Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game

Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game

Infinity Wars seemed like it was going to be a spectacular game. Now, it is like almost all other free to play games in almost all respects—you have to pay to play and it’s full of promises that are never delivered.

I have sunk a considerable amount of time in this game and have heard and read a lot about debated topics and other babble from the developers, so this short review has a good foundation. To start, I will list the cons, which dwarf all pros in such a way, now, that it’s hard to even fathom why I got hooked on this game in the first place.

Real player with 7080.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Free to Play Games.

You know, this game has been dead/dying for the better part of a year, and a review would only be an exercise in catharsis. Anyway.

This TCG was the best. Seriously. There really isn’t another F2P game right now that replicates Infinity Wars gameplay. At least without the scummy microtransactions (Nova Blitz). 7 factions (8 counting factionless) and you can mix and match cards from 3. Literally 84 combinations are possible before you’ve even made your deck. The game was well balanced given the possibilities, too, which was handily impressive, and simultaneous turns made for a lot of down-to-the-wire-I-just-crapped-my-pants moments. Because no matter how bad the situation is, the advantage can change hands within a single turn. Such a satisfying feeling.

Real player with 452.3 hrs in game

Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game on Steam

Dragon Call

Dragon Call

If you are looking for a new and fun deck building card game that is not ‘pay2win’ this will keep you entertained with several different Hero’s that have varied abilities and card pools.

Real player with 97.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Roguelike Deckbuilder Games.

All the joy o a CCG without the microtransactions, the rules are pretty intuitive and if your familiar with hearthstone and shadowverse youll catch on extremely quick, translation can be a bit wonky but once you understand what means what its easy.

PRO tip if you buy it your 1st run click the gear in the top right, from there you can change language to english

Another issue I found is if your trying to use the chatbox or add a friend ID be in windowed mode as the virtual keyboard will not work in full screen infact it can crash your game

Real player with 83.9 hrs in game

Dragon Call on Steam

Eternal Card Game

Eternal Card Game

Finally! Eternal Card Game is the game Wizards of the Coast should have created 10 years ago. Had Wizards created an accessible, attractive and intuitive OCCG based on MTG, they would be the dominant player in the market going on a decade now. However, their short-sightedness and unwillingness to experiment with their IP means we had to wait for Eternal to scratch our Magic itch. (Hex, while a beautiful and intricate game, lacks the ‘accessible’ and ‘intuitive’ aspects that Hearthstone and Eternal meet)

Real player with 2302.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Free to Play Games.

I’ve played Magic on and off my whole life and spent at least 1000 hours playing Hearthstone. I had MTGO since the very beginning, and Hearthstone since late 2013 near the end of the open beta. Eternal is the best online card game I’ve ever played. It combines the best aspects of Magic’s strategic depth and Hearthstone’s fast-paced accessibility while avoiding their flaws.


Magic will always be expensive because it’s a tradable CCG with a reserve list of cards that can’t be reprinted and expensive booster packs. Most cards lose tons of value when they rotate out of standard. MTGO is less expensive and more liquid than physical cards, but still expensive. Recently, Wizards have added features similar to other digital CCGs like treasure chests.

Real player with 1141.6 hrs in game

Eternal Card Game on Steam

Star Crusade CCG

Star Crusade CCG

Name: Star Crusade

Developer: ZiMAD, Inc.

Date: 2016

Genre: CCG

Orientation: Multiplayer

Population: Bleeding

Perspective: 2D - Top-Down

Timeflow: Match-Based, Turn-Based

Skills: Brain

Setting: Futuristic, Space

Style: -

Tags: 1v1, Clone, Competitive, Cross-Platform, Dailies, Generous

Model: F2P

Content: Solid, Big DLC, Collectible, Microtransactions

Platforms: PC, Android, iOS

Real player with 2433.9 hrs in game

TL;DR: Kind of like hearthstone but hate RNGesus shenanigans and like some more depth? Oh, and don’t mind a lack of polish (yet) and a spacey theme? Try Star Crusade! You’ll probably enjoy it.

