This app is a tactical card game.

Build a deck with 40 cards.

Place the units in the three lines of front line, middle line, and back line.

Upgrade and enhance your unit.

Equip your weapons and skills to increase your annihilation power.

It can be strengthened with a formation card that activates when the number of people is met.

You can use the Commander Card to interfere with your opponent.

Defeating an enemy unit increases the draw penalty.

The opponent draws the deck as much as the draw penalty.

Read More: Best Card Battler RPG Games.


Creatures of Aether

Creatures of Aether

It’s a free game so try it for yourself. I wouldn’t recommend it otherwise.

The game is based on Triple Triad, a Final Fantasy mini card game. It expands on the idea in many, many directions, most of which aren’t as well planned as the original. The game has excellent sprite art and music but there’s a serious lack of game modes, and the ones that do exist don’t work.

Paying players do have an advantage as they can power up cards and get new cards faster than non-paying players. There are other gameplay modes that are fair for both players, however.

Real player with 135.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Strategy Games.

Have you ever ACTUALLY tried to play Triple Triad? Triple Triad is kinda ass. Creatures of Aether is absolutely fantastic compared to it, though! The biggest boon is that its 4x4 rather than 3x3, but the developers care about player feedback when cards are busted, and will change it if need be. Recently they made unlocking all the cards can be done in a straightforward way. Gameplay is easy to understand but has a good amount of depth to it.

“How P2W is this game?” One thing about the game that isn’t great is that it seem P2W. Players you encounter who are running decks with higher leveled cards than you will feel like a brickwall. Don’t let that discourage you! You can beat people whos decks are higher level, it just takes time to learn the ins and outs of the gameplay. If you’re in the middle tier of ladder (~5000 medals) you will probably encounter a lot of Lv1-2, with maybe a few Lv3s. Once you get to about 7000+ you will start hitting the beefier stuff. But by then, you probably have developed enough skills to take them down, no matter the level.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

Creatures of Aether on Steam

Space Grunts 2

Space Grunts 2

The idea is cool and works well. Once you get used to the deck, feels like " ok I can do this " ….then you die.

Start over do better, die, repeat. You realize that it’s not recommended to loot anything, but just things you think will do better. Sometimes you’ll hope the exit is just around the corner, then you die.

If you can get over the first 3-4 runs just to get familiar with the cards then you’ll like this game.

Hope there will be more content, I see a lot of potential here. For the actual price (early access) you get the right amount of stuff.

Real player with 198.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Card Game Games.

Imagine playing Space Grunts but using cards to simulate the combat and this is what you get.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Space Grunts 2 on Steam

Atomic Cards

Atomic Cards

Some of the reviews for this game are allegedly fake. I am here to provide an honest review from a layperson who enjoys card games, roguelites, and roguelikes. This game is decent; however, I will hesitantly give it a thumbs down because of the lack of options. Be aware of the following… Firstly, this game needs a seizure warning; some random events cause the screen to flash in all sorts of colors. There is a lot of needless clicking; you will be clicking boxes or crates several times, providing either food, medicine, or ammo. There are no volume controls or any options, honestly. This is likely due to the engine used to create the game, which the developer mentioned in the community forum. (https://steamcommunity.com/app/1701140/discussions/0/2954915322322930678/ )

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

The game in its genre (card RPG game), in my opinion, is very good. There are many different characters, constant events and complex moral choices that will definitely not let you get bored.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Atomic Cards on Steam

Missile Cards

Missile Cards

A fairly unique spin on the genre and a fine, if brief, slice of card-driven entertainment.

It will be tricky to find another digital card game on the market today that gets its point across faster than Missile Cards does. Decked out in the sort of 8-bit retro aesthetic that we’ve come to love and loathe in equal measure, this wonderfully simple game tasks players with fending off the many nukes, comets, and other hazards that threaten to destroy their planet-side base of operations.

A set deck of player cards is assigned for your chosen level with each one featuring the planetary missiles and laser beams that you’ll need to fend off threats of differing intensity. The gameplay is as simple as loading your chosen card into your console and waiting for it to charge before deploying it in a satisfying explosion of pixelated debris.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Card games usually aren’t my bag, but something about the retro aesthetic and Missile Command undertones triggered an urge to buy. The genre can so easily feel unfair–as if all the skill in the world won’t compensate for a lack of luck–but that’s not the case with Missile Cards. Unavoidable losses are rare, yet so are the instances in which you can get by without thinking ahead. Meanwhile, the game steadily lays on new concepts to consider, and keeps the dopamine flowing through unlockable cards and skills. The low-fi kathunks and kablams have an odd way of making matches more satisfying, too.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Missile Cards on Steam

Deck Adventurers - Origins

Deck Adventurers - Origins

Good game, if you don’t play it you might fail at life.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game


What is this game about?

