MMA Arena

MMA Arena

Initially I loved this game but lately I have stalled out big time. I cant progress to a new fight until I have 3 blue belts. I cant get my blue belts because apparently I cant click my mouse fast enough, or make it through training dealing 15 damage with the limited combo cards I am given, or make it through sparring taking 5 damage or less, or drag the correct symbols to the center of the circle fast enough with my laptop mouse in an exercise better suited for a touch screen. What is the point of all this? Why lock fights/belts at all? The training has nothing to do with the fighting outside of sparring which is kinda useful in teaching how to implement some different strategies. The incentive should be to unlock new moves and stay competitive while progressing through the game. Instead I appear to have been pigeon holed into trying to get good at tedious activities that do nothing to improve how good I actually am at this game. I just reached level 20. I think it will be a long time before I get to level 21. I will say that the actual fighting in the game is quite entertaining and I have enjoyed the matches. If PVP were added that would definitely be exciting. This game is inexpensive and maybe worth a look on sale but I can not recommend it after having stalled out halfway through the game.

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Sports Games.

I’m really on the verge and really don’t know if I can recommend it or not.

TL;DR It’s a free to play, multiplayer game without free to play elements or multiplayer. Some of the design decisions feels pointless, but at the end of the day, I enjoy playing it.

Don’t get me wrong. I really don’t like multiplayer for this type of games, and I don’t usually like free to play games. So this game being single player and pay once to get all content is a huge advantage for me.

I bet that this game has been developed with multiplayer in mind until the very last minute, so many gameplay decisions that are taken are with multiplayer in mind. One example of this is 15 sek turn limit. There is no reason whatsoever why you would want turn limits in a singleplayer game. Turn limits are necessary evil so players won’t leave in the middle of the match leaving the opponent. The whole idea behind turns is to let people think about their choices. Disadvantage to that is that the game feels slow. Turn limits does not remove the slowness-feeling of the game while removing the advantage of being able to thing for as long as you want.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

MMA Arena on Steam

Grim Town: Battle Tales

Grim Town: Battle Tales

This game sucks :)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Action Games.

It’s such a great game, but you need to know what to do with your cards. It’s too expensive for me. It should be F2P

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Grim Town: Battle Tales on Steam



Wooo another dragon ball game that’s been ported from the arcade itself.

This is a turn-based/card game, so if like dokkan/legends this will be great for you.

(W/ broly update)


  • Story is actually pretty good (xenoverse style)

++ Everyone is here, from DB to DBH, and everyone is unique with their own custom skills. So for sure you will find someone you like. (1100+ cards) and way way more coming/

  • Lots of abilities/skills/fusions

  • Most if not all super attacks look amazing!

  • Customization! From your OWN custom card(with any game assets) to your own custom missions.

Real player with 132.3 hrs in game

So, you want more Dragon Ball beyond GT and Super? welcome to Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, if you’ve heard about Dragon Ball AF or have watched those spanish mod videos for DBZ Tenkaichi 3 the Heroes universe might not surprise you… much, as far as setting is concerned anyway, but let’s talk about the game itself, what the heck is this?

Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a port of the long running, Japan exclusive arcade game, Dragon Ball Heroes, in it you pick a race for your avatar, male saiyan, female saiyan, namekian, frieza, android, buu, demon god or kai and collect or make your own cards and accesories to form a team of 7 characters, each with their own stats, passives, super attack and character abilities

Real player with 122.9 hrs in game




this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk but this game is good but idk

Real player with 285.9 hrs in game

Okay, so let’s break this down in a few different ways, shall we? I’m a recent Yomi fan who’s been pretty pumped about this new release on Steam. You’re someone who’s probably trying to figure out if they should buy this game. Let’s see what we can do about this.

Yomi will likely appeal to…

  • People who are put off of the dexterity requirements for competitive fighting games

  • Competitive gamers looking for a new strategic game to master

  • Game design fans looking for a new, interesting, well-balanced design

Real player with 226.6 hrs in game

Yomi on Steam

BattleCON: Online

BattleCON: Online

This game is an online port of the original Battlecon board game and is extremely good. Although it combines gameplay mechanics from both fighting and card games, it is essentially a 1v1 fighting game in it’s core. It has no RNG, meaning you won’t have random outcomes completely ruining your experience. When you a lose a game, you know exactly why you lost, so you can improve by learning from your own mistakes. Battlecon emphasizes on player skill and decision making, it is a full-information game; you have access to every card in the opponent’s hand, discard piles and also his character’s unique ability. This way, you can try to predict your opponent’s actions and play around them or, of course, guarantee that your planned attack will beat your opponent this turn. Also, the game is incredibly well balanced. Sure, some characters are a bit stronger than others, but there is no impossible matchup for any fighter at all. There are bad matchups like Shektur x Sarafina, but they’re by no means impossible to win. If you know your character well and make the right decisions, you can still get the advantage in a match. Level99 Games' balance team is really competent; every character in the game is playable and feel unique. There is no godlike fighter who you simply instalock and win a match. As I said, this game focuses heavily on player skill, so there will be no such thing as a Mage ramdonly summoning King Krush from Unstable Portal to SMOrc your face up or a character which wins the game by itself. You, the player, has to pilot a fighter correctly in order to overwhelm your opponent and win the game. Play Battlecon Online, it is fun, balanced and competitive; I swear you won’t regret it!

Real player with 413.4 hrs in game

It being free is the only reason I can recomend at the moment, I’d recommend against spending money on purchasing characters/skins/whatever.

