Tabletop Creator

Tabletop Creator

Make your tabletop games come true! Tabletop Creator is a tabletop game maker tool that allows you to design any kind of tabletop game. Create your different game components, customize them and export your game for getting a physical copy or for playing it online!


  • Blueprints: design your components templates by using a WYSIWYG editor!

  • Collections: create instances of your components, just choose a blueprint and customize it!

  • Version control: projects support version control, enabling collaboration on the cloud with others to create your game!

  • Documentation: guides and tips articles on how to create your game

  • Automatic updates: receive all future updates for free

  • Support: join the community at Discord or mail us for solving your doubts and issues

Under development features

  • Icons gallery: all the icons you need for a prototype already included!

  • Demo projects: “original” game projects created for you to check examples of use

  • Variables: create a set of variables, use them along your game and replace its value from just one place!

  • Export: export your components to pdf/image format and print a copy of your game!

  • Game localization: translate your tabletop game texts in an easy way by exporting and importing a csv file!

Read More: Best Card Game Tabletop Games.

Tabletop Creator on Steam

Steamulator 2019

Steamulator 2019

Disclosure: I’m friends with one of the conceptualizers of the game.

Enjoyable game for the price. Simplistic in nature but a generally addictive nature will make players want to keep coming back to the game. The game has you running your own Steam storefront where you have to monitor your stats to assure they aren’t too high or too low, otherwise its game over.

The game suffers from some bugs such as no matter what the event is, every time you swipe right on a card, your game count will increase by 1, even if the choice doesn’t involve publishing a game to Steam and the confusing stat adjustments made in correspondence with your decisions (how does accepting games have the same positive influence on developers as when you deny them?)

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Management Games.

Well I originally wrote a long rant about why I hate these devs after they’re first success that was half-decent, but then I realized I would probably get deleted for it, so here’s my attempt at a reasonable and constructive review for this game.

Don’t buy it, Reigns is better. Long story short, it just seems like a cash grab to me, as was their last game after the initial lootbox simulator success that was alright but probably not worth the cost. It’s a half baked concept they put a price on to cash in on. Or perhaps an attempt at a game inspired by games like reign that they gave up on either out of boredom or inability to manage to work out kinks and bugs. I would suggest Game Dev Tycoon or other similar rip offs if you’re looking for the steam-esque simulators. I have a degree in computer game development that I haven’t used in 3 years because I wasn’t a fan of it, so I have a basic understanding of how to make a game. If I bothered to do research I could probably make this myself for free. Anyway, not worth a look if you ask me, if you’re looking for anything from these guys, the only good thing is I can’t believe it’s not Gambling, the first one, not the second.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Steamulator 2019 on Steam

Slot Factory Create and Play - Magic Brewery

Slot Factory Create and Play - Magic Brewery

This is a pretty awesome concept, but poorly executed in my opinion. While you can build your own slot machine, you can not save machines that you build. The game saves one incident, and has no way to build others without destroying the one incident saved in the game. For that major issue, I can’t recommend this game for those who want to build their own machines.

Otherwise, I consider the graphics to be very good, the pictures you program into it spin smoothly, and its a lot of fun building your own slot –- UNTIL — you realize you can never save the creation with the idea to build others without losing the previous creation.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Simulation Games.

Slot Factory Create and Play - Magic Brewery on Steam



I have a premium subscription to Tabletopia. Based on several games over the past few weeks, I can say that this product is a great sandbox for playing Tabletop games. That said, I’ll point out some caveats.

The community is generally positive though a bit too small to have games running 24/7/365. It’s hard to find a game or players. That said, they do have organized events for teaching and playing games and are expanding the roster of teachers/organizers. Also, after the game reaches final release; more players will be able to be available. Game discussions are generally positive and feedback is welcomed.

Real player with 185.9 hrs in game

This game is nice because its free however it doesn’t even hold a flame to Tabletop Simulator. This game has some games I have yet to see on Tabletop like S.C.A.R.E. Tactics however this games paywall is painful to say the least. This game contains DLC like Tabletop does but this game also has a subscription system. A vast amount of games are limited in some way because of the need for a subscription. An great example would be Sub Terra. It used to be completely free. Now they added expansions and made it DLC. That isn’t really a problem however they also put the base of the game which was free behind a pay wall. Previously me and 3 other friends would play for free now its only free if you do 2 player coop. Issue with that is if you select 2p coop instead of 1-4 players it restricts your survivor options to only 4 cards instead of all 8 options.

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

Tabletopia on Steam



Review at:

I’m sorry to say that this game is very unimpressive, regardless it being free. The instructions are on the steam page if you wish to find out how to play, therefore it jumps you right into the game. There is sooooo much wasted empty space. The matching eggs and so forth can easily be put into a simple smaller grid. The description describes like you can compete against someone, but If you can, I have no idea.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Artemis on Steam