

A really solid and well-made party game, it’s like a piece of art in my steam library.

  • Haven’t encountered a single bug/glitch

  • Fun, entertaining and trippy artwork

  • Clean user interface

  • Great sound design

  • The way the gentleman pops up and says “Awkward!”, is a really nice touch

  • Native controller support, which is something that can be overlooked in these sorts of games

  • The “super awkward” update essentially sorted out the only issue the game had, which was the wait for round 3

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Local Multiplayer Games.

So what is Awkward?

It’s a simple yet addictive opinion guessing game. It’s fun with a friend or partner but should be most fun in a group where you try to do better than the others. I found the comparison with the “rest of the world” to be less interesting than I had hoped, so I can’t really recommend playing solo.

Final verdict: Wait for a sale!

Strongest point: A game in your steam library you can play with any person. Plus: Geat artstyle.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Awkward on Steam

Ragnar’s Chinese Memory Game

Ragnar’s Chinese Memory Game

Simple and effective to increase vocabulary. Better than flash cards because you can hear the sound. Only thing that would make it better is if it had a way to slow down the speech. And an option to hear a male or female voice.

Real player with 263.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

I love this game.

Simple but effective.

I appreciate that it ships with traditional mandarin, and I would love it even more if it had Zhuyin spelling as an alternative to Pinyin.

The look and feel is very pleasant for the eyes, same as the audio tracks.

This game could be extended with additional playing modes for increased replayability, such as:

  • associate characters with their pinyin/zhuyin

  • associate characters with drawings

  • associate triplets (spelling, characters, meaning) instead of pairs

Real player with 107.1 hrs in game

Ragnar's Chinese Memory Game on Steam

Palace of Cards

Palace of Cards

The different card games are very well explained. And you can play for free for a very long time. Thumbs up.

But then…

Their prices are downright ridiculous and outrageous. Just for professional players.

Die unterschiedlichen Kartenspiele sind sehr gut erklärt. Und man kann sehr lange kostenlos spielen. Dafür Daumen hoch. aber dann…

Deren Preisvorstellungen sind geradezu lächerlich und fast schon unverschämt. Nur was für professionelle Kartenenthusiasten.

Real player with 516.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Free to Play Games.

I have always loved rummy as a whole but many rummy games/apps have so many new rules this game however follows from what i have known the correct original set of rules plus the ability to chat and watch our stats is also a plus i have this on my steam and my phone i love it i give it five stars outs of five !

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

Palace of Cards on Steam

Governor of Poker 3

Governor of Poker 3

As a poker game goes it has it all. + Some blackjack. Collecting hats ,badges ( i don’t need no stinking Badges) Coins etc all adds to it. Wasted many hours. My only down side is The amount of people who just throw in all the chips every hand.

but once you weed them out the game you find some damn good Players who just want to have fun.

If you like poker but dont want to use real cash This is as close as it gets. and if you do run out of Free chips . you can allways buy a few more. or wait for a free roll to come around every 4 hours.

Real player with 1845.3 hrs in game

GOP3 is a multiplayer poker game. They have a nice BlackJack table and a Slotmachime just to make you spend your chips. Another pay to win game. But its not bad, you can spend $10 on a HAT! there are hundreds of them. Like Im gonna wake up on a sunday morning and think…. I should spend $100 on HATS to play a poker game. YAY….awful. despicable.

Real player with 328.4 hrs in game

Governor of Poker 3 on Steam

Signs of the Sojourner

Signs of the Sojourner

This game is fantastic. There’s hardly a negative comment I could make upon it.

Story-wise, your mother passes, and you’re responsible for keeping your hometown alive through her story/trade caravan. You meet a variety of people and learn about/influence their stories, learning hidden stories about your mother’s past on the caravan route and ultimately finding an appropriate ending to the caravan problem (the town relies on the caravan for business, and your store needs to be successful for the caravan to justify coming around.)

