice ambience with bugs and horrible controls

What this game is: This is a timed puzzle game with a cartoonish side. You litterally are a worm that has to eat his way through a setup in order to solve it by eating every available object (be it a brain, a skull, etc.) in a certain amount of time. You can make your way through one space only once, so you have to make sure not to put yourself in position of crossing your path.

How does it work? It presents 120 setups, on three pages, that you have to solve. Depending on the time you took in solving the puzzle (by eating everything there is to eat), you get from one to three skulls. From there, you are allowed to continue solving other puzzles, unless you want to get a better score (and thus more skulls).

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Arcade Games.

I came into Omnom Necropolis expecting a classic snake game, but found that this is more of a hybrid of the old snake game and a puzzler. Basically the goal of each level is to each each of the yucky dead things as quickly as possible without boxing yourself in. As you move you grow with every step (slither?) so you cannot enter the same space twice making it a bit of a challenge. I found that it’s easier if I don’t think too much about it and kind of get a broad idea of how to clear the board then tweak it out from there. This works pretty well except on some of the harder levels where things get a bit insane. There is a hint feature that shows you a completion path, but use it sparingly as it only gives you a quick flash and they are limited. Graphics and sound suit the mood and it looks nice enough: I tested it on my low-end machine and it ran smoothly so that’s nice. I’m slightly bummed that it does not support gamepads – because of this I cannot stream it to my shield or play it on the GPD Win easily. All in all if you like puzzly type games you will likely enjoy Omnom’s different approach to the genre. Plus it’s only 3 bucks. Good game to add to the Halloween playlist.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

NecroWorm on Steam

Balls out of Control

Balls out of Control

In a world plenty of balls, you’re the last of the Guardian Cubes to keep the order. But balls population has grow up nonstop in the last months, and they are out of your control now. Currently they crowd around everywhere, destroying anything that put between they and the stolen diamonds, which they protect fiercely.

You must recover all diamonds and restore the order before the situation become unmanageable!

Dodge crazy bouncing balls, get all diamonds and destroy demonic balls before time ends.

If you wanna to enjoy a non complex, direct and quick game, Balls out of Control is for you. Advance through different levels, pick up items, dodge enemies and get as lives as you can.

You can’t save or load the game! So, try to pass all 15 levels in a single sitting without loss all lives of time gets to zero. If you can do it, you will restart the game from first level in a new round, with more and faster balls.

Main features:

-Created with Unity.

-Simple but colorful 2D graphics, almost generated from 3D renders.

-Two game modes:

*Campaign mode: get all diamonds and destroy demonic balls along 15 levels (each one with his own theme) and uncountable rounds, before time ends.

*Arcade mode: destroy as many balls as you can before lose all lives. This mode has no time limit!

-Score system for both modes, depending on collected items, destroyed balls, etc. Try to exceed previous your own record in each game! You can see score list from Scores menu.

-Simple controls: you’ll not to worry about to memorize or realize complex buttons combinations: just move, shoot, sprint and/or activate Ghost Mode when available. You can use keyboard or XBox gamedad (recommended for a better game experience).

Note: you can configure all controls (keyboard and gamepad) from Game Launcher.

-Background music: a few soundtracks from different authors (excerpt for intro sequence and Game over, from myself). You’ll can see more detailed information at How to Play menu.

Read More: Best Cartoon Singleplayer Games.

Balls out of Control on Steam

clown town 1443

clown town 1443

I’m just gonna say it, I honestly expected a lot worse going into this.

But I’m glad to say that this game certainly didn’t disappoint. Taking inspiration from the classic era of flash games, this game follows a well-established formula with a few extra strings attached. Simple but challenging, short and sweet, it is definitely worth picking up.

While the graphics in some aspects may be somewhat crude, it adds so much to the overall charm the game brings. The gameplay is solid and enjoyable, as physics are used very well to give the car a sense of weight and velocity. Although it is only 10 levels long for the main game, it can be very challenging at times. Especially with the 10 bonus levels you get from getting a high enough score in the endless mode.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Driving Games.

I bought clown town 1443 because the developer was in a random unrelated Twitch stream dropping Steam keys out of nowhere. That kind of guerrilla marketing appealed to me and so I decided to purchase the game instead, and that isn’t just me coping for not being fast enough to snag one of the keys despite how generous the developer was in giving them.

