

Great game. Short, but definitely worth it. I love that there are multiple chapter points you can choose so you don’t have to play through the whole story again in order to get to the different endings. There are some minor translation errors, but nothing too bothersome. It’s very compelling. I would love to see more detail about the folklore involved. I felt like a lot of legends were referenced but not much was really explained, like it could all be chalked up to one cultish village and their weird traditions. If these references have a more historic root in Slavic tradition, as a slav by ancestry myself, I’d love to hear it. 7/10

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

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good little game graphics are well nice real good detail in them well done loved them not a bad game for the price i still not finished it yet want to get the other endings but defo check it out hope top see more from these as this was a decent little game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Unforgotten on Steam