Pac vs Ghosts

Pac vs Ghosts

it has a lot of bugs! But the game does work!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Arcade Games.

Hardly works. It’s a simple game where you control a sausage covered in a Russian flag to squish copyright infringing ghosts. If you run into anything the camera goes insane and can get stuck or break the game. Starting over doesn’t fix this, you need to exit the game fully to fix the issue. Oh, and there isn’t an exit button in the game because reasons.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Pac vs Ghosts on Steam

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

NOTE: Scroll down for summary and rating

If you haven’t played Dragon’s Lair 2, or any of the Don Bluth games in general, imagine a cartoon animation fused with Geometry Dash. Highly difficult, fast reactions, trial and error, and memory. Dragon’s Lair 2 is a challenging full motion video game where you must push the arrow keys and space bar at the right moment.

The story continues from the first Dragon’s Lair. After the protagonist Dirk the Daring freed Princess Daphnie from the dark magic of the Dragon’s Lair, she gets kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordoc, and must use a time machine, which is oddly the nicer brother of Mordoc and talks. He must travel through different time zones and worlds to save Daphnie once again.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Adventure Games.

The ambitious sequel to the innovative arcade game by Don Bluth and his team. The squeaky eye-candy princess Daphne has been kidnapped by the evil Mordroc, who apparently wants to marry her for some unknown reason. While the entire first game took place in the castle, in this one, you travel through 6 different timelines by using a unique flying time machine.

Another change is this game plays more like an interactive movie; inputing the correct commands to progress through the level as it goes. I am not entirely sure what the difficulty was on the first game, but this one is pretty difficult, especially when you turn off the move guides which serve as the game’s training wheels. Then you have to solely rely on the yellow flashes to figure out what direction to go or when to use your sword. To make matters worse, except in the first level, if you mess up, you will restart to the beginning of the level. So you’ll need good memorization skills in order to succeed, especially when turning off the move guide to get two achievements.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp on Steam

Dragon’s Lair

Dragon’s Lair

The 1980s. Ronald Reagan, Rubik’s Cube, MTV, and in the arcades, games like Pac-Man, Centipede, Space Invaders, Defender and others are eating up the quarters of America. Jump ahead in time a little and a new technology, the laser disc player, is brought into the arcade in the form of a game/animated movie called ‘Dragon’s Lair’. In this game, the player ‘plays’ the movie, that is, at certain points in the game the player is given the option to choose how the character moves. Choose the right option and the story continues, choose wrong, and the character faces a gruesome demise.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cartoon Adventure Games.

Back in ‘83 when this game first came out, we had a single arcade in our small city (that’s not so small now) that had Dragon’s Lair. Many of us fell in love with the game and a new challenge was present in our community arcade… to beat the dragon and save the princess. I dumped way too many quarter’s into this game and came back late from lunch on more than one occassion. The owner of the arcade had installed a monitor above the machine so others could watch while you played. In time I had developed quite a few followers that I think figured I was most likely to complete the game. Some would even let me play ahead of them even though they had their quarters lined up. A couple of times other people even paid for me to play the game. One afternoon, it finally happened. Amidst a small crowd of people surrounding the machine I reached the Dragon’s Lair. Of course I didn’t beat it the first time, but I played again and much to the enjoyment of the crowd, I defeated the dragon and we all saw the end of the game. I was very proud to have been the first person in our city to have defeated the game.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair on Steam

The Disney Afternoon Collection

The Disney Afternoon Collection

The Disney Afternoon Collection not only came as a welcome surprise to 90s kids, retro gamers, & speedrunners alike, but arrived just in time for the reboot of the hit series DuckTales (2017).

(Note: An abbreviated version is posted here, because the full set with dedicated reviews for every game, would go far beyond the constraints of Steam’s character limit. Links to the full reviews with references are therefore included.)

Disney, Capcom, & Nintendo

Since these old licensed games are based on old TV series, here’s a bit of context to understand where they are coming from.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

As somebody who grew up with a NES and watching the Disney afternoon cartoons, I can’t really review this objectively because I’m gonna view it through nostalgia-tinted-glasses, but I’ll try my best.

First off the package:

  • This thing collects all the NES Disney games that Capcom developed and published in the 90’s. Those are DuckTales 1+2, Chip&Dale 1+2, Darkwing Duck, and TaleSpin.

  • Everything runs through an emulator. You get the standard fare of these bundles in terms of visuals which is one default border and three screen settings (4:3, Pixel Perfect and stretched) and you can use a scanlines filter so the games kind of look like they’re played on old CRT tvs.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

The Disney Afternoon Collection on Steam

DuckTales: Remastered

DuckTales: Remastered

Pogo everything. Leave no survivors.

I was too young to play Capcom’s Ducktales when it originally came to the NES back in 1990 (I was two years old then), but I made up for it by playing the game constantly when it was available on the NEStalgia online emulator a few years back.

What a treat, then, that Ducktales Remastered (a port/remake developed by Wayforward Technologies) is light-years ahead of the original version. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that this is a faithful remake that does justice to the license while throwing a boatload of extra content for longtime fans.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

I’m downvoting this game with extreme prejudice because it has a crash bug which has been left unaddressed for over a year: players who have Nvidia cards with up-to-date drivers will find that the game will always freeze on the final boss. It seems that some recent version of Nvidia drivers broke some graphic effects in late-game cutscenes. Unfortunately, the rights to this game are a royal cluster of bureaucracy between Disney, CAPCOM, and WayForward, and nobody seems interested in addressing the issue, or even acknowledging that this game exists anymore. Basically, if you don’t have access to a PC without an Nvidia card, do not buy this game, as you will not be able to finish it without skipping specific cutscenes and using weird workarounds.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

DuckTales: Remastered on Steam

Doughlings: Arcade

Doughlings: Arcade

As far as Arkanoid types go I’m giving this one the highest honors. Doughlings Arcade just doesn’t use capsules or what not to change the behavior of the ball but requires our protagonist Morpheus to morph into a super-hero type. Only then upon collecting the requisite amount of thumbs-up so to speak can you then activate the super hero power of the current super hero.

