


An outstanding game, one I thoroughly enjoyed playing and reviewing. Great artwork, excellent game mechanics, balanced play, plenty of progression, an epic score, and such a tonne of content for a great price. If you are looking for a review, then please take a look at the link above. Otherwise, get out there and buy DragonClash.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Tabletop Games.


  • Card game about Dragons' fight

  • nice cards / art

  • complex actions and ruleset


  • very confusional

  • not beginner friendly

  • very long battles, if you are starting to grasp the game’s content

  • a little tiring and/or boring


  • boss battles / mechanics

  • further ingame depth and progression

As a Dragon lover, i picked up this game because it would have been a nice addition to my library (or hoard, since we’re talking about Dragons).

Also the game game seemed to look nice.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

DragonClash on Steam

Astral Masters

Astral Masters

One of the first online card games and still very unique and entertaining. Most important features:

  • Game is easy to understand and games don’t take long (though some might, which is also interesting)

  • No endless monetization - you buy it, you have everything.

  • You still have a feeling of progression as with levels you gain more points to increase the power of cards you can have in your deck.

  • Proper drafting experience where you actually have table where people draft from same pool and play against eachother.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Fantasy Games.

This game is amazing!

I love the cards, the synergy, the deckbuilding possibilities. The artstyle is unique and amazing. The gameplay feels a bit off, but once you get used to it, you realize how the game has been built with the “less is more” philosophy in mind.

You have quick duels with pre-made decks. You have “League” mode, which is a tournament versus nine AI opponents, all of which are unique both visually and in gameplay style. Trust me, after the 3-4 league play, you will have distinct favourites and most-hated opponents.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Astral Masters on Steam

AXYOS: Battlecards

AXYOS: Battlecards

Nice little card game. You can spend another hour with pleasure.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Wargame Games.

Can’t give this one a good review, sadly. The bits and pieces seem nice, but it doesn’t make for a fun gaming experience.

The art and music is perhaps the best aspect of the game, the controls work fine as well.

That said the game feels very under-documented, and the games do not seem very fun or balanced, I win every time without even knowing what I am doing.

Perhaps the biggest weakness is that you cannot gain experience points except in multiplayer, and I have never been able to find anyone else to play it with.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

AXYOS: Battlecards on Steam

Warriors of the Nile 2

Warriors of the Nile 2

Warriors of the Nile are back!

Building up on the original version’s [Turn-based Strategy+Roguelite] framework, in Warriors of the Nile 2 you will once again experience iconic fast-paced, exhilarating combat. This time, you will lead warriors blessed by Egyptian gods and fight against the invading Roman army.

Choose your adventure route. Strategize and make preparations amidst ever-changing stage conditions, then move with precision as you fire away. Create a unique skill build by choosing from an array of skill tablets.

What’s different from the original version is, in the new Warriors of the Nile squad, each character possesses a trademark skillset. Not only have attack modes changed, but the new feature-packed individual system will bring an all-new dynamic into the game.

Choose a suitable skillset tablet for you, be it making a clean sweep at the battlefield, using multi-phased attacks and chain attacks to break through enemy lines, or using charge attack leaps to take out the back row……

Awaken the gods' blessings at key moments to unleash Miracle and turn the tides in your favor!

  • Explore ruins, visit merchants, and challenge the arena in adventure mode;

  • Light up carvings to gain more battle bonuses;

  • Build a capital and restore the glory of pharaohs past;

  • Level up your warriors to unlock new tablets and equipment.

Warriors of the Nile 2 on Steam

Woodland Saga

Woodland Saga

wasted a lot of time playing with friends

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Card battler with 18 cards. After 2 wins, you get a random card. The AI is not challenging, and you will find yourself winning almost always. Collecting all of the cards is what is going to take you the most time, and using a deck of gold cards should take you the longest time as your pulls are completely RNG.

Music is pleasant enough for short intervals of play. You can face your friends as well, which will give it more variety in strategy.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Woodland Saga on Steam



the game doesnt even work!

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

** Not sure what language this was made in, but do not buy if you plan to play in English**

No worthwhile tutorial, very very poor translation means card mechanics are a complete mystery with cards acting in bizarre fashion.. sometimes doing one thing, sometimes not doing anything at all. The performance is also pretty bad. I can’t really figure out any mechanics that work properly.

A shame because there is a lack of non-p2w card games out there.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

ARTHA on Steam

Dee-6: Dice Defenders

Dee-6: Dice Defenders

What a fun game that was! I mean I hope people don’t mis-underestimate me but I actually enjoyed it almost better than FTL! FTL IS STILL A BETTER GAME THOUGH!

Its also similar to roll for the galaxy! You roll dice for your crew and for threats. If a certain number comes up, you might be attacked, maybe something wont work you can also roll for crew duties IE: commanders for re rolling all dice or picking one die to be a task or charge shields, attack or use the stasis beam!

This is a great game! Worth the money worth the time!!!

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Hey I thought I would support a fellow indie developer and pick up this game. Its a lot of fun, I enjoy the strategy and I am looking forward to its updates. My only comment would be to make it easier to unlock some of the other ship types, i’m excited to try some new ships, but it seems i have to unlock 10 levels first? In any case, a great game, solid effort, keep up the good work from your friends and NeuroJump!

