Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold’em

Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold’em

the game seems like a pretty decent poker game on the surface, but the ai makes weird decisions and at times very illogical ones, not to mention the ‘‘hook’’ of playing against pretty ladies is just a minor splash screen at the start of the match and then about a dozen voice lines from each girl, a minor head cropped token your only other reminder that you’re supposed to care about this opponent, the art while good is too little too late when you finally start getting the group photos together, at the current time i’m 12 wins out of 16 into stage four(you need 4 wins for stage 1, 8 for stage 2 and 12 for stage 3 to finish their respective group photos) and a this point just bothering to finish this game because im too lazy to go look up other better poker games.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

It’s a very barebone poker game. Really, that’s it. Think DOAX poker, with the eventual motionless picture of a hottie celebrating her victory when she wins. Very nice hotties, let it be said. Too bad nothing more risqué, though.

I bought the game on sales for $1,50. That’s a fair price for what I was delivered, and on that basis, I can recommend it. Do not pay more! Otherwise you’ll regret your decision.

It’s that kind of game where you turn down its music, put up your own tunes, and chill out emulating your own casino with pretty girls by your side while you sweep the board.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold'em on Steam

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness

I went from the first game of the Developers, to this one. Always hopeful that the Developers will improve and make better content. Luckily, it happened that way! I think this game is a great improvement to the first one. It has more content, more animation scenes and more to do. I flipped through the pictures (up above) and I think the game was already updated, so things don’t really look like that. For example: the main character doesn’t have brown hair, but has red hair.

The game is still ongoing in updates… since there are areas in the game that say “Coming Soon” and I think there will be more items? But I can’t be sure.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Sexual Content Games.

2020-Dec: I wanted to see how the game enacted the tile mechanic, but ultimately this game has several key problems and broken promises. I’m particularly bitter that there is “coming soon” content even though the game isn’t labeled as “Early Access”.


  • I like the tile movement mechanic and it is well-balanced for LVL1-LVL3.

  • The powers the girls bestow offer a nice diversity.


  • Chief of the cons is the fact that I got to level five on two women and neither of them got naked at all. In fact, I saw zero nudity and zero sexual content.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness on Steam

Monster Monpiece

Monster Monpiece

Monster Monpiece is a highly flawed card game that still manages to be enjoyable.

The core gameplay is pretty solid. You get 3 Mana every turn, and you can use this Mana to play one of the cards in your hand (all creature cards) each round, placing it onto a small board. The goal of each battle is to get your monster girls across the board and into the enemy HQ, which will cause the unit to be lost but the enemy to take one point of damage. Typically, three points of damage will defeat your opponent. The enemy AI is extremely stupid and quite predictable, so the game usually compensates for that by giving it superior cards.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Deckbuilding Games.

Monster Monpiece, or as I’ve come to call it, maybe another month’ll do it because this game can’t be played all at once without losing your sanity. That’s a bit of a mouthful though, so we’ll shorten it to “unless you really like card games and monster girls, you can skip this one.”

Alright, that wasn’t much better, but my point is this game drags on for way too long for how little depth there is to it. After the first few battles you have basically mastered the game, from there the only thing that changes is getting new cards that do new things that the old cards might not have done, or they do better, or etc etc card game mechanics until you realize two things. Nothing matters but the main stat which is used to summon a card, and that skipping the first few turns has 0 downside and lets you stack your hand to summon whatever you want anyway. Unfortunate first hand draw, didn’t get a 3 mana monster, doesn’t really matter cause next turn you can draw one of those 4, 5, 6 cards anyway. To help you understand, this would be like Yugi summoning Dark Magician on his second turn, it’s really dumb, and it’s how the game is actually played. The second thing you learn that makes almost any other card in the game irrelevant, is that some cards get a + mana bonus, in particular, they tend to give mana when you summon them, and when they are destroyed. Whenever you first get access to a card with this (Nekomata), the game completely changes because you skip your first turn, summon nekomata, she casts her ability to give 3 mana, instantly dies to whatever monster you put her in front of, on your 3rd turn now you have basically 3x as much mana as you would have in any other battle up until this point. From there you stack your deck with Nekomatas, and congrats you have beaten the game. Also don’t bother with healers or buffers, they are just dead weight in comparison to putting another combat ready card on the map that can stand on it’s own, seriously, you might think that’s just a min-max kind of statement, but no really, it just works out like that with how the game is built.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Monster Monpiece on Steam

Peachy Adventure

Peachy Adventure

not fun game play and no uncensored pic waste of money

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

not enough content this suck

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Peachy Adventure on Steam




-High quality scenes and art overall

-Well-developed story with interesting mechanics

-Interesting hybrid of a card battler and a RPG game


-Some weird translation errors and visual glitches with the animation (floating eyebrows, etc.)