It’s battlecon, for better or for worse. Dodge is still mostly a boring get out of jail free card, and the 2 turn cooldowns change it from being a fighting game to a glorified moba. Still has the ability to grant extremely rewarding reads assuming you feel like completing the book report that is memorizing each characters styles, unique bases, and various kit bonuses. The game has managed to capture everything that makes fighting games complicated, with very little of the innate simplicities that allow new players to get a foothold and learn.

Real player with 157.1 hrs in game

BattleCON: Online on Steam

Fights in Tight Spaces (Prologue)

Fights in Tight Spaces (Prologue)

Most exciting demo I have played for a very long time. Highly recommended if you are into games like Slay the Spire or Into the Breach. This game has so much potential but I do have a few concerns.


  • fighting has a puzzle-like aspect to it, planning your move order really matters

  • great art style and animations

  • some potential for different builds and deck styles

  • it’s very fun. the fights themselves are more entertaining/satisfying than the fights in Slay the Spire, and can occasionally even tell little emergent stories (like the incompetent gunman who kills his whole squad by accident.)

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

The design concept alone is enough to give this game a try, particularly because it’s a free demo. Unlike so many tactical, turn-based combat systems which put you in the shoes of a typical fantasy, sci-fi, or modern miltary role, Fights in Tight Spaces put you in a role that we’ve seen in hundreds of movies and games, but (at least to my memory), don’t often get the chance to play in a turn-based format: That of the close-quarters martial arts master. Your Jason Bournes, John Wicks, Bruce Lees, Batmans, etc.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Fights in Tight Spaces (Prologue) on Steam



A brilliant game with friends. I must have played 200+ matches and no two have been the same. Great balancing system and a sprinkling of luck built-in to ensure matches are competitive while still giving the edge to the more skilled players.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

TLDR good game though modding makes it even better

Base game.

If i had to choose a game that i will play and is pvp 1v1 this is almost always one of the best choices to make.

This game has all of the greatness of stick fight but with little to none of the issues.

Simply put this game is pretty good by default.

Modded game.

Do you have slight issues with something then why not try playing without it.

Would like to try some thing wacky go for it.

Would you like picking 5 cards at the very start and at the end of EACH round you got it. (can get 25 cards in 1 match).

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

ROUNDS on Steam

Urban Rivals

Urban Rivals

This is not the UR i know anymore, its no fun .. and my account got banned from attempt to sell card for real money, thanks.

Recently, there have been issue of droprate card from pack, and you can feel the stress of getting new card and powercreep to fuel your gameplay, thats where you will feel the intense to spend money onto pack and hopefully to get what kind of card you desire. But fail, you even cant question the drop rate or suggest on improved or better way for the pack to work like ‘combo breaker’ for instance, whenever you purchase 2-3 pack you will get card that value 100k or more but this fail me hard as only trash and trash card you will get instead. Also, what with the ban? Idk, ive been into dota stuff for recent years and i thought i could use the same trade system like they did, trade your item for real money. But this game does not allow you to do it. Like how could not you trade all of your card for real money when you realize the game you playing right now is total lost? Like there is only few warning then boom your ID is perma ban with all the time you have spend and money you have been throw for 6 years, yes FUCKING 6 YEARS. Back when the game is good and no pressure on buying pack were introduced. There is no more single player mode or good campaign in this game

Real player with 241.9 hrs in game

I’ve been playing this game on and off since 2012, on the online browser which was far superior to this. It ran on flash and was smooth, reliable and easy to use. With this big influx of “flash is dead” mentality, the Urban Rivals staff/dev team which consists of about 10 people, as confirmed by a member of the team. This was a colossal mistake because they transferred to WebGL which is horrendous to use and the result is a load of bugs and terrible HUD/GUI on the online version from the card images not loading, to being impossible to make a new deck let alone update one. It took me about a week just to find out how to get out of deck builder (press the grey bar at the top).

Real player with 149.1 hrs in game

Urban Rivals on Steam

Martial Arts Brutality Premium

Martial Arts Brutality Premium

I didn’t expect the combat to be as fun as it is given how this game is like hearthstone x shadow fight and the soundtrack helps get your blood pumping if kicking a guy eight times in the heart and making him go into cardiac arrest isn’t enough for you

also, ninjutsu sucks

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

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Martial Arts Brutality is a real fun game. It started some time ago on mobile and is a really fun timewaster.

You get a deck of attacks and take turns. Each card has to be executed with a “swipe” in a special pattern. The faster and more accurate the swipe, the better the attack.

On the counter turn, you try block those attacks with swipes against their attacks. All this ends up in a fierce fight. But it is not just 1:1! It’s lots of fighters against lots of fighters.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Martial Arts Brutality Premium on Steam

Martial Arts Brutality

Martial Arts Brutality

Firstly, id just have to say, spend a FEW minutes to download the game and just give it a try and form your own conclusion rather than letting a few negative reviews put you off.

Ive spent many hundreds of hours on many other card games, from Hearthstone,Faeria, Magic the Gathering, Duel of Champions, Slay the Spire, Infinity Wars etc.. , and Martial Arts Brutality is my current favourite and the one i have the most fun playing and look forward to playing, i currently have put a pause on playing everything else. its just pure fun and a really unique game.

Real player with 149.7 hrs in game

The game is quite fun and addictive. The style is wonderful trashy, in resemblance to the old, trashy fighting movies but also offers some depth through constantly working on your fighting decks.

This could be where this review ends but why the negative review then? Well there’s one single aspect that ruins it all: The Pay2Win Spirit boost mechanic. The deeper you get into this game the more you realize how often people use Spirit Boosts to turn a loss into an undeserved victory… which ruins it all.

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

Martial Arts Brutality on Steam