Intelligence: Dinosaurs

Intelligence: Dinosaurs

Only buy on sale! Have to reset the tiles a lot to finish each puzzle but you’ll complete them eventually. Try not to use the Auto-complete, you can do it, lol! I’ll probably beat this game on my work computer too before Uninstall & Hiding it.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Tabletop Games.

Interesting and not monotonous puzzles.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Intelligence: Dinosaurs on Steam



I’m only a couple hours in on release day, and will update review accordingly if my conclusion changes, the deeper I get.

I don’t tend to read anything when I start a new game, and that fact didn’t make me feel lost at any point. I quickly figured out what was going on. Even with simply jumping in, like I do, the game immediately drew me in, and made it rewarding to keep going, as most idlers do.

I really like the card system, as opposed to the normal “hero” upgrades.

Even though there are a lot of cards in both decks that you have access to, at the start-ish of the game, to look at, and consider, the game keeps it pretty straight forward, and the management feels very simple and easy.

Real player with 7307.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Free to Play Games.

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DPS IDLE seems to be a nice game at its core and you can easily feel it is still in EA as the balancing is far off.

The graphics are okay. Sadly the game doesn’t really tell you anything about what feature does what. If you never played an idle game before, you’ll probably stuck quickly. Else you will see nothing really much new.

Now the part why I give this game a no is the monetization.

The prices for the given features are extremely high.

Real player with 299.3 hrs in game

DPS IDLE on Steam

Idle Poker

Idle Poker

It’s a pretty decent idle/clicker/incremental game with fun progression and prestiges. The endgame can be pretty grindy unless you are extremely lucky. There are also lots of mistakes in the English, but it was never so bad that I couldn’t understand it as a native speaker. I’d say it’s definitely worth the price!

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Simulation Games.

It’s cute for a little while but it fails in giving me something to “do”. in the sense that once you ascend ten times (a primary gameplay loop of idle games), you unlock the final ‘tab’ which just another variant of the poker game to very slowly earn rubies to boost the experience. But like anything with poker, you need to either know how to play entirely or just hope the RNG goes in your favor. I lost any real interest or reason to play after that point.

Got it on sale and got my money’s worth, just wish there was more to it.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Idle Poker on Steam

Klondike Solitaire Kings

Klondike Solitaire Kings


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

No option for changing the background which is unfortunate because the default really sucks. It’s so busy that I have problems seeing the cards easily. The choice of card backgrounds is very limited all of which are the same type artwork.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Klondike Solitaire Kings on Steam

Anime Cards

Anime Cards

Anime Cards is yet another “template flip” from Phoenixxx/wow wow Games, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple “Memory” card matcher game.

GameMaker Studio is a very poor quality game construction kit, and results in terrible games like this one.

No professional effort was made in terms of game development, using a game construction kit requires no game development talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Anime Cards on Steam

Good puzzle: Animals

Good puzzle: Animals

Very cute puzzles, nice design

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Quick & easy puzzles of animals, ok for wasting 30min. Cheap, doesn’t take much brainpower & you get a nice feeling that you’ve finished something. Best for when you’re not feeling well.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Animals on Steam

EF Universe: Reclaiming the World

EF Universe: Reclaiming the World

It’s a pretty good game. Lots to do, many card combinations. Nice little timewaster.

There is a bit of learning curve, but the tutorials and guide the dev posted is very through.

Real player with 334.8 hrs in game

I had fun with it.

But I sorta doubt the average person would have as much fun as me.

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

EF Universe: Reclaiming the World on Steam

Number Game:24 Points

Number Game:24 Points

You may have heard something about ‘24 points’ which is a table game.

It is popular around the world for a long time.

Nobody knows who invented it or developed it.

The game is quite simply (or difficultly) for you to make the expression equal to 24 by using plus,minus,multiply,divide!

It is suitable for everyone to play it!

Number Game:24 Points is now accessible!Play it now!

Number Game:24 Points on Steam

Candy land

Candy land

Candy Land is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple “memory” card matching game. Phoenixx Games have a nasty track history of ripping off GameMaker Studio templates as cheap cash grabs on Steam, just like this one.

GameMaker Studio is a very poor quality game construction kit, and results in terrible games like this one.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Candy land on Steam

Creature Card Idle

Creature Card Idle

Pros: Totally idle, no clicking, easy playing.

Cons: Too many cards feel like useless.

Greetings. Finished current content in around 200 hours and around 80% of this is idle, which is great!

Love playing idle games, at least for now. Waiting for next expansion.

Maths in this game aren’t hard.

Plains of war (current last location) feels unbalanced and requires at least 50 ascension points right now imo. Also would be great to give some kind of math table on how damage scales, from where crits go etc etc.

Real player with 275.3 hrs in game

I don’t understand why there are so many negative reviews for this game. First off, the game has a FREE DEMO VERSION on Steam, but is also entirely free on Kongregate. For $2, IMHO there’s more than enough content here and I’m happy I got to support the developer. Each ‘expansion’ in game gives you more board spaces, more cards, more pack options, and more complex mechanisms and card texts. I will admit I haven’t been blasting thru each expansion and I probably could have done all five of them in time it took me to do the first three but I have fun collecting all the cards and leveling them up. I also like getting achievements, etc. but it’s not like moving from one expansion to the next is a piece of cake. It’s a bit repetitive, but getting new cards from different tiers, discovering new combonations and board layouts, and the next expansion on the horizon makes progressing worth it.

Real player with 124.0 hrs in game

Creature Card Idle on Steam