Read a few other reviews and thought: is this hearthstone in space? Well, yes, -but- with a few very important differences that make it a -lot- more enjoyable for me. Here’s what different apart from the obvious theme:

the good

  • Your “heroes” can equip 3 different modules that in essence are hero powers. These powers use either your basic resource (supply) or energy, which is gained by attacking your opponent and killing his units. These things add a layer of depth on the “hearthstone” strategy you’re used to.

Real player with 113.0 hrs in game

Star Crusade CCG on Steam



UPDATE: Now that I have 170+ hours in the game and Parallel Space has stated that there will be no major changes to BSA until full release, I think it’s time for me to give an update.

Simply put, the effort put into BSA’s weekly updates has been phenomenal. The team at Parallel Space is extremely responsive to community feedback, and the weekly updates (that have since stopped for now) provide enough new content or changes to keep the community excited. Parallel Space stated that they wanted the community to shape the game, and I personally believe that they listen to our opinions (much to the chagrin of Hades' Star players).

Real player with 241.9 hrs in game

It’s only right that I update my review from Early Access to address the state of the game as it is now. As always, if you’re the type of person who immediately gets furious when they encounter a mobile game in the world (regardless of how well designed or deep it is) then this isn’t for you. That’s okay, there’s plenty of other games out there.

If you’re still here, this is my pitch:

Parallel Space is very good at taking familiar genres, cutting to the heart of what makes them fun to play, and polishing that experience to a mirror shine. Their games reward patience and thought.

Real player with 208.7 hrs in game


Cards and Castles

Cards and Castles

Oh Cards and Castles, When i ran into this game over 2-3 years ago, I have to be honest I didn’t expect much. Now looking where I am and the game is today I felt like this game may have been one of the greatest games I’ve ever run into. The game itself is a great combonation of Collectible cards and strategy with very intersting mechanics and a meta that keeps gameplay interesting.

The evolution of the game has been a positive one in terms of graphics and gamplay. The graphics back in the day of course looked pretty floppy but it eventually evolved to fit the faster pace of the game in which it is currently in. The several Mechanics of the game provide for startegical thought as well as positioning which throws aspects of chess like thinking into the game. Not to mention deckbuilding which throws even more thinking in the game due to thoughts like determing how you wish to play or how you would want to win matches. The state the game is in currently certainly shows its progression and for people just discovering the game you may find it to be pertty well made

Real player with 3148.1 hrs in game

As a long time Duelyst player, and fan of the genre in general, this is finally a game I will be able to invest a lot of time into. I have looked for a long time for a replacement, and this just may be it.

Old negative reviews are badly out of date, and basically nothing is true in them anymore. Ignore them.

The game has no paywalls, nothing is locked, everything can be obtained in game and it is pretty easy. The F2P system is very generous and I was able to make a top notch deck in a single day. The ranking system is wonderful, being both based on the player and the deck, so you get matched appropriately, and you are not punished for trying a new deck.

Real player with 1173.0 hrs in game

Cards and Castles on Steam

Doomtrooper CCG

Doomtrooper CCG

OK so I hate doing surveys and reviews but fot this game I just had to. It is absolutly awesome. THERE I SAID IT… lol. I played original paper Doomtrooper as a teenager back in the 90’s and it was one of my favorite games. To see this game being revived on digital platform just warms my heart. Developers did an amazing job so far and the progress is great. Many problems that original DT had has been addressed so thats a huge plus. Another great thing about this game is community outreach. Guys from Secret Cow Level really reached out to fans from all over the world asking for input and ideas how to make this game even better experience than before. I have met dev team as well as made many new friends on Steam and Discord just by playing this game and that is pretty cool. It appears developmet of the game is entering final stages of Beta and polishing touches are bing applied which is really exciting. I believe new players will like this game as well as its mechanics are very unique and the game offers exciting matches full of crazy combos, clever battle plans and game drama (in a good way lol). And finally I must add as a huge Doomtrooper fan that ability to play this game again after so many years from the comfort of my home (and PJ’s haha) is absolutly awesome and I look forward to many games with friends old and new and to see how the development of this game moves forward

Real player with 191.0 hrs in game

Lets get one thing out of the way right now, this is an early access game so there are going to be issues. Are those issues rage inducing? Not really. The reason for that is how much support this game gets. The devs (small team of them but mostly one person working on fixes and such) do such a good job at listening to the players (they are very active in the DT discord) that they get fixed fairly fast. There’s still a list of things to get added and fixed but do not let that steer you away from playing this awesome,albeit work in progress of a game, more so if you’re looking for something that is not a MTG clone.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Doomtrooper CCG on Steam

Imagination - Online Board game

Imagination - Online Board game

Imagination is an online analogue of Dixit or Imaginarium (it might be more familiar for russian-speaking guys). You have to guess your opponent card, matching his phrase association with images.