Pleasantly surprised with this one. Considering its size, it packs a solid punch.

So, the gameplay:

You are a hero that is tasked to overcome evil. You go unto linear missions each consisting of a few encounters. In those encounters you fight several enemies with special abilities that form a sort of puzzle of deciding who to prioritizes first.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Deck Adventurers - Origins on Steam




Run! Dice! Cthulhu!

Bad End! Multi branch! Different worlds!


“It is not you pursuing knowledge, but knowledge is pursuing you”

Death cycle

Irreparable regret

Unrivalled enemies


How will you accomplish your mission meanwhile save those who are important to you?


The exploration part is based of COC game running skills


Investigation skills can find props in the scene

Learn about other characters

As well as the discovery of the scene of hidden doors, hidden channels, and not obvious clues


Listening skills can hear whispers in partitioned rooms

Strong listening skills can detect danger as soon as possible


Conversation skills include persuasion, threat, deception and so on

It can be used to talk to other characters to get more information


Psychology skills can discover what other characters are currently thinking

And their hidden secrets

PS:It doesn’t work for the character whos psychological defense is strong

PS: In order to have fun, we directly made psychology into a mind reading type of black magic


Stealth skills can find targets around you which can be used to hide yourself

Avoid enemies' search


The battle part is a card game.The cards consist of the character’s own basic cards and their equipment cards. The numerical effects related to the battle are

accomplished by the dice goddess.


Those indescribable beings are waking up

Crazy, listen to its voice!

Sing and pray for its coming!

Crazy, listen to his voice!

Sing and pray for his coming!

Depersonalization on Steam

The Count of Monte Carlo

The Count of Monte Carlo

The Count of Monte Carlo is a novel take on blackjack, in retro style. I think it balances difficulty and enjoyment well–it can be frustratingly hard while figuring out the peculiarities of some of your opponents, which only makes beating them more satisfying. Definitely one of the better digital card games I’ve played, with all the arcadey goodness that keeps you hooked.

9/10, buy this game if you like blackjack!

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

It’s blackjack with a bit of a dungeon crawler RPG thrown in.

Very simple, easy to lose time playing.

Art and music style remind me of something I would have played on a library computer in the late 90’s early 2000’s

like a standalone mini game.

I would be very interested to see this what else this developer has in store, because I can’t stop playing.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

The Count of Monte Carlo on Steam

Cards of the Dead - Prologue

Cards of the Dead - Prologue

+1 🆓

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Simple Roguelike with inventory management as main focus. Similar to Dungelot. Great to pick up and play. Very easy (I’m casual player).

I could possibly unlock two additional characters (with different environments?). Problem is, I don’t find a way to save my progress.

Still, very nice prologue.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Cards of the Dead - Prologue on Steam

Card Quest

Card Quest

This game is like if FTL and a modern digital card game had a baby with most of the fun parts of both and none of the flaws.

You build your run from the start out of pieces of equipment, each of these pieces of equipment come with cards that make up your deck. For example, a sword comes with 3 sword hacks and 1 sword stab. This is how you build your deck. Unlike any other roguelike i’ve played, there are very little upgrades you can get within the middle of a run. In fact, there isn’t really any. Every single stage comes with a piece of equipment or upgrade to a piece of equipment, but these carry over run to run and mostly serve to give you more options. You don’t slowly build up a run as you play it, you build your run from the start and see how far you can get.

Real player with 126.2 hrs in game

This is a tentative recommendation. I enjoyed the game, but not quite for the reasons I expected.

When I bought this game, I expected it to be something of a ‘deck-building’ game, when it’s really more of a resource-management game. That is to say I expected to theorycraft some overpowered decks by finding hidden synergies between card packs, but the way the game is designed causes most card packs to only work with a few others, and it’s fairly obvious which ones go together and which ones don’t.

Real player with 106.3 hrs in game

Card Quest on Steam