The Far Kingdoms: Sacred Grove Solitaire

The Far Kingdoms: Sacred Grove Solitaire

Always have enjoyed solitaire and it’s a welcome break from the adventure role playing games I usually play.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

This Solitaire game was fun too! It was not as challenging or tricky as the first one, so you didn’t have to think as much, but that is a good thing in itself. The music/OST, the backgrounds and cards and designs and everything was magnificent. The Creators have some really nice skills with art. Plus, you can set any background as your desktop, but how can you just pick one?! Fun, definitely worth it. Power ups are amusing too. I liked everything, including the shiny tree and the Unicorns. I always look forward to every card game. Thank you very much!!! :) : ) :D

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

The Far Kingdoms: Sacred Grove Solitaire on Steam

Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 3

Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 3

This was probably my favorite out of the three chapters in the series. It seemed much more balanced and this was the version I finally started to get even one match three puzzle beaten! I still never got past earning one or two stars, but I was able to play on normal for almost all of the match 3 levels without resorting to casual to get through it.

The solitaire matches seemed a bit easy towards the end, but I didn’t mind. I liked the addition of the puzzle and more short text adventures. I would have liked to see even more of those. The “Fight!” games were pretty cute and fun. It took me a minute to figure out how to slay the zombies, but once I did, it was enjoyable. If the tutorial showed how to knock the zombies off, then I missed it. But pro tip- click the correct sequence of candies in the boxes and then click on the zombie who has the same pattern to knock him off the board.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

OHHHHH YES!!!!!!! I love this game and the game series!!! This one was magnificent as well!!! Not only it had fun and challenging card games + match 3, but it also added in more of the “random events” for picking answers and new type of puzzles!!! The artwork is amazing too - I just wanted to sit there and stare at it and imagine being there (minus the zombies lol). Really and truly had lots of fun with this one. :DDDDDDDDD!!! WOO!!!

I must also say this: the soundtrack is amazing. Especially the one that was in the beginning and pops up again on level 40 (and the other ones - I didn’t get all the numbers). If the Team is interested in releasing the soundtrack for sale: I would certainly would love to buy it!!!

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 3 on Steam

Faerie Solitaire Remastered

Faerie Solitaire Remastered

I’ve given this remaster 10 hours now and made notes on the differences, and I feel like I can do a decent review now. Disclaimer: I love the original Faerie Solitaire. I got it on sale for 99 cents, and I love it enough that twice now I’ve deleted the game file that keeps track of the in-game feats (not the Steam achievements) so that I could have a more legitimate reason to play it more. I’m not nearly as enamored with this version, so I’ll start with the cons.



Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Fantasy Games.


I finally decided to give this solitaire game a try after seeing it mentioned as a favorite by users in their reviews of various other solitaire games. I waited for a while to see if it would go on sale, but this apparently has never happened.

Initially, I can see the appeal. In Faerie Solitaire, you collect “eggs” while playing levels, which you can then “hatch.” A creature is then revealed which will grow as you continue to play. Once the creature is “grown,” you can spend a combination of three different resources (also found within the levels) to “evolve” the creature. As far as I can tell, these creatures have no impact at all on completing the game’s solitaire levels – however, they provide an additional progress bar and goal to pursue for players.

Real player with 57.9 hrs in game

Faerie Solitaire Remastered on Steam

Invisible Fist

Invisible Fist

I’d score this between a 6.4…up to a 8.9

Which would of course be…on a scale of 1.002 to 11.822 (hopefully that’s not convoluted at all…I strive for clarity through uniform grading systems)

Bottom Line…

Creative, stylistic time management/card game (kind of a card game….you don’t really draw cards as far as I can tell…but it’s all good), I like the offbeat humor and I love the music.

It’s interesting….and I think I’d put it down as oddly appealing…I feel like for the price I should probably be getting a little bit more…or perhaps the mechanics aren’t as well developed as I’d like for them to be at the price point it’s at or something like that…but I’m enjoying the game and it’s one of those more than the sum of it’s parts things that make giving it any kind of objective score tricky….thus the range I gave above (see above).

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Very hard, very stressful. I wont fault it for that though because that is the point. I keep getting frustrated yet I keep coming back. Hilarious concept, great execution and a bit too real sometimes.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Invisible Fist on Steam

Mahjong Challenge

Mahjong Challenge

Fun, quick and easy game for de-stressing! Fun to play quick or make a night of it!

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

The game is cute and adorable. You can change the background/tiles. You gotta be quick playing the levels! There are many, MANY levels. I wish there was more of a challenge to levels or variety of positions to the titles, but otherwise it is a good training game to get back into Mahjong! Thank ya for making this game!!!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Mahjong Challenge on Steam

Santa’s Christmas Solitaire 2

Santa’s Christmas Solitaire 2

Santa’s Christmas Solitaire 2 has even more to love than first one. New Christmas story. Snowball fights with stars earned based on how many turns you take (getting harder further along in levels). I’m slightly addicted to the snowball fights. One Up/One Down, Pair Match, and Sum 14 game play choices…which basically gives you 3 Games in One. 3 difficulty levels. Mini games you can play during solitaire or turn off. Laughed with what happened when lost a chimney mini game. Additional bonus solitaire games off menu. Options have volume adjustments and plenty of holiday card/cursor choices. Peppy music. Advent calendar map for levels and now 4 stars per game to get. A Shop to buy power ups with in-game coins. Price is right since you can play this game 3 different ways. The devs were nice and responded quickly to questions. Enjoy this Christmas game. Now back to saving Christmas…

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

The sequel to the first Santa’s Christmas Solitaire game by Revills games, with some new elements added so it is not an exact clone. Enjoyable all around in it’s simplicity of play, graphics, music and cheesy story line, just like the first.

