Dwarven Skykeep

Dwarven Skykeep

Dwarven Skykeep is a building strategy RPG where you’re a mage building a magical tower. Goblins will burn your books and break your rooms while rain will flood your basement. Tune your deck to cast spells, improve your tower and solve all the hitches.

Build, Improve and Protect Your towers

Draw your cards and put into play your building tactics in real-time. Create rooms and generate resources, plan your strategy and solve all the hitches, craft Spells and defeat Goblins, then repair what they’ve destroyed. And don’t forget to give beer to Dwarves!

Tune Your Deck Wisely

Build your deck to face up all the challenges. Choose cards from Blocks, Rooms, Tools, Improvements, Combat Spells, Support Spells and Creatures to create and defend your magical towers based on situations.

Dive into the City and Live Its stories

Visit Dwarven City in between levels, then listen to folk’s stories to unlock new quests and world’s areas of which discover the lore behind. Collect cards, awards and items by going deeper into the story to improve your skills and increase strategies at your disposal.

Weight Up Your Choices

Oh no, your basement is flooding! Will you pump out the water, pour it out with smart digging or use fire to evaporate it? Which will be the consequences? There are multiple solutions for every problem and no obvious decisions, will you be a wise mage?

Say Goodbye to Gameplay Routines

Every gameplay throws you into unique situations with high replayability, where different draws and different random events require a different use of resources. Play with skills, and a bit of luck, to win challenges or improve your tactics while trying.

Read More: Best Card Game Deckbuilding Games.

Dwarven Skykeep on Steam

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Song: Tainted Grail Artist: Vlakabaka

“Sometimes I feel I’ve got to, run away, i’ve got to, play a chill card game for a run or two

And the love we shaaare for card games is all in d’ere, with 9 classes, lots of deckbuilding and re-play-aability

Some runs might end baaad and some might go well but with this game time seems to goo noo-where

And this Tainted Grail is full of story, voiiiice acted characters in a daark tainted woorld

So taaake Gabens tears awaaay and buyy diz game here, cause you dont want to hear any-moe from mee

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Deckbuilding Games.

It’s very similar to Slay the Spire and Monster Train but you’ll like it more than either of those if you prefer a dark aesthetic. The music and story are also more substantial here than other games in the genre. You get access to 3 classes (basically archer, fighter, invoker) which determine the type of base deck you’ll play. Every class is broken into 3 subclasses (i.e. invokers can be summoners, blood mages, or necromancers) that each have unique passives and a unique subclass ability. It’s honestly pretty remarkable how each subclass feels very distinct from its counterparts.

Real player with 69.4 hrs in game

Tainted Grail: Conquest on Steam

Blood of Titans

Blood of Titans

So i see most reviews are from people with 2 hours so i will be the first actual player to write a real review, let me start by saying the game is free, you can choose to play for absolutely nothing, now that being said, just like any other game released on steam, you can pay for more, are there expensive single cards in the shop? yes. do you need to buy them? no. should you buy them? no.

This is a strategy game, if you aren’t good at strategy you will lose a lot, the strategy lacks a lot of depth but it is there, and you can really notice the difference once you figure out a play style and learn to counter different things. it is the general nature of a card game to know that one specific card will not beat another, if you cannot learn this you will not find success in this game.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Story Rich Games.

Hmm were to start ?

First at all it not really PTW it has elements like the most games in steam , you can reach even all cards ( right now common , uncomman , rare , epic , legandary ) in only playing the story line , with all i mean even the legendary and you have to pay nothing for … its right that there are cards with 15 $ or 30 $ , but do you have to buy them - no … so before act like a cry baby ( as a read the most negativ reviews with not really a background ) , try to get some knowledge over the game , before speak up again , to pay for a game and think you would be NO.1 will never work without knowledge , … so in all - its a nice game not perfect , its new , the art style is awsome you can collect card pieces (copie from your card) to make your card stronger and the animation changes too , there permanent new events - the are allways free , give it a try ; )

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Blood of Titans on Steam

The Amazing American Circus

The Amazing American Circus

Target Audience: Those Willing to Take the Lows With The Highs in Card RPGs


This is a recommendation in essence, but for a specific subset of people.

I’m going to be straight up from the get go here: The Amazing American Circus is one of those games that I want to love up and down, but ended up being the biggest thorn in my side due to what happened during the review period. To say that I faced some of the worst bugs: specifically saved game bugs, in my review career would have been an understatement: I had 8 separate runs break wildly in that period where I could not continue to make progress. While those bugs seem to be fixed now, I have a form of PTSD at this point. Every time I play, I’m waiting for the game to break again. Hell, even the video I made had a major bug in it. There’s a reason I have around 40+ hours of gameplay without actually beating the game, and to say it hung over the experience would be an understatement to say the least.

