A long, long time ago, an ancient evil was trapped inside of a magical gong. The gong was struck and released this evil into the world. Now, only one thing can stop it- comedy warriors that compete in improv challenges to appease the evil spirit. If any of them aren’t funny or mess up, they will be punished!

BATSU! is a digital party card game full of hilarious improv challenges and humiliating or painful punishments! The game is based on the hit live Japanese punishment game show in NYC and Chicago. Put your “funny” friends to the test in improv challenges while risking a BATSU! (“punishment”, in Japanese.)

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

BATSU! on Steam

Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown

Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown

A deckbuilder game with a novel theme and a twist in mechanics because it has a visual novel built around it, with its own set of problems and goals. It’s designed to be replayed, with the goal of earning permanent starting cards after winning the overall game, so it gets a little different every time. The plot is simple, but that’s fine because the point of this game is the cards.

I thought the little details in the story were charming. “Panda” really captures the essence of a streamer, and it makes dealing with disappointed parents feel more lighthearted when they’re pandas. It’s a game that’s not trying to be serious so you can focus on the cards and I appreciate that.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Deckbuilding Games.

I want to enjoy this game, I really do, and I understand a lot of the references and tropes in it are geared towards jaded streamers who agree with the fact that there really isn’t a guide to go about streaming successfully. That being said however, I want something of a guide, a meter, something more than viewers to tell me I’m successfully streaming. I’ve tinkered with the length of streams, I’ve tried to be conservative, tried to be nice and run the nontoxic suite, I’ve tried to be combative and run the ego trip end the stream as quick as possible, I’ve tried to go full immunity and keep my chat from hitting me, I’ve let chat beat up on me to rest up next week, doesn’t seem to matter, I don’t see any difference in my stream results. Maybe it picks up when you get your viewership set, either way I don’t know if I have time to keep playing to try to find it, I don’t even know if this is something I will revisit down the line. If you play the demo for this know that you’re just going to get more of the same, it never seems to pick up, never gets fully explained mechanically. Dunno if there’s more to do with this, if the devs are going to keep making changes, but I’m not happy with it at this point.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown on Steam

Atlantic Quest Solitaire

Atlantic Quest Solitaire

gets repetitive quick and not much to it. basic solitaire here. nothing too special.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

very short game disappointing

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Atlantic Quest Solitaire on Steam



Welcome to BLACKJACK and WAIFUS!

We got Three Charming Ladies here to Play with!

Make your Bet and play the Black Jack Game!

The Ladies will gonna strip and chat while you win them.

And who knows where it will bring you…

Key Features:

  • Play the BlackJack!

  • Chat with Waifus!

  • Strip the Girls by Winning them!

  • Enjoy the Relaxing Music and Atmosphere!

  • Stay Healthy and Have Fun!


Tournament Ark

Tournament Ark

(tl;dr version: Check back in when Early Access is over.)

This game has a sizable amount of polish issues- from areas of the game which should allow you to check your deck, but don’t, to a sometimes rough interface, to the bizarre fact that there’s never a “back” button in areas where it’d be expected, to the fact that there isn’t an input delay set after a match end (meaning you might accidentally click on a post-match event selection while trying to click through the end of the match). The game also has some longevity issues that’d be easily remedied with just a bit more late-game gameplay customization options, as well as some significant balance issues.

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

I’ve been playing this game since i found it in and all i can say is that it’s extremely adictive and there’s so many different options that each run is completly different and unique. The game itself is a Slay the spire-like game with easy to learn but hard to master mechanics. What makes the game so enjoyable is the combination of both different backstories and archetypes which give a rather diverse gameplay and strategies. If you like cardbased roguelikes like Slay the Spire you’re gonna love this game

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Tournament Ark on Steam

Space Food Truck

Space Food Truck

Mainly writing this because I disagree with what the majority of the negative reviews are saying, as someone who cranked out 40 hours of gameplay (split quite evenly between online and offline play) and who completed games on the hardest difficulty level. While I have ideas on what should contribute to a negative review, which will come later in the review, but let’s start by tackling the points I disagree with in the negative reviews.

I believe RNG gets the majority of the blame because a random event occurs at the beginning of every turn, and at every new planet, so it’s pretty much in your face all the time.

Real player with 102.9 hrs in game

This game has the potential to be very fun. Myself and a few friends brought it and really enjoyed the game initially. But we quickly realised that this game is too hard, and not even hard in way that challenges you properly. We have been playing on mild difficulty, since the upper difficulty was seemingly impossilbe.

