Baby Shark VR Dancing

Baby Shark VR Dancing

If you have a 3 year old and want to introduce him/her to VR in the most pleasant way possible, this is probably the game for you. There are no movement controls, no complicated menus, and the use of controllers are optional. My son did not know what to do with the controllers at the menu so I had to do the menu selection for him. After that he was happily making bubbles with the controllers as intended.

Content wise this game is literally as long as the song.* How many times you want to repeat it is up to you and your sanity.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Family Friendly Games.

So i would say for what you get, the price in my opinion should be cheaper as only one song and very limited game.

less than 20mins for played twice through.

I hope that this is a unfinished project and there is more update’s too improve what has been created as the price just dose not justify what you get.

but i will say in my final word my child with a learning disability loves this sort of thing and wish there was more games available

and even tho the price is higher than it should be a smiling happy child is much better than any money in the world.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Baby Shark VR Dancing on Steam



Great game that I was surprised to see how much it has improved since the first version I played months ago. The color palette is perfect, the music fits in perfectly with the atmosphere of the game and the art is quite original.

I can say that this game is not made for people who want to go as fast as possible but for people who like to do puzzles and be patient. This does not mean that the game is slow and boring since it is made in a way that you can not get bored at any time, either because they add something new (mechanics, obstacles, robots, etc.) or because of the dynamic obstacles.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Indie Games.

I have not yet played this game for hours on end. YET! I have to say this. This game is very VERY fun. It is funny and a well played game. Easy controls and the cartoon like appeal is even better. So far all I have seen are three different type of units to play but this game has potential to an epic level to keep building. Do I recommend? By all means YES. It is a fun pass time game and has funny story to it.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

M.A.R.S.S. on Steam

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

Last level is a great example “How to make cool game and destroy it with final level”.

Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps).

How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly.

NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn’t change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you’ve chosen.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon FPS Games.

UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I’ve changed my mind about the game.

This game isn’t ready for prime time just yet, but it’s still pretty fun.

The good:

1. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it’s done and all the problems are ironed out.

2. The artwork and music are good

3. Good voice acting

4. Good humor

The bad:

1. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy’s chest and “miss”. This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you’re as good as dead. You can’t afford to miss any shots, even once.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

The Spy Who Shrunk Me on Steam

Blind Men

Blind Men

I would rate this game as a cute and short adventure that’s worth the price. Even with the occasional error, I’ve honestly paid more for that same amount of quality. My play time is a little high because I was playing this at the same time as another game with a lot of wait time.

Hunter was my first, but Sergei ended up as my favorite. I feel like a lot of these types games try and force the romance, but the fact that you could ignore it entirely was actually made the game feel more natural to me. I would love to see these characters expanded on later. Possibly even just in print form.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

A Cute And Funny VN For A Great Price!

I’m a big fan of dating sims and I was super happy to find this cute little BxB game! The art for all the characters was very nice, both the love interests were very handsome! The art for the backgrounds and cgs were also very nice, as was the music. I played and got all of the achievements, was very happy with the stories! I did enjoy the Sergei routes much more than Hunters, but that’s personal preference! If I were to put one critique it would be that there were a few spelling and grammar errors I noticed, but other than that I would say that this game is well worth the price tag, especially if it’s on sale! I’m excited to see more from these devs in the future!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Blind Men on Steam