Real player with 57.7 hrs in game

This is not a Slay to Spire, this is not a Monster Train. The Amazing American Circus is not a roguelike-roguelite card game, it is more like a card game built around a campaign, with some management sim built around it, in which you need to cover the costs, upgrades etc from the incomes you get during the shows.

If you more curious about the game, and want to check a short, ~20mins long video in which I showing what content you could expect from the game with one circus show (card battle) included, then here is mine:

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

The Amazing American Circus on Steam

AFK Summoner

AFK Summoner

cann’t join trial of the champion, same shit

Real player with 580.0 hrs in game

p2w and the p2w purchases don’t even work.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

AFK Summoner on Steam

Zombie Strike

Zombie Strike

honestly i have only played 3hrs and that was from first login. i will be continuing as i have no reasons yet not to. consequently, this review is subject to change

the incredibly naive will quote this as a pay-to-win game, which is utter nonsense. only game i ever played (in 40 years of gaming) that falls into THAT category is zynga’s poker game which you could win actual money playing…….. as long as you were an american living in america. you can pay but you don’t win anything.

this game does NOT target your wallet……..that’s just cheap. no, this game is SO overly priced it targets your savings account :D

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

good game😊 . but it can be better than that 😐😑

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Zombie Strike on Steam




Build cities with in-depth economic systems, resource chains, taxation, streets, decoration, and an unbreakable fortification.

With up to 100 different structures, the opportunities seem endless.

RPG Roguelike

Take off on your journey with your customizable, personal character and refine him throughout your countless runs.

Classical RTS

Battles in the style of classic RTS games, with a wide variety of units.

Defend your base from the oncoming hordes of enemies.

Over 8 Factions

Various asymmetrical factions from all over the ancient world with a touch of fantasy.

Face numerous Generals and Characters from different civilizations with specific traits and specialties.

Kratoria on Steam

Warriors of the Nile

Warriors of the Nile

I saw Celerity play this game on one of his streams and it looked fun. I’ve never played Into the Breach, but I do like Slay the Spire, Monster Train and other turn-based strategy games so I thought I’d give this a shot.

I will say, this game has an extremely steep learning curve. The mechanics themselves are pretty simple, however you will probably die a ton to boss fights in particular, mainly because summon effects are not properly explained. The scorpion boss in act 2 and the lion boss in act 1 are the most egregious examples of this. It would be nice to have a tooltip somewhere that showed what units were spawned when a unit dies.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Game was fun for the first few hours, but becomes extremely repetitive, because players are forced to restart the entire campaign (27 levels) every time they lose a level. This is not a bad feature for a hardcore game for the hardcore gamers, but considering that this is basically a mobile style turn-based tactical strategy game costing $13 (minus the pay-to-win gimmicks), the game is a bit simplistic and repetitive to force players to do Iron Man mode as the only mode.

RNG is the real determining factor in this game as well. You are guaranteed to fail on a run depending on what “upgrade tablets” appear for you to choose from, as well as certain units. The was 1 run I made where I got about 1/3 of my characters' upgrades to be Epic & Legendary ones, and another where I got to level 15 with only commons ones to choose from for each of the 3 characters for example.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

Warriors of the Nile on Steam

Warriors of the Nile 2

Warriors of the Nile 2

Warriors of the Nile are back!

Building up on the original version’s [Turn-based Strategy+Roguelite] framework, in Warriors of the Nile 2 you will once again experience iconic fast-paced, exhilarating combat. This time, you will lead warriors blessed by Egyptian gods and fight against the invading Roman army.

Choose your adventure route. Strategize and make preparations amidst ever-changing stage conditions, then move with precision as you fire away. Create a unique skill build by choosing from an array of skill tablets.

What’s different from the original version is, in the new Warriors of the Nile squad, each character possesses a trademark skillset. Not only have attack modes changed, but the new feature-packed individual system will bring an all-new dynamic into the game.

Choose a suitable skillset tablet for you, be it making a clean sweep at the battlefield, using multi-phased attacks and chain attacks to break through enemy lines, or using charge attack leaps to take out the back row……

Awaken the gods' blessings at key moments to unleash Miracle and turn the tides in your favor!

  • Explore ruins, visit merchants, and challenge the arena in adventure mode;

  • Light up carvings to gain more battle bonuses;

  • Build a capital and restore the glory of pharaohs past;

  • Level up your warriors to unlock new tablets and equipment.

Warriors of the Nile 2 on Steam

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense

If you click fast enough you have a machine gun.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

pretty terrible

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense on Steam