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Probably my favourite game of this year so far. I was honestly close to just quitting within the first few minutes, but once I got used to the concept the whole thing became weirdly addictive. I got drawn into the game’s world and was excited to plan my trips, explore all the places, meet the people, solve the mysteries, find out about all the subplots…

The first playthrough took me about 5 hours, and apparently the other ones weren’t much shorter because there was always new content - and admittedly also because I’ve spent quite some time figuring out which cards to collect and to play and on retrying conversations… I’m almost done with my 5th playthrough, all of them lead me to a few new places, people and stories, and there are still some left to explore.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Signs of the Sojourner on Steam

System Crash

System Crash

System Crash is a strategic story-rich cyberpunk card game both developed and published by Rogue Moon Studios. Set in the not too distant future this is a story of intrigue, corporate espionage and cyberwarfare. Being a runner is a good, if not dangerous, career choice but after a mission in Berlin goes horribly bad you spend the next couple of months forcibly globetrotting while on the run from Corporate assassins intent on killing you. Eventually evading the pursuers you finally end up back in the “Sprawl”, a.k.a. San Angeles, down on your luck and looking to make some much needed credits. But a runner without a console can’t get any credits so after forging a deal with a local loan shark and finally getting your hands on some black market cyberware you hastily start down your road to redemption. A road that will take you through the darkest most dangerous places in both cyberspace and the real world…JACK IN!!!

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

I really love this game.

System Crash is a single-player deckbuilder set in a cyberpunk-style universe. Battles unfold as a number of 1-vs-1 card-based duels over the course of the campaign. The campaign follows a comfortably generic story about hackers and back-alley doctors and shady corporations. There’s a very home-brew feel to the game in general, like it was cobbled together out of assets that were sitting around on a shelf in a garage somewhere.

Despite this, the card-battle system at the heart of System Crash is fantastic. It is extremely easy to pick up, but is highly addictive.

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

System Crash on Steam

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE solitaire. I’ve been playing it ever since I was a wee lass, but golf solitaire has recently become my favorite version of the game. Imagine my delight when yet another title released featuring the enjoyable gameplay I’ve come to love. Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead had SO much promise: beautiful artwork, a fantastic theme, and interesting new power-ups and board goals I hadn’t seen done in other games — and yet against all odds it failed. As a lover of solitaire and supporter of indie game developers everywhere, it pains me greatly to have to write this review, but it is my sworn duty to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Dios.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

TLDR: Fun solitaire game, I’m glad I bought it, one oddity to note - the game is rigged in your favour, the next card on the deck being turned over has a high chance of being one you need!

The gameplay: 100 sets of 3 games each, each set has a goal like achieve a certain score, avoid diamonds for the next 5 cards etc. I’m half way through the game right now and haven’t needed to use the boosts much yet, the one most powerful of which is to unlock a second deck so that 2 cards at a time are revealed. For each set you earn 0, 100, 200 or 300 depending on your score, you also get zero to three skulls at the same levels, getting all the skulls is linked to an achievement. Even if you’re bad at the game you could still get all the skulls by grinding the early level for money for boosters to ensure a good score, hopefully it doesn’t come to this in later levels.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead on Steam

The Magister

The Magister

I really liked this game (after I completed it for all difficulties,

I updated my review).

Basically you are the magister/witcher and you are sent to a city

to investigate the murder. The game consists of four parts:

  1. investigation of the murder (procedural puzzle)

  2. tactical fighting with enemies (simplified heroes 3)

  3. deck-building for diplomacy (simplified ascension)

  4. leveling/customizing your heroe to be able to solve all challenges (see 1, 2, 3)

From my point of view it has followin strong areas:

Real player with 118.8 hrs in game

Like the investigation games of the 90s…

This game reminds me of Grim Fandango and The Secret of Monkey Island from the 90s. It basically involves you running all over the place (from location to location), whilst trying to solve a mystery. You also occasionally encounter enemies that you have to battle, and the battles are your typical TRPG grid-based battles, but you use a card mechanic similar to Slay the Spire.

Pros: #1. TRPG fans will like the combat

#2. You don’t always HAVE to fight… most of the times you can talk it out

Real player with 52.8 hrs in game

The Magister on Steam



Great game. Short, but definitely worth it. I love that there are multiple chapter points you can choose so you don’t have to play through the whole story again in order to get to the different endings. There are some minor translation errors, but nothing too bothersome. It’s very compelling. I would love to see more detail about the folklore involved. I felt like a lot of legends were referenced but not much was really explained, like it could all be chalked up to one cultish village and their weird traditions. If these references have a more historic root in Slavic tradition, as a slav by ancestry myself, I’d love to hear it. 7/10

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

good little game graphics are well nice real good detail in them well done loved them not a bad game for the price i still not finished it yet want to get the other endings but defo check it out hope top see more from these as this was a decent little game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Unforgotten on Steam