Dance of Cards

Dance of Cards

Sixteen passengers aboard the ocean liner Magnific, who set sail to the shores of New World in search of a better life, become trapped in a cruel and deadly game of cards.

With no option to escape, they are forced to accept the rules and put their lives at stake for a fleeting hope of salvation.

During the seven days players will face each other at the poker table to decide whose live will be taken next. Cheat, bluff and form alliances to survive until the end of the cruise – and don’t forget that everything is up to chance.


  • Unique blend of poker and RPG

  • 16 colourful characters you can form a team with – each with their own distinct talents and playstyles

  • A tale of chance and certainty

  • A ship to explore, full of mysteries and unexpected findings

  • Additional Death Gambles – for the brave ones and those who are out of luck

  • Soundtrack teeming with danceable anxiety

  • Feeling of hope amidst the dread

Read More: Best Card Game Indie Games.

Dance of Cards on Steam



Welcome to BLACKJACK and WAIFUS!

We got Three Charming Ladies here to Play with!

Make your Bet and play the Black Jack Game!

The Ladies will gonna strip and chat while you win them.

And who knows where it will bring you…

Key Features:

  • Play the BlackJack!

  • Chat with Waifus!

  • Strip the Girls by Winning them!

  • Enjoy the Relaxing Music and Atmosphere!

  • Stay Healthy and Have Fun!

Read More: Best Card Game Simulation Games.


Regency Solitaire

Regency Solitaire

First off, this is NOT a game I normally play. I play MOBAs, Survival, Sims, & FPS. (Though I do play Reigns every so often)

I was watching an Indie dev video and Jake (Grey Alien Games) was doing the talk ( ) and he talked about the games he has made (match-3’s & card games) and how this game, Regency Solitaire, was a collaborative game he did with his wife & Family. I was intrigued and checked out the game here on Steam and spent a couple days mulling over the purchase. I wasn’t sure if this was something I would play or not. I finally decided to give it a shot (the price is relatively low) and I am pleased that I did, it’s a fun game.

Real player with 60.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

Regency Solitaire is a very nice, relaxing, charming, yet challenging game.

The setting takes places during the Regency era in the United Kingdom - early 1800s. The Regency era is noted for its elegance, fine arts, and architecture. It also encompasses a time of social, political, and economic change. This all is very nicely reflected in the game itself.

The game is centered upon a particular family within the Regency era, what each family member’s role is, and how they handle, or mishandle, said role. As the storyline continues throughout the game, the player learns a bit more about each family member.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Regency Solitaire on Steam

Mother of All Secrets

Mother of All Secrets

Mother of All Secrets is an RPG full of occult mysteries, investigations, and intrigue. Become a young ward at an old and remote orphanage. Live your new life for fourteen days as the enigmatic masters of the House prepare you and your mates for the impending visit of the mysterious Guest.

The House’s walls conceal a small world of stories, plans, and conspiracies. Every hour is fateful here. Decide where to go, what events to participate in, which goals to pursue, and who you should influence. Will you be ready to learn the ultimate truth on the last night of your stay at the House?

A Living Breathing House

Become a part of the close-knit community of the orphanage. Other wards, your teachers, caretakers, and even the family of House owners — behind every living soul, there are goals, plans, and desires. With every hour, individual plots progress, secrets unfold, and choices are made that alter the House forever.

Your Own Story

Create your own character and live out a unique story — only you decide how to spend each and every hour. Go about uncovering the asylum’s secrets however you like. Make friends or enemies at your own discretion. Explore the darkest and most dangerous corners of the House. Unravel other people’s schemes and draw up your own plans. Obey or risk breaking the cryptic rules that govern the orphanage and face the consequences. What will you do with your freedom of choice?

High Stakes

Perform actions in every scene by playing cards. These cards determine your character’s skills, items, and even relationships. Different cards allow you to influence others, gain an upper hand during encounters, apply the knowledge and traits you have acquired, or push the narrative towards the desired outcome. Remember that other characters possess their own set of cards which they can play against you! Study the abilities and intentions of others before reshuffling their decks and transforming their personalities. How will you play your hand?

Mother of All Secrets on Steam

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

Voice of Cards was a game I was either grinning at or holding back tears with. All your party members are, as the narrator puts it, colorful characters, and they get to express their personalities frequently through the random events you bump into while traveling. Who will you choose to break down this door? The big muscle guy is the obvious choice, but maybe you should ask the magician… basically, it’s fun to pick the wrong answer, and you’re never really punished for it. Much!

Gameplay is a lot more straightforward than you might think, with the tabletop/card aesthetic the game has going on. Anyone familiar with typical turn-based RPGs will be fine, and it’s not a terribly difficult game to begin with. This is your cue to pick your favorites and just do whatever!

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

When I picked this game up I was expecting another wild ride from Yoko-taro; This is not that. I am fairly certain that Square Enix just slapped his name all over the marketing for this game as a marketing ploy, and it sure got me.

However, it is a nice experience in it’s own right. Maybe not worth 30 dollars/euro/whatever, but servicable for what it is. I found myself having a good time, enjoying the gameplay and characters.

The game shines in characters and their dynamics together. The mix of main characters make up a fairly unique roster, from the money-driven self proclaimed “hero” to the muscle-man nutritionist, you’ll be hard pressed to find a character you don’t like. The character writing at work here is definitely up to square enix standards!

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars on Steam

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle

I had fun playing this game. Very relaxing the puzzles was. Plus the music made me feel sleepy as well.

I enjoyed unlocking the achievements. I had trouble finding out what to do to unlock the hidden achievement. But thankfully I found a website guide about the achievement.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

what a nice game to play!

Quiet and well-made music.

The art is interesting as it was made, it has animations and has many pieces and that gives a bug in the brain kkkk

I liked the game!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Invisible Services - Pixel Art Jigsaw Puzzle on Steam



My honestly review on Sumire

You have one day, one life.

Sumire is a adventure game with colorful anime were you control a young girl who meet a mysterious flower who want to fulfill her most desired wish. To achieve the wish come true, she have to fulfill all task of other soul before night falls.

As I have play this game, I have a wonderful day to see some relaxing and colorful day of this game. I love the colorful art and music when you travel into the Japanese village or a rice field, as it feel relax and sometime is nice than adventure in the big city because sometime you (might) always travel on important cities and landmarks, but never see the countryside.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game


Sumire tells the story of a little girl with a lot on her plate.

You will follow her journey, make lots of small and big decisions

and you will witness how these decisions impact the people around her and herself.

You can help those around her or focus on her goal alone.

Will you seek revenge or go the path of forgiving?

Will you be a helpful, kind-hearted spirit or isolate yourself and be self centered?

Will you be able to face the darkness inside you?


The controls are very simple and intuitive.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Sumire on Steam