Yes, game has some bugs and things to be improved like

  • currently you can join the party only via invite on steam (in 2020, really?)

  • strange randomization of cards, you play with the same card set through several games in a row

  • game just hangs really often ;-;

  • bot is stupid (sorry, Bot)

  • nice to have paid card deck with new cards. Dear devs, please collaborate with artists and provide us more beautiful and interesting cards, I’d love to pay for them!

Real player with 53.6 hrs in game

This game is great for “right brained” or creative thinking types of folks, and the art is soothing.

It doesn’t take long for a pick-up table to fill up, though most of the other players have been bots so far.

I was kind of lost the first time through, so I hope a tutorial is in the works, but I got the hang of it by the second game.

It is on sale for only 49 cents this weekend, so take a chance and support a creative game where no one has to die! :)

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Imagination - Online Board game on Steam



After careful consideration, and 1500 hours so far into this game, I feel that I am more than prepared to write a review. I AM NOT A PAID ADVERTISEMENT, I JUST LOVE THE GAME


  • If you played this as a kid, it is the exact same. It has some expansions, and added gameplay, but overall it is still the same base game that I played as a kid.

  • The game gives plenty of content and you could be stuck playing it for hours.

  • Compared to most games the community here is pretty chill.

  • There are many side attractions from the base gameplay (pets, houses, fishing, etc.) that are pretty fun if you get into them.

Real player with 2452.8 hrs in game

Before my review i would like to explain some things…

This game is P2P, If you buy monthly subs you will get all access to areas. This is the only payment you have to do here. Like big games such as Ultima Online, WoW etc. This is also have subs.

This game isnt P2W. In PvP Arena items are only get by arena points which you will only get from making PvP.

In PvE, your crowns will just waste. Because there is some item schedule as far as i remember like;

at 60 you will get your class set from Waterworks

Real player with 401.3 hrs in game

Wizard101 on Steam

Call of Myth

Call of Myth

Call of Myth is a collectible card game set in the universe of Mythos of Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

In this dark world, full of dangers incomprehensible to the human mind, you have to challenge not only the Old Gods and their fanatical followers, but also your own madness. Will you be able to withstand the horrors of this world and the nightmares generated by your own mind?

All cards are important

Common cards are the base of each deck, they form its playstyle. Use them to create a new tactic and add Unique and Mythic cards that will introduce special interactions and hard but rewarding plays into the game.

A unique madness mechanic

Apart from strength and health, every creature has sanity. If the sanity drops to zero, the creature will go mad and get madness. You can either avoid this outcome or create a deck that can turn the insanity of your own creatures to your advantage. The choice is yours.


Each Leader has unique active and passive abilities, as well as a different starting amount of health. Depending on the strategy you prefer each leader can achieve its potential in many different ways.

Do you want to crush the opponent with powerful creatures capable of single-handedly dealing with whole hordes of enemies? Or do you prefer to use cunning techniques and wait until the enemy’s strength is exhausted before you strike?

Using a variety of cards, you can build a deck that suits your playstyle.

Tactics and strategy

A special playing field encourages the use of tactics. Just playing the cards that come into your hand is not enough to win. To defeat the enemy, you need to thoughtfully place creatures on the table, combining their abilities and skills.

Iconic characters of Lovecraft’s works

Cthulhu and Herbert West, Nyarlathotep and Professor Armitage, Shub-Niggurath and Randolph Carter, as well as plenty of other momentous characters of Lovecraft’s works.

Some will become your opponents, while others will become loyal allies.

Call of Myth on Steam