Wolflord - Werewolf Online

Wolflord - Werewolf Online

Wolflord has taken up my time as the only social deduction based game that I play to this day.

I started out in this genre making content on other SD games for a long time, and although I put a lot of hours into those games and wanted to enjoy them, various things would continuously turn me away. I can say that Wolflord has never been that way for me.

The game itself has a slightly different format to your more popular SD games, where “copy paste last will’s” is what the game revolves around. However, this game focuses more on actual deduction rather than simply reading out a players' will and determining whether that information is correct based on shared knowledge. Every phase of the game feels important, and compliments the day/night cycle as a whole very well. Roles are very well thought out, and while some are favoured over others, I can say that I never truly feel like I ever get cast as a “useless” or “boring” role with this game.

Real player with 346.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Social Deduction Games.

Keep in mind this game is still in beta at the time I am writing this, so it is still early and the community is niche, but their Discord is active and a good way to gather games if you’re looking for more games without having to add so many bots. I’m sure as time goes on after getting out of beta, Town of Salem and Throne of Lies players may migrate over here. The game itself is very interesting, you can set your own role list based on the class cards/rules cards so the possibilities are endless, AND it even indicates how balanced between factions the setup is, which you don’t exactly see in Town of Salem custom lobbies. But yes, I do see potential in this game and intend to add it to my social deduction streaming repertoire and look forward to helping build the community. Very much recommended.

Real player with 326.4 hrs in game

Wolflord - Werewolf Online on Steam

Freebooter of SPLORR!!

Freebooter of SPLORR!!

I flung turds at a werewolf, bribed some bats, dropped my trousers and defeated a dragon. All this while drinking beer, wine and coffee to keep me going! Was an interesting, random pickup ex’splorring' this game. Trying to win on hard mode now and not poop myself… again.

Definitely recommended for some lighthearted quirky fun!

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Adventure Games.

Freebooter of SPLORR!! is a fun call back to dungeon crawlers of old. Mixed with some great humour and unique encounters, this is definitely worth it. The music and sound effects are on point, giving you an immersive experience.

The randomness of the dungeons ensures plenty of mixed gameplay, and plenty of achievements to work your way towards! Great game if you love the dungeon crawler style games! Highly recommend!

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Freebooter of SPLORR!! on Steam

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry

I’m thoroughly enjoying this game. It’s a great alternative to Cluedo, but slightly more challenging and in-depth, in my opinion. It may take a few games to get to grips with the mechanics, cards and options available, but it won’t be long before you find yourself either being targeted/preyed upon or interrogating/attacking other players. It’s a dog-eat-dog type of survival game, where everyone’s out for themselves including the monster. The theme and daunting background music enhance the game, making you feel slightly uneasy (like prey), not knowing for sure who, what or where the monster is, unless they reveal themselves. Also, playing as the monster is an additional challenge, which requires an alternative strategic approach. You’ll soon find you can’t just go around munching on fellow opponents in broad daylight, but have to maintain a far more stealthy disposition. I felt the game was fairly balanced well, particularly if playing the monster against AI opponents (for mediocre players). However, I haven’t had the chance to properly play any friends online yet, so can’t say if this will be the case against live players, who I think will be a little more savvy. In any case, I believe this could only enhance the game further, making self-preservation more challenging. I’ve seen other comments related to lack of online activity (no one to play with) and about playing for free. For me personally, it’s no big deal, never felt the real need to be able to play strangers online. I took a gamble, bought the game and tested inviting a friend to play (for free), which worked fine, no issues. I was sceptical at first after reading some comments, but am extremely pleased to say how glad I am that I made this purchase. I can’t recommend ‘Hunt…’ highly enough, for those who love Cluedo, Mystery of the Abbey (tabletop games), but then maybe I’m just extremely optimistic and easily pleased.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Horror Games.

Okay I love this game. Like a lot it mixes a lot of elements I like. It has a huge learning curve as many said which I think could be cut down like if you had a sheet or a tab to check what monsters did what that would be cool. Other than that the people complaining about assholes in chats and that didn’t group play I bet, its would be much easier playing with just friends than random people

Over all I don’t make a lot of reviews but i love this game so fucking much I’m leaving a review.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Hunt: The Unknown Quarry on Steam

Luckless Seven

Luckless Seven

Luckless Seven is a card-game RPG set in the enchanting island paradise of Arithia. Choose your words and strategies carefully in this first-of-its-kind story-rich adventure!

Join the development journey

Wishlist/follow the game and join our mailing list to receive the latest updates on the big steps we’re taking to make the first ever card game with a story! No spam; just love, pretty pictures, and good news!

Tell your story // A narrative-rich experience

Luckless Seven is the story of Mark Vesco’s coming of age. Once an inspired youngster, Mark finds himself living a listless, dutiful existence just two years out of high school. When an old friend contacts Mark about reuniting for a competitive card tournament, you’ll take control of his words, actions, and destiny.

Dive into the adventure // Plentiful, diverse sidequests

In the country of Arithia, there’s no shortage of eccentric and interesting characters to meet and defeat in card battles. By branching from the beaten path, you’ll be rewarded with a rich storyworld full of serious, dramatic and comic escapades.

Play your card // Exciting, fast-paced card battles

Choose your strategy, pick your opponent, and draw your hand. It’s time for Ekosi, the radical revival of Pazaak! Inspired by the iconic minigame from Knights of the Old Republic, Ekosi takes the hit/stand dilemma of Blackjack to a new level of strategy with an array of special cards to manipulate the score in your favor. Easy to learn and endlessly challenging, each turn in Ekosi is a strategic choice!

Go your own way // Customizable deck

Strategizing extends beyond the card interface. Take your deck with you and shape it over time by finding, purchasing, and winning new cards. Visit card shops to turn match winnings into new cards as you build the perfect deck.

Steer the conversation // Complex dialogue trees

Everyone likes options. In Luckless Seven, get outside the familiar binary options and choose from up to six possible choices in any given dialogue. Whether you’re a comedian or a combatant, a Casanova or a coward, there’s a choice to fit your conversation style.

Explore Arithia // An immersive 3D world

Arithia is a small country with worlds to see. Explore diverse cities and terrains as you get lost in the semi-open, immersive 3D world. From coastal paradises to ornate casinos, from sprawling grasslands to towering skyscrapers, Arithia has it all. Where to?

Listen to the music // Original Soundtrack

Bang your head to energetic battle tracks and lose yourself in ambient overworld tunes, all composed by Brandon Ledbetter for our original soundtrack.

The Deckpoint Studio Team

Deckpoint Studio is an indie game studio located in Columbus, OH. Founded by crime-fighting interstellar misfits in late 2013, our project is the card-game/RPG hybrid, Luckless Seven. Our team is united by a passion for great stories, player choices, and spicy-chicken rigatoni. Join us on our game development journey!

Luckless Seven on Steam

Werewolves Online

Werewolves Online

Plays like the movie series but the community is not english?

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Werewolves Online on Steam