幻想曹操传 Fantasy of Caocao

幻想曹操传 Fantasy of Caocao


In the later period of China’s East Han Dynasty, from year 184 to 220. Caocao, family of eunuchs, fall in love with multiple wives all the way. Begin as nobody and finally unify the Three Kingdoms.


*A stand-alone indie game

*Really excellent and beautiful character image and cg

*Light strategic card battle

*True Three Kingdoms history, discover a different story.


*Multiple branches, multiple endings

*unlock 7 wives at most, play little games with them, unlock new special card and CG

*Follow master story, through card battles, discover different history and unify the Three Kingdoms

From developers

I am an indie game developer and this is my first time to make game.

I want to make a game I’d like to play, after all I am the first player.

I wish it has beautiful characters which you could enjoy,

I wish I am not only an outsider of history, I build story through each option.

Read More: Best Card Game Turn-Based Strategy Games.

幻想曹操传 Fantasy of Caocao on Steam

Clash Memory Game

Clash Memory Game

thumbs down, as for me, game with a different interface - remains same game.

I know similar Game to this is :

Juicy Memory Card

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

Easy Achievements, 100% / 1min.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Clash Memory Game on Steam

Clash of Legions

Clash of Legions

Not a terribly sophisticated game…easy to play…easy to understand…easy to spend money. If you want to play a quick, fun, and low level of intensity game this is the one that fits the bill.

Real player with 119.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Game Casual Games.

64 hours an frustrated. I love this style of game and when this one works its really fun. However do not spend money on any rubies. Actually don’t spend any of the rubies you earn right now. So much of this game is broken in a horrid way. The pet shop doesn’t work at all but it will take your 200 rubies or 50000 gold every time you try it. I lost 150k/600 rubies testing this. Thats 3 REAL DOLLARS of in game currency. The honor store doesn’t work. You grind pvp battles to earn enough points and then can’t do nothing with it. You grind MP Dungeons and get lucky picks then you just don’t get the rewards. Packs cost to much for what you get. I opened 10 packs at once 3 times with rubies. ONE ORANGE PER 10 PACKS! THAT’S $21 REAL DOLLARS WORTH! The creators carbon copied a super fun game from Kongregate and are now using it to rob fokes. This is a FULL RELEASE! How is that even possible. It should be early access with 0 pay features. Y’all owe me actual paper fools. Just gonna take my rubies and dip wit the package. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. Did I forget to mention the devs don’t exist. 0 contact with players and no way to complain. I wanted this game to do well but it flopped all over my face. if the Devs exist y’all got some serious butt to kiss. Its to late for me. I’m in way to deep already. If you want to save yourself DO NOT JUMP DOWN THIS HOLE! Its a cold hole.

Real player with 116.5 hrs in game

Clash of Legions on Steam

The Prometheus Secret Noohra

The Prometheus Secret Noohra

Can’t say enough good things about this game. I watched this game through TacticalPackGaming and I must say that this game is absolutely stunning. The game brings a good challenge with an amazing concept. I would recommend this game to everyone who loves a good puzzle to try and solve.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

I am enjoying playing The Prometheus Secret Noohra. Amazing graphics, attention to detail and excellent game play!

The physics puzzles is a great challenge and I am impressed with the amount of levels that is available.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Prometheus Secret Noohra on Steam

Number Game:24 Points

Number Game:24 Points

You may have heard something about ‘24 points’ which is a table game.

It is popular around the world for a long time.

Nobody knows who invented it or developed it.

The game is quite simply (or difficultly) for you to make the expression equal to 24 by using plus,minus,multiply,divide!

It is suitable for everyone to play it!

Number Game:24 Points is now accessible!Play it now!

Number Game:24 Points on Steam

Monster Evo

Monster Evo

i used to play many browser type games before, so for me personally this game is fun to play. people in the game also very helpful.

the best part of this game i like most is, u can get free voucher, that’s the only thing that make big different from others browser type games that i have played before.

anyway, please ignore my grammar. ^_^

Real player with 281.8 hrs in game

careful purchases have no steam support but the admins will get back to you at like 12-1 am atlantic time lol they made up for it took three days missed some sales i wanted but i got what i paid for thanks guys other then that it is a pretty fun game p[rior to purchase i had made it into the top 20 :)

Real player with 177.6 hrs in game

Monster Evo on Steam

Unsung Knight

Unsung Knight

fun but crash a lot

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Unsung Knight on Steam



This game is a new Roguelike Deckbuilder it is fun and I did lose track of time playing it but I felt like this game is lacking something. It does have Chinese writing but the card and main menu are in English and I can not find anything wrong with the translation. After every run, you get points to spend to get permanent upgrades like more shield or health. There are only three things I can think of that I wish were in this game. One I would like to look at my current deck of cards in the menu where you pick new cards. Two I don’t know why but I could not hear the gunfire when some of the enemies are firing their guns at me either my sound was so too low or the sound effect was not there. Three not everything is translated to English but I could get a general idea because I have played similar games. This was a fun game and it is like other Roguelike Deckbuilder but with its own twist to the game.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

➡️ Business Inquiries ⬅️

For Gameplay - https://youtu.be/r5_13mb_IXI

FOLLOW MY Steam Curator PAGE For More - https://store.steampowered.com/curator/40736129/

📢 squarezerobusiness@gmail.com

Great Game . Only thing i wish is a Good Tutorial

➡️ Ratings ⬅️


☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐Very good

☑ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

反图灵测试/Anti-TuringTest on Steam

Endless Voyage / 无尽航线

Endless Voyage / 无尽航线

Changed review from Thumbs Up to Thumbs Down.

2.4/5 Card battler. Fantasy with guns and bombs. This would be a pretty great game if it didn’t have language errors in the UI and didn’t have the bugs. The default language is Mandarin and it’s a wiitel complicated to get to an English UI in this game.

The Good:

  1. B-to-A quality card battler

  2. Pretty good graphics, cute.

  3. Decent cards and mechanics

  4. Value: I got this for $10 and it’s a fine game for 10 USD.

The Bad:

  1. The game’s tutorials are terrible. If one makes single mistake, you have to replay a dozen stupid battles. That’s not a tutorial, that’s just punishment.

Real player with 210.1 hrs in game

These are the fun stuff:

1. The idea of building a"squad" is fun. Some combos are fun to execute.

2. Decent stage design. You always get 3 options, which gives flexibility in how you play the game.

3. Certain builds are fun.

These are the issues:

1. Once in a while resolution will be messed up and fixing it take eternity.

2. Game never updates. No new cards/characters/modes being added ever since I purchased this game.

3. Game is fun at the beginning, but once you reach higher levels, you will realize that there are only one or two playable builds. Other build will either become frustratingly bad with higher enemy HP or hard stuck on certain types of enemies.

Real player with 105.2 hrs in game

Endless Voyage / 无尽航线 on Steam



I don’t want to give this a thumbs down because it runs smooth and seems bug free. I won’t give this a thumbs up because the game execution is unimaginative.

If you want to just play hand after hand of poker with yourself this game is great. You might like the story mode. For me, having to start from the beginning after every loss makes it tedious and unamusing. Progressing through the game play was not achievable. I’ll suggest a much needed save feature.

There is nothing in this game as is that draws me to play again. In that, I’ve spent $2 for 4 hours of game play. Cheaper than a movie rental. Had the developer known anything about game theory this could have been a really great game.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

TinyPoker on Steam