Kingdom: The Far Reaches

Kingdom: The Far Reaches

very decent despite the fact that is is an old game. A very rich storyline too. It’s a shame that the manual is not included. Also there does not seem to be the sequal, Kingdom Shadoan. Hopefully, it could be released here

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Adventure Games.

Kingdom: The Far Reaches on Steam



“Тунстрак” - классический представитель почившего ныне жанра point&click, популярность которого пришлась на девяностые годы. От прочих представителей жанра данную игру отличает наличие оцифрованного актера, которым мы управляем и которому мы помогаем решать головоломки и продвигаться по сюжету. И актер не какой бы там, а сам Кристофер Ллойд, который подарил нам ярких и запоминающихся героев фантастических фильмов - судья Дум (“Кто подставил кролика Роджера”), Эмметт Браун (трилогия “Назад в будущее”), Фестер Аддамс (дилогия “Семейка Аддамс”). Ллойд играет художника-аниматора, который волею судьбы оказался в придуманном им мире, в окружении нарисованных им же персонажей. Над королевством Кьютопия нависла опасность в лице графа Нефариуса и местный король просит нас помочь в борьбе с негодяем, чем мы и будем заниматься на протяжении десятка часов. Игра очень простая и выполнена в рисованной 2D-стилистике, мы перемещаемся от одного экрана к другому, беседуем с персонажами, собираем хлам в инвентарь и ищем, куда это барахло применить, получаем новые вещи, попадаем в новые локации и т.д. Все это действо сопровождается отменным юмором, будто смотришь очередной мультфильм Луни Тьюнс. К сожалению, слабая рекламная компания и зарождающаяся в те времена мода на 3D, сыграли с игрой злую шутку, ее не спасло даже наличие на озвучке, помимо Ллойда, Дэна Кастелланеты и Тима Карри. Очень жаль, ведь в финале был жирнейший намек на продолжение.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Adventure Games.

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Toonstruck | Arcade Theory

Close your eyes and imagine a world where animated characters interact with live action individuals. If you’re thinking about the classic film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, you’re on the right track. Picture the movie’s antagonist, the sinister Judge Doom. Now imagine him surrounded by a bulldog that sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a robot that sounds like Christopher Walken, an effeminate scarecrow, and dominatrix cows. If you’re confused, don’t be. This is just a fraction of Virgin Entertainment’s point-and-click animated adventure known as Toonstruck. Released in 1996, this game combines live action characters in animated environments to create a unique experience that could be seen to some as visually overwhelming, but challenging and fun to play for everyone.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Toonstruck on Steam

Battle Star

Battle Star

I played almost 40h and want to keep going. As a f2p I like that you can get all the characters without spending any money. The graphics are good, sounddesign is catching and the turnbased combat is right up my ally. The only thing I might add is the option to change gear during missionselection. Other than that I would also like to see a male character who talks more (srly girls are not in shortage but where are the men?). That aside, the combat is exciting and story interesting (at least for me). I do love me a good grind (I did spend more of less 70% of my playtime grinding ressources) but that might not be the case for everyone. You can take it ez though. I recommend you try it out for yourself. Can’t wait for more exciting updates. ;)

Real player with 141.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Strategy Games.

Summary: This is a pretty awesome game if you like SRPGs!

Story: It exists. It’s not great, it’s not terrible, just whatever. Pretty generic anime-esque stuff, a group of female fighters trying to take down the evil bad guys.

Artstyle/UI: Very good! The characters are clean and distinct, the attacks are flashy without being over-the-top. UI is tight and shiny, and easy to navigate. It’s anime style in the artwork, but chibi “big head” characters in the actual gameplay. It’s not distracting though, it’s very cute. Some character artwork is sexualized with huge cleavage, but compared to a lot of games of this stripe, it’s not over-the-top. Many characters are just badass/cool without being scantily clad.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Battle Star on Steam

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

NOTE: Scroll down for summary and rating

If you haven’t played Dragon’s Lair 2, or any of the Don Bluth games in general, imagine a cartoon animation fused with Geometry Dash. Highly difficult, fast reactions, trial and error, and memory. Dragon’s Lair 2 is a challenging full motion video game where you must push the arrow keys and space bar at the right moment.

The story continues from the first Dragon’s Lair. After the protagonist Dirk the Daring freed Princess Daphnie from the dark magic of the Dragon’s Lair, she gets kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordoc, and must use a time machine, which is oddly the nicer brother of Mordoc and talks. He must travel through different time zones and worlds to save Daphnie once again.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

The ambitious sequel to the innovative arcade game by Don Bluth and his team. The squeaky eye-candy princess Daphne has been kidnapped by the evil Mordroc, who apparently wants to marry her for some unknown reason. While the entire first game took place in the castle, in this one, you travel through 6 different timelines by using a unique flying time machine.