The game is hard beyond the player’s control, since much of the game mechanics are the result RNG. 90% of the RNG is bad! You receive negative effects that can see you wiped out very quickly. For example, we upgraded our shields to the max very early on, but in response, we started taking much more damage from RNG events.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Space Food Truck on Steam

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards is a multi-platform Free to Play CCG. It worked on Win 10, looked ok, played ok, sounded ok. Animation Throwdown is a card collecting game incorporating five Twentieth Century Fox Television animated comedies: American Dad!, Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, Futurama, and King of the Hill. Game is also on Kongregate, IOS and Android. Gameplay is similiar to other free to play CCGs, but has some different features. You have a deck with a limit of 35 cards, which give you enough chances to get the cards you want out. PVP arena is the only place where you can level up your deck hero and unlock other deck heroes, you get random chances of receiving xp for a random hero. The game is Pay to Win so don’t expect to win much verses a P2W player, if you don’t Pay or didn’t grind it like a job. Do link your steam account for this game to the Kongregate website, so you can also play from the website.

Real player with 548.8 hrs in game


After the success of Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad, Futurama, and King of the Hill it was hard not to make a universe where all of them can come together and fight to the death battle royale style.

This game features an abundance of new items such as: drugs, costumes, weapons etc. As well as some of the classic characters any gamer would recognize like: Stan Smith, Dale Gribble, and every gamer’s personal favorite Peter Griffin himself, the man the myth the legend. All coming together in a perfect blend to make some wacky zanny cards that are sure to make you LOL hahaha.

Real player with 175.6 hrs in game

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards on Steam



KindFolx is a single player PvE real time deckbuilding card game! Follow Reinus in his quest to liberate the city of KindFolx from its corrupt leader!

-Fast paced combat that requires efficient and creative decisions

-Randomly selected enemies, events, and treasures will make each run different from the last

-A variety of mechanics and cards allow you to play in different ways that suit your play style or create additional challenge

-Frame by frame animation!

Long ago, in a land unlike the one you know now, a war raged between Humankind, and Monsterfolx. After 5 years, the battle would end, and Humankind would rise victorious.

Ozma, a human hero of the war, embraced peace between the races, and proposed the erection of a city that would be a haven for humans and monsters to live in harmony. The city would be called KindFolx.

5 years later, Ozma would pass away, and as agreed, a Monsterfolk would take his place at the head of the city as a sign of trust and faith by the humans. Darlocke, a cruel general of the monster army, would bring about a new wave of human hatred. Oppression would begin, and homelessness, violence, and slavery inflicted on humans would soar.

Now, in order to prevent these growing atrocities from inciting another war, a team of adventurers have banned together to put everything on the line to overthrow Darlocke in the heart of the city.

Will you and the Adventurers Guild be able to successfully destroy the evil in the deepest parts of KindFolx?

KindFolx on Steam

Sketch Crawler

Sketch Crawler

Sketch Crawler is a super-creative deck-building roguelike single player RPG game about the King of Cartoons who lost his kingdom in a wicked magic picture.

The Magic of Drawing

With just one click, you can redraw any object in the game: creatures, spells, walls, furniture, and decorations. Your drawings will be saved and used for further generations of the Sketch Crawler world.

The Мagic of Сolor

In the world of Sketch Crawler, colors have their own mysterious power. By adding a color to a creature, you can add new abilities and powers to it. By adding a color to a magic spell you can greatly enhance it.

Endless Fun

The procedural generation of dungeons and enemies gives you endless gameplay.


You will die many times and start over and over again, trying to save the King of Cartoons. And that’s okay. The cool thing is that once you make it through the dungeon, you’ll keep all the cards you have collected along the way and your next campaigns will be better prepared.


There is no need to kill to win here. You can let your enemy escape, the amount of loot and experience you get will not change.

Experimental Game

We are experimenting with letting players create whatever they want and make it matter in the game. We want to tempt players to draw.

A Place for a Scene

You will also be able to record voiceovers for all your characters and even for your enemies!


  • Everything you draw appears in a procedurally generated world.

  • Conquer dungeons with turn-based card combat.

  • Build your ultimate deck from cards you find.

  • Redraw found cards to give them new properties.

  • Draw creatures and see them fighting for you.

Sketch Crawler on Steam

Bud Masters

Bud Masters

Bud Masters is an indie weed lifestyle deck building card game. The goal: smoke all your opponent’s buds out of their bud bowl while defending your bud bowl.

Play using your custom deck or a random deck in the One of Each game mode.

Play against a stoned yet surprisingly adept AI, or PvP via Online / LAN. Online play is via Steam or direct IP connection. No additional developer game accounts required.

Easy to pick up and play with all card and other unlocks earned through playing the game.

Bud Masters on Steam