Colorado Cocoa Club

Colorado Cocoa Club

A Nice cute VN,,

Not long on either Route but very enjoyable.

I liked both girls, both very different to each other and different back grounds.

I Replayed Bahamian Rhapsody yet again and realised Kay Was Rebecca’s Ex,

Nice One Double Peach,,

The Music spoken about and the Jazz guy are in all the stories of these to.

As you read these VN’s you can build the stories all connecting.

I am wondering how far it all goes :p

Will a reunion happen ? hahahaha, all the new sets of Wives..

I recommend it to Yuri fans

Real player with 107.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Sexual Content Games.

I liked this game. In short, there’s enough discussion about food to make a halfling happy, the ladies are lovely and make good conversation, and the story setting is nice and relaxing. I could nit-pick some things (Little Black Book Entertainment, if you ever decide you need a copy editor or proofreader, look me up :P ), but the story comes through loud and clear, so why bother? I come to yuri Cesira, not to appraise her.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Colorado Cocoa Club on Steam

Adorable Witch

Adorable Witch

Adorable Witch is a casual, simple, and fun pin slider puzzle game. While yes the game may look very similar to those annoying mobile game ads on several websites, the game is very well made and quite fun to play. All the H-scenes are beautifully illustrated and can be unlocked for free directly on steam.

I will say the game is exceedingly short though. H-scenes are unlocked every 3 levels and with 10 H-scenes that leaves the game with only 30 levels. Most people can finish this within roughly an hour of playtime. That being said, the game is cheap enough and the art is good enough where I didn’t mind too much.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Sexual Content Games.

“Adorable” is right. Those plants that you water and cute jelly blobs and the level designs ARE ADORABLE!!! Oh and the character designs are cute too, but I just wanted to play the puzzles. :D

The puzzles are physics-like, but easy… I never played them, and I was able to solve all of them myself… Until I had to get a “cheater” achievement. XD

Once you do three of the puzzles, you get a… Hmm… Interactive CG screen? If you have the patch, it offers more… I started with the patch, ‘cause I am an adult ‘n all, so I gotta play girl dress up and down and see what happens if I click this particular button…

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Adorable Witch on Steam

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

Tonight is the night! Next door at the spooky mansion, the hottest girls in Blueball Falls are throwing the hottest and sexiest party in history!

Enter Jerry Wanker or at least he’d like to enter. Considered the dillweed of town, Jerry didn’t get invited. Now he’s far from a badass, but his theoretical knowledge about sex is as broad as his cunning. He’ll need that, his wits, a sense of humor and the outside-the-box thinking to outsmart the lugheads and scrubs keeping him from his goal. A hot date with at least one of the lovely gals at the party!

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid! is a nostalgic successor to some of the best when it comes to naughty Point and Click Adventures! Unlock the hidden path to get with the fairer sex in the newest game made by the creators of Perky Little Things! Beyond an amazing handcrafted 2D world, you’ll find familiar characters, fun banter and plenty of lusty times in this fresh and saucy tale.

But never forget. Only with your help does Jerry stand a chance to achieve his goal. Don’t leave him hanging!

Read More: Best Cartoon Sexual Content Games.

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid on Steam

Brick Love

Brick Love

Gameplay is boring but the images are good. But one criticism about the art work is there are no men.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

completed in one sitting and was very enjoyable game to play , one thing i would like to see in brick love 2 because there will obvs be a sequal is a soundtrack thanks for such a great gaming experince

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Brick Love on Steam

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice

Having played LSL7 and LSL1 Reloaded, I really liked Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, I thought it was a good reboot and the developers really managed to get that LSL touch and feeling. Unfortunatelly, this sequel is not as good as the first one in my opinion. The developers incorporated some new things compared to the first one, like a quest log or a blueprints crafting thing…that’s great, but there are some flaws in this game. Some riddles are just too complicated to figure out, or not really fun to play and probably out of place (the maze is not TOO horrible, but still, it’s….a maze, you know). You will tell me that it’s like this in every adventure game, and yes, you’re right, but even for a point’n’click, sometimes it’s just too much. Also, I should say that if you don’t like under-the-belt jokes and stuff, you’ll probably not like this game, but then again, it’s like this since the very first episode of the series so I’m not sure why people are complaining about this. Some songs have been recycled from the first game, same for the characters and voice actors. But the worst thing in this game is the bugs and glitchs, there is a stupid amount of them in the game, even more than the first one at it’s launch. Translation glitchs, display glitchs, characters that goes through the scenery, etc…there are not game-breaking and permastuck (from my experience) but it’s really not great in term of game experience. It took me 20 hours to finish the game for the first time, so yeah, the content and lenght is not the problem. It’s not a bad game, it’s actually pretty good, but something is missing, not sure what exactly it is. I would still recommend it BUT not in it’s current state. Devs, you have a lot of work to do in patching and correcting the freaking bugs and glitchs. And if there was to be any third CrazyBunch LSL game one day, maybe you should change the formula…the playings mecanics, the graphics, the universe, the look of the hero. But it’s already great to have two more LSL games, thanks for that !

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

I’ve just finished the game (which took me two days) and I must say, overall, I was blown away. It made the first game (WDDD, I mean) look like a tech demo.

