Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

A very faithful implementation of the original board game, which is a Eurogame by design with a historical ACW theme tagged on it. The game does have a decent AI and can be played solitaire as a result. Statistics on your own profile is available and so you can track your own performance vs. the AI. The only downside is the program still has a bug, freezing the solitaire game play from time to time and it seems Playdek was not aware of the issue. The multiplayer is easy to set up and game with score, measuring how you fare against others. However, there is no world ranking in the game, and different level of AI there is not. You can get notification in email when it is your turn in a game with another. A chat room is available but most of the time it is dormant. There is an alternate mapboard to give the game a variant, non-location look but I doubt people to use such a boring map. The gameplay is abstract and there is no manual inside the game or here on the Steam. You have to download it from the boardgame publisher GMT, as long as you are aware of it. This is absolutely a minor for the newcomer as the game itself is abstract and you are quite probably knowing what you are doing in the first few games. Once you get a hang out of the system, the game is smooth and quick to finish in 10 to 15 minutes. Overall, Fort Sumter is a game of tile-placement competing for control of the areas on the map. Score: 6.5/10.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Tabletop Games.

I’ve been on the road a ton in the past couple of weeks and played the hell out of this. In about 60 offline games and a half-dozen online games I haven’t noted any gameplay bugs or rules/cards implementation problems as noted in another review. The recent AI bugfix improved the AI, and it’s competent enough in a mechanistic sense, but it' still a bit weak against experienced players, especially as it relates to setting things up in terms of the long game and Final Crisis. To be fair, that’s something the many human players don’t grok until they’ve played a while (which I have as an owner of the board game).

Real player with 51.2 hrs in game

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis on Steam



I found QUESTR to be very entertaining. It is not much as a game, but what it lacks in gaming substance it makes up in content.

You start by inviting people to join your quest party. Many of the people lie on their profiles and some characters hate your other members so much that they quit right away.

Every quest has multiple events in which you need to select one characters idea how to solve them. For example you encounter a vampire. Will you send a) the Vegan to talk to him about being vegan b) the drunk to talk about drinking c) or the bro who says he got this as he had to watch vampire movies with his ex. Results might not be what you expect.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Questr is an RPG parody of dating apps similar to Tinder.

In a similar fashion, you swipe left and right to build the perfect RPG team. Every potential party member has likes and dislikes, levels, costs to hire, and personality traits as well as their own class, guild, and ancestry.

Personality traits determine the outcome of encounters throughout each quest. Beating an encounter raises morale, while failing lowers it. Party members also interact with one another between encounters, further raising or lowering morale depending on how well personality types get along and whether or not you paid attention to likes and dislikes. At the end of a quest, the morale level determines if you successfully complete it, giving you a reward and the possibility of having party members continue to quest with you.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Questr on Steam

Good puzzle: Castles

Good puzzle: Castles

Great puzzle game, with cool art!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

I usually don’t review a game until after I complete it, but if you love puzzles this is a lovely little game. The overall effect is like those delicate prints on glass from long ago. Well worth the sales price of .49 cents USD. Oh, pleasant music to boot.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Castles on Steam

Fate in the Darkness

Fate in the Darkness

As planned this is an RPG-sandbox in board game style, with a gothic fantasy atmosphere.

А living own life world, which you can interact through the game character, attended events, tasks and game deck.

The goal of this project is to port board game.

In this time the gameplay is a journey through the main game location.

This demonstrates the work I have done, from scratch.

The game is raw.

Core aspects such as: generation of game characters, map-pocessing algorythm, most part of AI logic and e.t.c. are mostly done. But still in need of optimization and content. Also there is a dungeon map-generator, but it’s unfinished and not integrated.

**Graphics will be changed and balance will be updated. Plenty of dialogs, events, tasks, items and objects are gonna be added.

Have in plans to add co-op up to 4 players and map-creation tools.**

Since it’s my pesonal project - I can change/add/delete any part of it if I see fit.


Fate in the Darkness on Steam