-Some of the subject matter is kind of “advanced”

-Freedom to customize your deck is kind of limited and combat is so easy that you don’t have much of an opportunity to fully explore the combat system


A good game overall, though I do have some gripes about some of the polish. I also wish the game had a higher difficulty setting and there were more options to customize your deck (you can’t remove starter cards or upgrade your deck, just add more cards). This kind of makes any deck you build feel a little same-y. Wait for a sale.

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

I spent 13 consecutive hours to complete the main story with full achievement.


The heroine fits my aesthetic, the music is also excellently immersive with the thrilling plot, but some parts of the animation still can be better.


Many small bugs were also occurred when playing the game. For example, the environmental sound of waterfalls in the mountain dungeon occasionally sounded untimely, and the semi-transparent black dialog box at the bottom of the screen would block part of the screen when a happy(that kind of happy) animation was played. Not any kind of serious bugs, but it will truly affect the game experience.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Succubus★Connect! on Steam

Misty Girls

Misty Girls

This is a “flop elimination + sexy cg” type of casual puzzle game. While exercising memory, it will give players a visual impact and increase the sense of pleasure! There are 8 cards in each level. Players must remember the position of each card and turn out the same two cards to eliminate them. After all the cards are eliminated, the level will be unlocked to obtain a beautiful cg.

Press “Win + R”, then enter “steam://install/1769620”

Misty Girls on Steam

斗地主少女/ Landlord Girls

斗地主少女/ Landlord Girls

The card playing part is fun, though occasionally crashes. However the game is kind of half-finished. Story is awkward, CGs (R18 patch needed) are not quite related to the story. Seemingly it was developed halfway before running out of budget. Hope the developers will improve it in the future.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

I have been forced to play this game.

This has got to be the worst game I’ve ever had the displeasure of beating.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

斗地主少女/ Landlord Girls on Steam

Epic Cards Battle(TCG)

Epic Cards Battle(TCG)

Tldr version:

You don’t need money to win in this game. It is possible to finish in the top 20 each season without spending money but it takes some time and experience. The more you play, the better you will be because your cards will be getting stronger. The game doesn’t require “skill” but “strategy”. You will choose your cards based on how they compliment yours and how to counter your opponent’s but you won’t be “active” in the battle taking more of a spectator role. The single player it’s short. The multiplayer it’s where everyone is. It’s fun, it’s free, you should check it out.

Real player with 2156.0 hrs in game

This game is actually fun and not pay to win if you read and have patience. Most Americans are lazy, don’t read and want things to be easy. At first I was losing because I was just spamming random cards with the most stars. After losing a PVP match to someone who used all 1 star cards, I knew there had to be some strategy invovled. Which there is, actually TONS of strategy but a decent amount of reading invovled since there are so many options to counter other players cards.

It’s really not pay to win if you know what you are doing. Like I said, you have to read the cards to see what they counter. I learned enhancing Ice Elementals to level 30 is amazing in PVP. Which is a 1 star card but owns and can control an entire game.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Epic Cards Battle(TCG) on Steam

West Sweety

West Sweety

After about 3 and some more hours of playing I have a lot of good emotions about West Sweety and I want to share them.

What I like in this game:

  • first and main plus - style with which everything is done, it’s really beautiful and nice looking ;

  • 7 girls in west style with different “professional skills”;

  • low system requirements - that’s good in our time of bad optimization (when you need professional workstation to play simple roguelike game);

  • low price in my region - it’s about 1,7$ for such a good game;

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

UPDATE-09/2021: Highly Recommended. I have been unfair to this title in previous review. It came out during the early days of the “Hentai Gold Rush” on Steam, when adult games went from nothing to 1000s of titles almost overnight. At the time it seemed unremarkable, but with time it has risen above the masses.

I misjudged the game as absurdly simple, and it is. One character’s game is literally just coin flips. But it is dirt simple gambling games in a saloon setting, at least that is a theme and the gameplay is functional. On Steam, if you nail those two marks in this genre you’re already a C+. What I missed was that it actually took work to make the games that smoothly simple. Whether card game, dice, coins, or other “bar challenge” game the mechanics follow a rock-paper-scissors or odds/evens model. There is no strategy other than playing the odds of a 50-50% or One-In-Three chance. Simple.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

West Sweety on Steam

My Dream Girls

My Dream Girls

nice nice, add more fanart please

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

no sound at all and no hentai!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

My Dream Girls on Steam