Dreamland Solitaire: Dark Prophecy

Dreamland Solitaire: Dark Prophecy

Cute simple solitaire game with a cute simple story. Easy mode is obviously easy and the achievements are unlocked as you play the game. I enjoyed myself trying to get every spot “three stars” Would recommend anyone to who wants a relaxed game that isn’t too difficult.

Real player with 103.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

Careful not to let your mom sees you playing this game on your PC

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game

Dreamland Solitaire: Dark Prophecy on Steam



FINALLY, the dev listened and fixed this.

If you love dogs and you love easy card games you will love this.

The rules are extremely simple and the tutorial levels walk you through the learning process nicely as you progress to learning more cards.

This is the perfect game to play after a long day when you just want to chill out.

At the current price, it’s worth every cent.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

A fun card game that keeps you focused throughout the gameplay with nice tavern dog theme.

I like that the game mechanics revolve around memory/ taking some risks.

There is a nice progression that adds more mechanics for cards throughout the gameplay.

Would reccomend!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Campido on Steam

InfiniteCorp: Cyberpunk Story

InfiniteCorp: Cyberpunk Story

It’s your first day on the job working for the Mercat Commerce Inc. Which happens to be the largest trade and service corporation in the world. You find your office, sit down at work terminal, login and there’s an email waiting for you from your boss welcoming you. He explains that you’re the manager, one of many the Human Resources team has hired recently. It seems they keep hiring the cheapest rookies and because of this they do not last very long, hopefully you’ll prove to them you’re worth far more. Your job is to make business decisions using your terminal, swipe left for No and right for Yes.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Cyberpunk Games.


Note: More of a puzzle than a card game.


Scroll down for full Gameplay

A simple game in which you are presented by a continuous flow of events to which you respond in one of two ways: which either decreases or increases one or more of the 6 key stats (5 “factions” plus the “board” stat). The goal is balancing each stat as if one drops low enough, the game ends. Those that played Reigns should be familiar with the system and might enjoy a simpler cyberpunk version of it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

InfiniteCorp: Cyberpunk Story on Steam

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var’Nagal

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var’Nagal

I like this game so far. Don’t get me wrong it is still early access and their are missing text on some parts, but I am entranced by the story lines and who I want to be with

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

If you spam-skip the game has a stroke.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var'Nagal on Steam

Mother of All Secrets

Mother of All Secrets

Mother of All Secrets is an RPG full of occult mysteries, investigations, and intrigue. Become a young ward at an old and remote orphanage. Live your new life for fourteen days as the enigmatic masters of the House prepare you and your mates for the impending visit of the mysterious Guest.

The House’s walls conceal a small world of stories, plans, and conspiracies. Every hour is fateful here. Decide where to go, what events to participate in, which goals to pursue, and who you should influence. Will you be ready to learn the ultimate truth on the last night of your stay at the House?

A Living Breathing House

Become a part of the close-knit community of the orphanage. Other wards, your teachers, caretakers, and even the family of House owners — behind every living soul, there are goals, plans, and desires. With every hour, individual plots progress, secrets unfold, and choices are made that alter the House forever.

Your Own Story

Create your own character and live out a unique story — only you decide how to spend each and every hour. Go about uncovering the asylum’s secrets however you like. Make friends or enemies at your own discretion. Explore the darkest and most dangerous corners of the House. Unravel other people’s schemes and draw up your own plans. Obey or risk breaking the cryptic rules that govern the orphanage and face the consequences. What will you do with your freedom of choice?

High Stakes

Perform actions in every scene by playing cards. These cards determine your character’s skills, items, and even relationships. Different cards allow you to influence others, gain an upper hand during encounters, apply the knowledge and traits you have acquired, or push the narrative towards the desired outcome. Remember that other characters possess their own set of cards which they can play against you! Study the abilities and intentions of others before reshuffling their decks and transforming their personalities. How will you play your hand?

Mother of All Secrets on Steam

Blood of Titans

Blood of Titans

So i see most reviews are from people with 2 hours so i will be the first actual player to write a real review, let me start by saying the game is free, you can choose to play for absolutely nothing, now that being said, just like any other game released on steam, you can pay for more, are there expensive single cards in the shop? yes. do you need to buy them? no. should you buy them? no.

This is a strategy game, if you aren’t good at strategy you will lose a lot, the strategy lacks a lot of depth but it is there, and you can really notice the difference once you figure out a play style and learn to counter different things. it is the general nature of a card game to know that one specific card will not beat another, if you cannot learn this you will not find success in this game.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Hmm were to start ?

First at all it not really PTW it has elements like the most games in steam , you can reach even all cards ( right now common , uncomman , rare , epic , legandary ) in only playing the story line , with all i mean even the legendary and you have to pay nothing for … its right that there are cards with 15 $ or 30 $ , but do you have to buy them - no … so before act like a cry baby ( as a read the most negativ reviews with not really a background ) , try to get some knowledge over the game , before speak up again , to pay for a game and think you would be NO.1 will never work without knowledge , … so in all - its a nice game not perfect , its new , the art style is awsome you can collect card pieces (copie from your card) to make your card stronger and the animation changes too , there permanent new events - the are allways free , give it a try ; )

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Blood of Titans on Steam