5 Star Rio Resort

5 Star Rio Resort

If you enjoy match 3 games this will gives you tons of hours of enjoyment. 96 levels with powerups to use.

Some levels are VERY hard to get 3 stars, but be aware if you don’t use a powerup from a previous level you bring it to the next, so you can go back and grind for powerups to bring to a tough level.

Level 94 is impossible without saved powerups.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

I certainly enjoyed this game very much. It reacts super well to clicks and it is fun to watch the matches fall and combine. Everything is so colorful and beautiful and you get to build a resort and have lots of fun. A few card games are included too, so why not? Music is fun, the backgrounds and design of the entire game are wonderful and of course the clicking and throwing upgrades are amusing too. It is also a pleasure to play these types of games and the games are very much appreciated. Thank you kindly!!! =)))))

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

5 Star Rio Resort on Steam

Princess Battles

Princess Battles

Fun game, would be great if it were a little longer but definitely worth buying and playing. Yes, you have to deal with a bratty princess to start out, but there’s actual choice about which way she develops. She isn’t a pushover, which is rather nice. There are a number of interesting endings, which add to playing time and value.

Artwork is very nice, main story and story arcs are well done, card battles are slightly repetitive but the difficulty progression is good (especially the first time through). And despite the repetition, I did find the card games fun.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Romance Games.

I was hesitant to buy this. The price seemed a bit expensive and what little I saw of the writing seemed a bit simple. I say seemed, because actually I had a ball with this game! The graphics are pretty, and I love the different dresses for the MC! All of the characters, including the MC, are really likable! Gerald is my absolute favorite, I was smiling through all of his scenes! (I will say it felt more like 3 love interests, not 4). I love that we get extra stories and free play mode. The card battles are fun, and I like that we can customize our deck in free play. The difficulty felt right, since I lost as many times as I won.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Princess Battles on Steam



Inanis is a story-rich fusion of bullet hell, boss battles, and deck-building! Will you be the pilgrim to successfully reach and slay the king?

Follow us at Kickstarter! Campaign launching October 5th: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inanis/inanis-0

**Over 15 Bosses.

3 traversable world maps, full of secrets

A cast of Unique characters to interact with and learn the games story from

Over 100 cards, 15 spirits, and endless combinations

A full deck building system, so you can prepare your arsenal for each fight

Replay-ability and scaling difficulty, with each boss available to play on a greater difficulty after it’s beaten**

Read More: Best Card Game Deckbuilding Games.

Inanis on Steam

Regency Solitaire

Regency Solitaire

First off, this is NOT a game I normally play. I play MOBAs, Survival, Sims, & FPS. (Though I do play Reigns every so often)

I was watching an Indie dev video and Jake (Grey Alien Games) was doing the talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmwbYl6f11c ) and he talked about the games he has made (match-3’s & card games) and how this game, Regency Solitaire, was a collaborative game he did with his wife & Family. I was intrigued and checked out the game here on Steam and spent a couple days mulling over the purchase. I wasn’t sure if this was something I would play or not. I finally decided to give it a shot (the price is relatively low) and I am pleased that I did, it’s a fun game.

Real player with 60.0 hrs in game

Regency Solitaire is a very nice, relaxing, charming, yet challenging game.

The setting takes places during the Regency era in the United Kingdom - early 1800s. The Regency era is noted for its elegance, fine arts, and architecture. It also encompasses a time of social, political, and economic change. This all is very nicely reflected in the game itself.

The game is centered upon a particular family within the Regency era, what each family member’s role is, and how they handle, or mishandle, said role. As the storyline continues throughout the game, the player learns a bit more about each family member.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Regency Solitaire on Steam

Reigns: Her Majesty

Reigns: Her Majesty

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☑ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☑ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☐ Easy

☐ Average

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Few Bugs

☐ Some with mods

☐ You can use them for speedrun

☑ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☐ Sleepy

☐ Boring

Real player with 147.7 hrs in game

This game is pretty unassuming, but I think the simplicity of the gameplay works in favor for the overall game. With smart humour and surprisingly meta writing, Reigns: Her Majesty exceeded all expectations I had of this game I bought on a whim. I expected something cute and short, but I got a satirical game with a surprisingly deep political system.

The game operates much like a typical Tinder app (swipe left or right for positive or negative reactions). It expands upon this by adding a political edge to it, such that your answers have consequences on the four pillars of your kingdom (Church, People, Military, and Wealth). Surprisingly, this simple system was able to weave politics into its scenarios well, especially since as a ruler and leader, your decisions will have consequences. Eventually, if those consequences rack up, then you go out just like if you were in Game of Thrones - usually, that means death. It’s actually pretty hard to stay alive in this game until much later, and my first few runs as queen ended quite unfortunately under the boots of my citizens due to their love for me, or because I drowned in a lake since my carriage of pure gold broke. Fun times in queendom!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Reigns: Her Majesty on Steam

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

This made me start reading the books

The 3 Witcher games (though amazing) didn’t have that effect on me, nor did the Netflix show. Here you get a different view on this world, this time through the perspective of a queen. More politics, more intrigue, more information, and choices that don’t affect just you, your friends, and who you’ll sleep with tonight, but entire kingdoms and their inhabitants.