As a big Friday Night Funkin' appreciator I have a soft spot for games that are basically love letters to Flash classics, and this game is very clearly wearing its Trials influences on its sleeve. There’s a bit more to it than just a straight clone, as this game features a bit more depth to its mechanics, such as a heat bar that must be managed. You’re free to bump around generally as much as you want, but if you overheat from too much acceleration you temporarily lose control of your vehicle. Crash in this state, and you’ll have to restart the level again.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

clown town 1443 on Steam

Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard

Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard

Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard is an old-school point & click adventure game that is reminiscent of the animated movies and Saturday morning cartoons of decades gone by. While it is obviously inspired by the LucasArts and Sierra classics, it also strives to create its own style and identity by returning to the original “adventure” aspect of the genre. Aside from solving the obligatory inventory-based puzzles, this means a heavy focus on exploring mysterious lands, uncovering secrets and dealing with all kinds of dangers.

Strange things are happening in the animal kingdom of Velehill. Unknown shadows of large appearance are seen roaming through the forests and making the ground shake with every step of their steel feet. Houses and trees are destroyed and one animal after the other seems to disappear mysteriously.

Finn, a young roebuck, soon finds out about the disappearance of his family as well. Without hesitation, he goes on a journey to find them, not knowing he and his new friend Gwen the owl will soon uncover a dark secret that should have been kept hidden for all eternity…

  • An immersive story told through hand-drawn landscapes and countless animations!

  • A return to the “adventure” aspect of the genre – a big focus on exploring whimsical places, uncovering secrets, and dealing with tense and dangerous situations

  • Cinematic cutscenes, reminiscent of hand-drawn animated movies, mixed with a pixel art aesthetic

  • Atmospheric soundtrack, inspired by the old midi classics everyone knows and loves

  • 6-8 hours of gameplay

Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard on Steam

Captain Disaster in: The Dark Side of the Moon

Captain Disaster in: The Dark Side of the Moon

I loved this little game. Graphics are a bit of an eyesore but they fit the mood well, because it’s a meta, fourth wall breaking parody type of game. It’s good fun and made me laugh. Puzzles make some sense and the dev was even kind enough to help me when I got stuck - I thought I had tried something I didn’t. This game is better enjoyed by people familiar with Sierra and Lucasarts games and that can get all the pop references. It exploits the point and click tropes and the bad habits of adventure players brilliantly.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

This game is a short little diversion that will be enjoyable to fans of the Point and Click genre. A fully voiced space comedy, you are trapped on a moon with the goal of getting off. In true adventure game fashion, a larger plot emerges.

The real joy of the game is the comedy writing. It is quite reference heavy, but enjoyable nonetheless. A full third of the references are to adventure games, classic adventure games, and AGS, the software used to build the game. Another full third of the references are sci-fi references. The final third of references are to Pink Floyd albums. If you don’t like these things, this game may not be for you.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Captain Disaster in: The Dark Side of the Moon on Steam

Daffy Fish

Daffy Fish

I hear the music in my dreams

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Daffy Fish on Steam

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Liker spillet godt. Det kommer mange minner tilbake, og en fantastisk jobb er blitt gjort for å lage spillet i en 2021 versjon. Noen forbedringer kan gjøres. “scores” blir borte av seg selv, da man lukker spillet og åpner det på nytt. Dette er frustrerende da man konkurrerer mot familiemedlemmer i bl.a postsortering. Man gå jo ikke rundt å husker på scoren sin, men når spillet glemmer den i tillegg blir det vanskelig å konkurrere. (sikkert en liten bug) Håper også highscore systemet skiller mellom lett/normal/vanskelig i en update. Har også et ønske om at resten av spillene kommer tilbake, gjerne i en “DLC” evt.

Real player with 53.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game greatly but it is not without problems.

It’s been so long since I played the original I can’t remember much of it, but I do remember the Ludwig’s labyrinth minigame being my favourite but they have changed into something else that is too easy and boring, in the original it was some easy addicting pac-man-ish.

The game is filled with the most useless trivia, I don’t know if it’s so they can sell it as a learning game or it’s just fun facts, but they are so pointless with one sentence each to cover entire fields of study.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Flåklypa Grand Prix on Steam

Captain Coffer 2D

Captain Coffer 2D


Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

It’s one of those cutesy challenging platformers that will probably make you scream. A great throwback game and freshman entry from this one-man dev team.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Captain Coffer 2D on Steam

Eggs Catcher VR

Eggs Catcher VR

⣾⡇⣿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⢻⣦⡀⠁⢸⡌⠻⣿⣿⣿⡽⣿⣿ play it

⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

First time i download and played a VR games it was fun and hilarious i just hard find to get a maneuver of the command maybe soon i might get used to it. It recommended for playing with your kids surely they will enjoy it

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Eggs Catcher VR on Steam

Lenny Loosejocks Goes Walkabout

Lenny Loosejocks Goes Walkabout

I came for the didgeridoo, but stayed for Mr. Macaroni’s sweet disposition.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Cool game

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Lenny Loosejocks Goes Walkabout on Steam