The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition

The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition

Ever since the online emergence of Magic: The Gathering (sadly not available on Steam anymore), many developers tried to copy the formula and release their own version of a turn-based card game either for mobile phones or PC. A flux of these came in 2015, when even major companies put heavy emphasis on releasing entries of this genre expecting huge income. Many actually became more successful than the original, mainly more and more people began playing games on their smartphones and due to the simpler rules used compared to MTG.

Real player with 134.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Turn-Based Games.

How much you’ll enjoy this game partially depends on your expectations beforehand. If, like many others, you’re a huge fan of the physical card game you might walk away disappointed, as it changes quite a few mechanics.

That being said, looking at the product objectively as a whole, it’s pretty solid. Personally, I think they improved on the game quite a bit. Granted, I find the physical card game it’s based on to be pretty mediocre. It’s probably one of my least favorite card games from fantasy flight. Whereas the physical version felt a little stale and slow, the digital version feels a lot snappier, interactive, and overall more intriguing than the physical version.

Real player with 107.7 hrs in game

The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition on Steam

Good puzzle

Good puzzle


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Hidden Object Games.

Great puzzle game, cool soundtrack

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Good puzzle on Steam

Good puzzle: Music

Good puzzle: Music

Good game, simple puzzles, cool soundtrack.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

The music is nice, albeit a little repetitive. The game itself is fast to complete. Would only recommend if you get it on sale and want to waste a small amount of time. It’s an easy 12 achievements (1 for each level) and that’s about it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Music on Steam



Always heard about the boardgame but never had the chance to play it and now that i did I can see why it’s so popular!

The DA is very well done: plays smooth, good sfx, AI feels solid (haven’t tried Hard yet though). The game has already -I think?- all of the the expansions available that can be played in a 1v1 against AI or with another player online.

I must say this is very polished already for being EA for less than two weeks!

As per how stability goes, ​I played 3 games with a friend yesterday and we only got two freezes/crashes but we could keep playing by simply restarting the game: no game-breaking bugs found yet.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

A very faithful adaptation of the famous evolutionary card game. The first one that found the concept of deckbuilding during the game. Many other games followed this inspiration, such as Star Realms, Ascension, War of Omens, for the main ones. If you know of any others, please respond.

This is a concept not to be confused with these two:

  • Deckbuilding before the game, the player builds a deck (example: Magic the Gathering).

  • Deckbuilding during the game, without being able to swap cards, during a quest (example: Slay the spire).

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Dominion on Steam

Good puzzle: Animals

Good puzzle: Animals

Very cute puzzles, nice design

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Quick & easy puzzles of animals, ok for wasting 30min. Cheap, doesn’t take much brainpower & you get a nice feeling that you’ve finished something. Best for when you’re not feeling well.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Animals on Steam

Echo of Ayllu

Echo of Ayllu

This is a well balanced TCG!! It still on open beta so I think it will greatly improve!

Is FTP and has serveral game modes! Draft, Mirror, Reversal and you can practice VS an IA that also has some premade decks that you can check out.

It will take a bit of learning at the beginning since the mechanics are innovative.

An interesting feature is the possibility to chat with your rival in a comic-like fashion trough pop up text bubbles.

Has some bit of MTG, Eredan or Heartstone in it but in a complete different fashion.

Real player with 161.5 hrs in game

Buen juego, diferente a otros TCG, hay que tomar en cuenta la tactica y estrategia para ganar.

After playing several hours, I can say that the mechanics feel quite similar to Urban Rivals, but with more tactics, if you liked that game, this is yours.

Real player with 89.6 hrs in game

Echo of Ayllu on Steam

Educational Games for Kids

Educational Games for Kids

This game is as advertised. My son always wants to join in during the few times I get time to game. Being able to help him develop some computer skills and have fun at the same time is worth it.

Real player with 106.7 hrs in game

This game sucks. Do not buy it. My 3 year old knows his geography. I bought it for the geography puzzle, but the game will not allow him to play any of them until he beats the baby games, which bore him. So, i fully wasted $12.99. my 3 yr old is not distracted at all. The baby is screaming and i fucking HATE this computer game passionately.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Educational Games for Kids on Steam

Good puzzle: Castles

Good puzzle: Castles

Great puzzle game, with cool art!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

I usually don’t review a game until after I complete it, but if you love puzzles this is a lovely little game. The overall effect is like those delicate prints on glass from long ago. Well worth the sales price of .49 cents USD. Oh, pleasant music to boot.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Castles on Steam

Legendary Mahjong 2

Legendary Mahjong 2

I loved, loved, LOVED the first Legendary Mahjong, so it was a no brainer for me to jump on this one as soon as it released, and I’m not disappointed. While it’s a little less difficult than it’s predecessor, there’s nothing quite like being able to relax and work through some mahjong puzzles without timers, stress, or anything else getting in the way. That’s not even mentioning the new Match-3 styled game mode that they added. I wasn’t a huge fan of it at first, but after playing through all of the boards, I now need more. MORE! Do you hear me devs? I’ll pay cash money for another game with JUST the Match-3 boards! I’ll take some more slide puzzles too while you’re at it.

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Legendary Mahjong 2 on Steam

Evolution Board Game

Evolution Board Game

UPDATE I no longer work for Northstar. This review should be considered to be for the first year of the game.

So up front… I worked on this game. I want to be super clear about that. (In case you can’t tell by me having more hours logged in it than it’s been out in the wild.

So why review. Well obviously I want the game I worked on to do well… but there is more than that.

For those who don’t know, Evolution was a table top board game first and has been for years. It was one of my earliest modern board gaming experiences and I still love to break it out and play it. The constant evolution of strategies and plays with the traits that can be played makes the game very replayable.

Real player with 967.7 hrs in game

I’m definitely addicted to this one. Good game balance, I never feel like any build is just too powerful. Challenging AI. Cute/Beautiful art. Fun facts. Satisfying sound effects; glad I can turn the music off without turning them off (though the music is good to).

I assume you could unlock brutal mode right away but playing through the campaign on both difficulties has been both an enjoyable difficulty progression and given me plenty of content to consume. Especially with the fun of trying to unlock sketches. But Darwin gets super annoying on the second go through.

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Evolution Board Game on Steam