Doughlings Arcade doesn’t use blocks but Doughlings, Doughlings of different colors imply a certain state of distress and by hitting them you are essentially healing them thereby reducing their stress levels and changing their color. Blue Doughlings are one level above a fully healed Doughling so that when you hit the Blue Doughlings you’ve healed them.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


1 day ago (edited)

One of the Best Arkanoid games Ive played

trust me Ive played a lot Arkanoid to Glaive

the game itself introduces very cool things to the genre

namely DNA power ups sprout mucles wield guns even be a ghost

all the personas give you special moves to use against the doughlings

your trying to cure and clear on the screen

what makes it fun is the creators tools …yeah make you own levls post them and

compete to make the best levels out there its addictive

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Doughlings: Arcade on Steam

Paw Patrol: On A Roll!

Paw Patrol: On A Roll!

To begin with I’m going to say what I think of this game as a parent who has to sit and play the game with my kid;

It’s cute but annoying. Each level is basically the same except with a different pup. The only character that talks is Ryder, literally no pup or person other than him says a thing. You even see the pups mouth move when they do that whole ‘bark, net,’ sort of thing, yet they don’t speak. Every level, and what feels like every other second, Ryder keeps talking. “Dont forget the left stick.’ ‘collect the pup treats’ ‘i detect a gold paw’. SHUT UP RYDER WE GET IT!!! I thought this was going to be more open world, with levels of course, but maybe the kids get to look around the lookout or something like that. It’s a side scroller. Also some of the levels are hard for little ones. At some point some of the ledges they need to jump up onto have a lip so the kid has to back up and then try and jump, which is confusing for little ones.

Real player with 128.4 hrs in game

AIDS… I mean aide people in trouble

Buying this game for my 3 year old was a great idea, but the game does have it’s flaws. Besides being mind numbing easy, the only voice you’ll hear throughout the game is Ryders, and missions are incredibly repetitive. I feel that this game is a glorified phone game.

Missions goes as follows:

There is a problem and the pups are assembled and selected to solve it. First thing you’ll notice is that Tracker and Everest are with the other pups climbing to tower. Once Ryder makes his selection of 4 pups you control 2 of them and call the other two when the time is right.

Real player with 93.8 hrs in game

Paw Patrol: On A Roll! on Steam

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

WOW I was shocked at how fun this was! I never played this as a kid but I was a massive fan of spongebob growing up. So naturally I picked this up for nostalgia reasons. the critics say this is a bad glitchy game but i never experienced one glitch and i had a fantastic time! difficulty is perfectly balanced, story is cute and fun (just what you would expect from spongebob :D) and it was extremely creative! I cant wait for the sequel!

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game


The Atmosphere in this game is neat

Ladies and Gentlemen


Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated on Steam

Dungeon Hero

Dungeon Hero

Time for another review))

I have played this game for about 100 hours and i find it very enjoyable.

It is an original idea using cartoony Carectors and put together very well, the whole concept of the game is excellent but still room for improvement.

The developer has a money spinner here and if he/she plays their cards right this game could be a big seller and win awards but it would mean changing and improving a few things.

Good points…

Good graphics/Game engine

Plenty of weapons

Plenty of monsters

Real player with 132.2 hrs in game

I am quite surprised by the quantity of negative reviews, which seem to be more a knee-jerk reaction to micro-transcations than the game itself. The game is designed as a simple hack-and-slash game. A casual game to play during dead time. As such, combat and dungeon exploration are the key components - not unlocking heroes.

The random game modes are easy enough to complete without your hero dieing (which only costs two gems for revival), and these modes provide you with the gems needed to advance your hero with enough left to go to your stockpile for the occassional death or weapon improvement. With leveled up characters and some spare potions, the large random maps and the more complex, 16-level, hand-designed dungeon provide you sufficient gems to unlock higher level pets and heroes.

Real player with 125.6 hrs in game

Dungeon Hero on Steam

Orbis Fugae

Orbis Fugae

Anya’s Story: Follow self-crowned Pirate Queen Anya Ophelia Morgan on a world-spanning quest to uncover the truth about her father, a secret treasure, an unknown cult and – most of all – herself. Her Adventure might lead her to places she didn’t expect.

Past meets present: Orbis Fugae combines traditional Point&Click Gameplay with puzzle design straight out of popular Escape Room mechanics and ideas. Many puzzles require the player to investigate the environment and documents, check rooms and scenes for irregularities, clues or hints, and think outside the box.

Solutions might not be clear, but hidden within another puzzle.

Escape! Escaping puzzle rooms is a big part of Orbis Fugae: In many cases, Anya will find herself in a locked room environment and will have to discover a way to escape. The correct way out might not always be clear - so be sure to check everything at your disposal.

Meet interesting people, find exciting treasures and learn to escape any trap you might encounter.

Orbis Fugae is a story-driven Point&Click Escape Adventure featuring hand-drawn art and animation, and an atmospheric soundtrack.

Everything in your environment may be part of a puzzle - so keep your eyes open and your brain running!

Kitty wants pizza is a one-person indie project by Timo from Germany. This is a project I’m trying to do all by myself, without prior programming knowledge. All graphics and animations are hand-drawn, all music composed from scratch.

If you like the game, have questions, need help or just want to voice your opinion, feel free to contact me via Email or Social Media.

And most of all, I hope you’re looking forward to the game. I know I do!

Orbis Fugae on Steam