This card game is more of an RPG than 95 out of 100 RPGs out there

The card gameplay is cool if you like gwent, has interesting puzzles for variety too. The deck building was weak though, most of the cards felt not very useful. Played on hardest (bonebreaker) difficulty to avoid the game being too easy and that meant I couldn’t goof around with interesting cards/combinations too much. If only I knew the soul of the game was the RPG element and that I’d spend 40hrs in it! I was expecting something like 10hrs!

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Knickers ate my cards. 7/10 if you like card games, a little repetitive in the middle.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales on Steam

Trulon: The Shadow Engine

Trulon: The Shadow Engine

Trulon: The Shadow Engine is a game that is very much a mix of styles. The look and tone of Trulon is bright, colourful, soft looking, but its story is something a little more complex than one side good, one side bad, but it is a game that’s lacking a bit of punch

Trulon: The Shadow Engine is a mix of traditional JRPG gameplay with card battling and deck building. There’s an overworld, the occasional random battle, levelling, even items to equip. The levelling in particular makes a real difference to characters, gaining a level can make challenging areas bearable. I have to admit, there were a few areas where I felt the need to go and gain a level or two, the simplicity of the early game is, every so often, rocked by spikes in difficulty

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game


WARNING!!! This game is a buggy mess as of 19th of March 2016. Game Breaking Bugs. Will update if they ever patch it.

Click here for update change-log


I usually do not write reviews but after seeing a few people on my friendlist having this game on their wishlists, I am compelled to give you my opinion of the game as of the 19th of March, 2016.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Trulon: The Shadow Engine on Steam

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var’Nagal

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var’Nagal

I like this game so far. Don’t get me wrong it is still early access and their are missing text on some parts, but I am entranced by the story lines and who I want to be with

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

If you spam-skip the game has a stroke.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

ARISEN - Chronicles of Var'Nagal on Steam

Goddess Of Card War

Goddess Of Card War

I think this is a “You get what you pay for” sorta thing but….I’m still iffy on the price (I got it at discount/sale too). So…I’m tentatively going to give it a thumbs down (I’ll explain in point 2). The game is interesting if you’re really into grinding. If you’re not into grinding, this is a hard pass.

The game’s story…doesn’t exist. I was taken back at first that there was no tutorial, I was thrown into battle right away, and I was lost for about 20 seconds then realized…you don’t do anything. This is a semi-idle game that is bad at the idle part. The combat is fully automated, there is no control there. That said, most battles take 6-12 seconds, and you have to constantly re-enter or go to the next map/area. So you still have to manage it but without any kind of actual game play. You set a formation of up to 9 characters and you can equip them with stuff and little things to grind to make them more powerful, which I’m not gonna lie, is pretty fun in its own way.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

The character is very beautiful, there is nothing to say.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Goddess Of Card War on Steam

Grand Guilds

Grand Guilds

(Note/Disclosure - I got into this game from Kickstarter and played the beta, and due to liking it also ended up doing design work for it (primarily cards and passives) - since I worked on the game in the first place because I liked it, rather than the other way around, I think I can make a useful review, but of course I want to disclose the fact that I helped design some elements up front)

As someone who tends to go for games purely thanks to mechanics, rather than due to a story, I still have to say the story’s what’ll stick with me most from Grand Guilds. It’s refreshingly… justified, in a way. My litmus test for a lot of these kinds of “fantasy party” stories is “could this problem just be solved by 100 guys with spears and muskets” and in Grand Guilds the answer is always a resounding no - the unique skills of the main characters really let them accomplish stuff much faster and cleaner than any larger organization would, and they all consistently use their unique abilities to great effect in the story - the character who can move extremely fast can quickly get back a hostage, the character who can sense magic is great at finding targets amidst large areas, etc. And the dynamics between the characters and writing are all just plain charming at times. The boss fights aren’t as memorable as the characters behind them in places, but it still feels well placed. All I can really say is that I’m not usually a story guy at all, but the story’s what hooked me here most of all.

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game


  • Recommended at full price

  • Recommended at a discount

  • Recommended but only at a discount

  • Not Recommended UNLESS you have a patience for bugs, in which case I recommend it at a discount

**### Buggy as all hell, but surprisingly enjoyable nonetheless

Closest comparison: Children of Zodiarks (both are grid turn based tactical games with deckbuilding and linear storytelling)

Duration: 20-30hs (depending on how many sidequests you do, it has 3 difficulties to choose from but I doubt they will be enough to hold your attention for more than 1 playthrough)**

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Grand Guilds on Steam