Another change is this game plays more like an interactive movie; inputing the correct commands to progress through the level as it goes. I am not entirely sure what the difficulty was on the first game, but this one is pretty difficult, especially when you turn off the move guides which serve as the game’s training wheels. Then you have to solely rely on the yellow flashes to figure out what direction to go or when to use your sword. To make matters worse, except in the first level, if you mess up, you will restart to the beginning of the level. So you’ll need good memorization skills in order to succeed, especially when turning off the move guide to get two achievements.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp on Steam

Dragon’s Lair

Dragon’s Lair

The 1980s. Ronald Reagan, Rubik’s Cube, MTV, and in the arcades, games like Pac-Man, Centipede, Space Invaders, Defender and others are eating up the quarters of America. Jump ahead in time a little and a new technology, the laser disc player, is brought into the arcade in the form of a game/animated movie called ‘Dragon’s Lair’. In this game, the player ‘plays’ the movie, that is, at certain points in the game the player is given the option to choose how the character moves. Choose the right option and the story continues, choose wrong, and the character faces a gruesome demise.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Back in ‘83 when this game first came out, we had a single arcade in our small city (that’s not so small now) that had Dragon’s Lair. Many of us fell in love with the game and a new challenge was present in our community arcade… to beat the dragon and save the princess. I dumped way too many quarter’s into this game and came back late from lunch on more than one occassion. The owner of the arcade had installed a monitor above the machine so others could watch while you played. In time I had developed quite a few followers that I think figured I was most likely to complete the game. Some would even let me play ahead of them even though they had their quarters lined up. A couple of times other people even paid for me to play the game. One afternoon, it finally happened. Amidst a small crowd of people surrounding the machine I reached the Dragon’s Lair. Of course I didn’t beat it the first time, but I played again and much to the enjoyment of the crowd, I defeated the dragon and we all saw the end of the game. I was very proud to have been the first person in our city to have defeated the game.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair on Steam

What The Dub?!

What The Dub?!

Overall, my gaming group loves it as an addition to the Jackbox stuff.

It is very well done and fun! You can make it as clean or as dirty as you like which means everyone can play. The clips are weird and esoteric enough that most people won’t know where they’re from and that is perfect. I hope they add more.

I do have some minor suggestions, though.

Something more for the audience to do. Maybe they could throw out suggestions on screen or something. Just a thought. Being in the audience can be boring at times. I know more players would mean more repeating clips, but maybe have the game know when there are more than 6 and only use short clips for that game so it doesn’t get too monotonous.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

As an English teacher during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, thank you for this game! It’s so simple to set up and incorporate What the Dub into online lessons via Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc that I’d recommend it to any and all ESL teachers.

The included video clips manage to be both humorous in their dubbing potential whilst also being relatively simple in terms of their language that it allows students who are A2 level and above to reliably produce clever, funny or appropriately wacky sentences. Moreover, the simplicity of the game makes it suitable for everyone over the age of 10 and the price is very fair for what’s offered.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

What The Dub?! on Steam

Boris the Sloth

Boris the Sloth

On his quest to save his friend Euka the Koala from an evil mandrake, Boris the Sloth must solve physics-based puzzles while fighting off dangerous animals and traversing challenging terrain.

Faster than your Average Sloth

Move Objects

Warp Time

Alter Gravity

Pet the Dog

Fight Dangerous Animals with Cunning

Transition to and from the Spirit Realm

Use your powers in the spirit realm to uproot trees and move objects in order to give yourself a chance to escape and find Euka in the world of the living. But watch out, one missed step and you’ll be stuck as a spirit forever. Luckily, you have a few tricks up your fur and can use your sloth abilities to warp time and alter gravity in order to rescue your friend.

Navigate through jungles, caves, dungeons, and ruins to save Euka and take revenge on the evil mandrakes that have taken over the jungle.

Boris the Sloth on Steam



It’s a text-based alien world game.

Need to advance the game through your various choices

Otherworld selection game if you choose wrong you die if you choose right you can defeat BOOS

The general plot

You woke up in an otherworldly room

The goddess doesn’t seem to remember that the demon king has been released

The goddess of the other world gives you a maid

The task of defeating the rampaging Slime was arranged

However, after defeating the Slime ………………

异世界无厘头生活2 on Steam