There was so much in the way of traditional adventuring to do, an engaging storyline, beautiful artwork and solid authentic dialogue delivery (top notch from the main two as well).

Forewarning us to say no nudity was a bit of a misnomer, from what I could see. A trend that was started in WDDD, there was plenty of comic boobage (things that weren’t boobs but sure as hell looked like them) and even puss. There was also plenty of clothed animation. The guard on the (almost) all-female island certainly springs to mind (and not the only thing that springs at the thought). Then there was the subtle suggestion of triangle trim on the secret agent, the areola exposure and pokies on some of the women.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice on Steam

Shit Storm

Shit Storm

Nice Game! The game TITLE alone makes –it worth the price. Ya –it violates both Rules and Guidelines “Abusive language, including swearing” and “What not to publish on Steam” obscene, vulgar shock factor, so –It is a notch above the rest. –It’s good to see EVERYONE is allowed on Steam? I highly recommend –it to everyone!

#Not affiliated with persons business or products

Real player with 7860.3 hrs in game

Shit Storm, Shit Storm is one of the best games i have ever played. You really enjoy the game while playing it. And you get calm while playing it. It has some good and cool skins such as, Top hat, Party hat, Crown. And you can also collect coins that you use for the skins. I got this as an christmas gift from a friend and i can tell from my own perspective that you get real happy for it because it’s a very cool and calm game. Worth every single € and i hope that this will help you and maybe get you to buy it too.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Shit Storm on Steam

9-nine-:Episode 4

9-nine-:Episode 4

Episode 4 is the first game I’ve played of the series.

The story is so good that I want to read all of the chapters. Except I don’t, because that would mean I wouldn’t see Noa and Kakeru together anymore.

The creators did a splendid job at helping you understand the plot without having to read the previous chapters. This was definitely one of my bigger concerns because nobody likes experiencing things where they’re left completely out of the loop.

I find the quality of this story to come close to some of my favorite novels: Chaos;Child, Steins;Gate and ISLAND. Many events in this novel seem to be centered around personalities and it shows you how much thought went in to every single character, but the main story revolves around the concept of time travel with their own fascinating twist added to it.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

This is not a proper review AT ALL, I am just typing what I have in my mind.

9-nine series, definitely masterpiece-tier visual novel for me. Who would have thought a simple story about investigating the truth behind a crime would lead up to so many messed up things. Truth to be told, I thought 9-nine is just another visual novel that talks about daily life with the heroines, having dates, sharing first kiss, saving the heroines in dangerous situation and so on. Hell no, 9-nine brought me more than that, of course one thing that surprised me the most is the game breaking the fourth wall and involve you as much as possible into the story.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

9-nine-:Episode 4 on Steam

Bahamian Rhapsody

Bahamian Rhapsody

Cute and fun story…

Got the 2 Best endings and they are both nice ways to end on.

Have replayed a few times now,, and realised Kay is the girl who broke up with Rebecca from Colorado Cocoa Club, Coming back to this one made me realise,

Great art in both VN’s too.

To people who like Yuri or Romance I do recommend it.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Why in this day and age when Apple explicitly told you no more 32bit on macOS do you still make this 32bit? It doesn’t run on macOS. This is just lazy. Update your engine! Aren’t you guys in this business to sell games and make money? You won’t do it with these half-hearted attempts especially limiting what platforms your titles run on. Do better and excel because this is mediocre at best and capitalism will see you fail with these lazy attempts, I’ll be glad when you do, get rid of another passionless studio and hopefully your lives disappear into obscurity.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Bahamian Rhapsody on Steam

Cute Honey 2

Cute Honey 2

As we all know, kidney deficiency is a very common phenomenon in male health care. We must pay more attention to it at ordinary times. We should regulate our diet and living habits. When it comes to men’s kidney deficiency, we will say that there are many ways to tonify the kidney, one of which is food tonic. Tonifying the body is naturally to strengthen the body. Then, what can a man eat for kidney deficiency quickly?

What does man kidney deficiency eat to fill quickly

1. Sesame porridge

Materials: 50g sesame, 100g japonica rice and 50g honey.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Cute Honey 2 is a game where you draw a line and try and get water to fall into a cup. Some of the levels take a fair amount of trial and error to get through, though there is a hint option to help if you so choose.

The interactive gallery is what you’re paying for and for the most part, and the girls are pretty hot. I’m all for glasses and cat ears, but the interactivity and the looping animation in it is a bit annoying. I like saving off screenshots and I find it’s very difficult to get good ones; whether it’s because the girl’s eyes will be closed when her cooch is visible for that 1 second or the huge cursor is in the way when you get a snap of the money shot. I just find the whole thing cumbersome. Also, for those that care, trading cards take an unreasonable amount of time to drop … a total of 9 hours for a game that has about an hour of content.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Cute Honey 2 on Steam

Line Sweetheart

Line Sweetheart

Different numbers of squares form a variety of irregular patterns. Starting from the starting point, it cannot be repeated. Connect all the squares with a line to unlock the pattern. There are 4 sets of graphics in each level, all of which must be unlocked, and you can get a sweetheart photo every time you pass a level. There is a thread between you and sweetheart.

Line Sweetheart on Steam