SCS 2’s basic play is the same as the first, based on the Advent calendar, there are 24 “doors” with 10 stages each of solitaire game play. You must achieve a minimum number of stars each stage to open the next stage as well as to open the next door. As you play you collect coins to use in the store, to buy items to help your gameplay as well as help you in a new part of the game: snowball fights! Generally the 10th stage in each door is a snowball fight, that when done correctly will finish the stage and door for you. If you should happen to not care for the snowball fights you may skip them and just play the stage as a regular solitaire type.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Santa's Christmas Solitaire 2 on Steam



Extremely Fun game with a unique and well designed card game mechanics. While there are a few things I think that could be improved, overall they really pale in comparison to the fun I’ve had from this game.


  • Fresh new card game mechanics with well designed factions that are both unique and synergistic

  • great story

  • Very replayable

  • Fun Gauntlet mode make your own deck each win with difference Champs

  • Great sound track and voicelines


  • animations and walking can get a little tedious on multiple playthroughs

Real player with 88.5 hrs in game

This game could have been AMAZING but has some design and balance shortcomings. I’ll list them briefly then go into more detail below.

  1. No way to collect all the cards or undo certain permanent changes

  2. No real post game or new game+ to try out different deck types. Unskippable cutscenes ruin the thought of replaying the game.

  3. Some balance shortcomings can make a couple parts almost impossible in some cases, this game is otherwise extremely easy.

I still had fun with this game and not a lot of people make games like this anymore. The story and writing is charming and the art grew on me. The complaints only hurt so hard because the rest of the game shows so much promise. I still had fun with my 14ish hours of it but I wouldn’t recommend paying full price unless you really love these types of games.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Cardpocalypse on Steam

Faerie Solitaire Harvest

Faerie Solitaire Harvest

At its core, Faerie Solitaire Harvest is Mahjong; that is, matching cards of identical value to remove them from the board.

Just like in Faerie Solitaire, Subsoap includes a good supply of abilities- in this game called “Talents” - which help to give the player more options than in a real-life card game of the same nature. The gameplay allows creativity and strategization, and I for one very strongly like that.

The music is very enjoyable as well. Placeholder paragraph for Harvest’s music.

The art in this game is, I’ll have to settle on saying for now, very good. It is staunchly improved from the first Faerie Solitaire; each Card, each icon for the Talents, and the pets are interesting and encapsulating to behold. I let this be a placeholder paragraph for until I can share my more fleshed-out review.

Real player with 329.2 hrs in game

Standalone game set in the same universe as Faerie Solitaire.

I have always hated this type of solitaire… Until now. During the course of beta-testing, Faerie Solitaire Harvest has become the best, most-addictive solitaire game I’ve ever played.

The story is not like what we experienced in Faerie Solitaire. This time we find “shards” of lore that give us a lot of information about Faeverse and its denizens.

Options include separate sliders for Music, Ambience and Effects, plus Full-screen/Windowed and Custom Cursor. Under Game, you can even customize the colors of your suits! For instance, I made mine Violet and Pink instead of Black and Red.

Real player with 235.7 hrs in game

Faerie Solitaire Harvest on Steam

Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector’s Edition

Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector’s Edition

The main game is okay. The bonus games are useless. I tried several and every one of the attempts ending with “No moves left.” Some times this happened very early in the spread.

I tried the “Hint” feature and discovered it moved cards around unproductively.

I am not completely disappointed as the main game is functional and mostly entertaining. There are a few spreads near the end where I spend more time flipping the deck cards than I care too because only one or two cards are open for use.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

This Collector’s Edition is two games in one! After finishing the main game it unlocks a new game, plus more stuff to buy in the store, more backgrounds, etc. So this game is well worth the money.

It took me 28 hours to complete everything, except one of the hard achievements (play ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 all of the same suit and in that order! What are the chances that can happen?!?!?!)

For those of you who already know how to play this type of “solitaire” you can skip this paragraph. For those who are new to it, let me explain a bit how it works. You are given a display of cards facing down with a few cards facing up on top of them, and at the bottom there is your deck and any jokers and bonus abilities you have plus an undo button. You play by clicking on cards that number one up or one down from the card dealt from the deck. For instance, if you have a four, then you can click on a three or a five. You can rack up chains sometimes like: 2,3,4,5,4,5,6. Try to go back and forth, up and down like that. If you do a long enough chain (I think it’s 6 cards) you get a bonus. The longer the chain, the bigger the bonus.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition on Steam

Jewel Match Solitaire L’Amour

Jewel Match Solitaire L’Amour

Game Information

“Jewel Match Solitaire L’Amour” is a Card game. The game was developed by Suricate Software and published by Grey Alien Studios.

“Jewel Match Solitaire L’Amour” is the second episode of the holiday themed “Jewel Match Solitaire.” Previous episode: “Jewel Match Twilight Solitaire.”

The Game Review

Game Visuals

I want to mention that the visuals in the game are nicely done. The visuals can be adjusted in the game’s option menu.

Game Audio

I want to mention that the audio in the game is well done even if it is simplistic and somewhat repetitive.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

I don’t recommend it because throughout the game it is entirely too easy, the difficulty ramps up little if hardly at all (except for the beginning.) Play it if you want to relax and do some mindless 1 up/down solitaire, but there are better games like this out there (like Faerie Solitaire), with much better mechanics. If you want some kind of challenge don’t play this game. No feeling of satisfaction for completing games. In addition, there is no story whatsoever in this game. It’s pretty though I guess, and you have four options for deck illustrations. There are also a few different difficulty levels. But I have to stress, the mechanics to this game are terrible and boring!

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour on Steam