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Dee-6: Dice Defenders on Steam

Etherlords II

Etherlords II

-RPG elements are quite light

-Campaign is fairly on the rails

-Actual card-game combat is quite solid and the AI pilots its decks surprisingly well given how dated the graphical presentation of everything is

-Experienced Magic players, especially experienced booster draft players, will find the deck construction somewhat simplistic. Many cards are quite obviously at suboptimal rates or provide effects that are clearly not worth 1 of your precious 16 card slots.

-Many of the enemy decks are quite extreme in their focus, varying wildly from hard aggro to pillow-fort control to voltron suit-ups and most fights are basically puzzles, figuring out the exact mechanics of the enemy deck and making sure you have a defense/solution to resolve it.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

I remember playing the demo for this game way back when it was released (and when demos were a foregone conclusion). Now I finally got to play the whole thing and it was just as good as I remember. There is a lot more story and voice acting in this game compared to Etherlords 1 and it’s as bad as I remember, but I like that. Bad voice acting is about the only bad thing in games that is still enjoyable.

It’s taken me more than 40 hours to beat the campaign, because the Etherlords games are slow. There is an option to speed up combat and summoning animations, but I never used that in either games, because I like to take my time when playing a game. The slowness is most felt in the battles, which are wars of attrition, where the one with the most creatures and/or the most HP usually wins. There are, however, plenty of ways to beat the odds and turn the tables, which is this franchise’s greatest strength. It’s a bit boring at first, but once you get more useful cards, you’ve got endless possibilites to experiment with deck builds.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Etherlords II on Steam

Last Days of Old Earth

Last Days of Old Earth

This is a turn based strategy game that works at two levels. Most of your time will be driven on the world map where cards determine the units you can put in play. There is a little mechanic where you decide whether to spend resources you need to bring cards to try and get more action points to use them (but if your AI opponent spends more you lose them). This strategy layer is well designed but unfortunately suffers from increasingly long wait times for the AI on larger maps. The second layer is a pretty basic turn based tactics section where units lined in two rows attack each other. This gets boring pretty quickly with few decions to make. The graphics at this level are also somewhat lacklustre compared with the world maplayer which is simple but has a certain style. Sound is OK. As others have said though the real killer is lack of content; the campaign is short, wrapped in a weak narrative that drip feeds you new cards/units until the final maps. Ultimately I gave up as the game was frsutratingly slow re AI waits and there just wasn’t the scenario or card variety to keep me coming back. Not recommended due to price/better games out there to spend your time on. Eador Imperium for example gives you a ton more content and is much more involving.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Writing a review for an EA title is always tricky. The devs announced many major updates for the game in the future. Most of the time that’s a good thing, but I saw EA titles change so much on their way to release that it was not the same game I played in EA anymore.

This review is based on my own experience in the game how it’s now on EA release date.

I do not take future plans into account or features which did not excist yet.

I’m original a board game player and changed some years (20 exactly) ago to PC gaming. I still love boardgames and I love boardgames ported to PC. As long as I play games I want them as complicated as possible. I want them to be full of content and that they all have endless replay value. There is one genre I really hate and that is casual tablet gaming.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Last Days of Old Earth on Steam

Pirates Outlaws

Pirates Outlaws

Pirates Outlaws is a roguelite deckbuilder where the player is the captain of a pirate ship in search of fame and fortune, and must fight against Human pirates, skeletons, ghosts and monsters. The game mechanics will be very familiar to anyone who played other games in the genre such as Slay The Spire or Neoverse, although of course Pirates Outlaws has its own unique twists.

Combat Mechanics

Combat is turn based, with the player’s actions being represented by the cards drawn into their hand, and you’ll see what action each enemy intends to take on their turn. Melee attacks can only target the enemy closest to the player (unless the card says it damages all enemies) but are usually free to play. Ranged attacks can target any enemy but they cost ammo to play. Other cards can give the player armour (which can be carried forward to the next turn), restore health, apply status effects to the player or enemies, change the position of an enemy, or have other special effects.

Real player with 78.6 hrs in game

This game looks and plays like a pirate skinned Slay the Spire, and well, that is pretty accurate and not a bad thing either. It does mold and craft its own unique image in both the style and gameplay. Some of the game design choices would actually make me think it is more of an Anti-Slay-the-Spire at times as it makes deliberate design decisions to stray from the path of its inspiration.

While you can craft some pretty OP builds still, it can be a lot harder to achieve some of the broken builds of stacking poison to 999 or such - largely because the status system in this pirate game is quite different. Only one status is allowed to be active at a time. So if your enemy is poisoned, they can wipe their poison stacks clean by buffing their self with an attack increase. Because buffs can erase debuffs and vice versa. However, this goes for the player too. There is even a boss battle that will absolutely wipe the floor with you if you don’t have some kind of way to buff yourself. He will keep raising your injury (this game’s version of poison) stacks on you and they will just get higher and higher unless you wipe it with a buff. Not much different than how Slay the Spire bosses can hard counter some of your decks. But at the same time it is just different and feels unique. I wasn’t so sure about the status system at first but it grown on me quite a bit. Which I think brings me to the next major difference.

Real player with 69.4 hrs in game

Pirates Outlaws on Steam