Lucadian Chronicles

Lucadian Chronicles

I’m 20 hours into the gameplay and enjoying it very much. (The solo campaign demo, free, took about 5 or 6 hours and it was easier than the later stages.) I normally play turn based strategy games like Civ 5, so this game has a much lighter and more casual feel, but it’s still very intellectually engaging. It’s mostly a card game with a loose framework of a storyline and a fantasy campaign setting. The gameplay where you will be spending 90-95% of your time is somewhere between tactical combat and puzzle solving. I find myself saying things like “Well, that didn’t work, maybe I will try deploying my berserker opposite that elven archer, so he will lose some HP and start attacking more vigorously, because I need their ghouls to die before their skeletons so they don’t keep getting hit point boosts…” and “Dammit, the fire tribe engineer can’t be placed next to the air-aligned ballista to repair it.” Also, “I’m stuck on the campaign map, I just don’t have enough 1-point cards to fill out a solid team after choosing my best vampire leader and the armor cracker and the druid. Even after trying all the different spells I still can’t bring down their healer fast enough. So I guess it’s time to go PVP to build up some more gold and buy more cards.” Some other reviewers have criticized the art; it’s admittedly an odd mix of “old masters”, anime, and classic dark fantasy art. But, for less than $10, this is a great buy. Lots of fun, thought provoking gameplay. A very smooth, bug-free gaming experience, both PVE and PVP. Check it out!

Real player with 561.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Strategy Games.

Amazing collectable card game, and it’s free after the first purchase!

The battle play itself but it’s not an easy game. There is a lot of challenge in selecting the cards for each battle, it’s a very good puzzle game.

It also has a storyline and PvP mode.

There is also drafting PvP, while it is well designed, it is unfortuante that there isn’t enough players for drafting so some times it’s hard to find a game.

Real player with 159.9 hrs in game

Lucadian Chronicles on Steam

Card Apocalypse

Card Apocalypse

A rogulike Card Battle Game


It’s said that finding the World Tree can realize a wish,people who keep looking for the World Tree are called travelers,they use their cards to fight the enemy.Their stories are all around the world.

Play method

Each skill card has numbers and colors,use numbers or color combinations to activate cards,the more powerful the card, the more difficult it is to take effect,each profession has a large number of exclusive skill cards and treasures.


Distinctive characteristics of art style,players upgrade to unlock more skill cards and treasures,super many combinations waiting for players to discover.

Read More: Best Card Battler Adventure Games.

Card Apocalypse on Steam

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

This is a stat building simulator game, where fighting is simulated through card battle. It took me awhile to figure out how the card battle works, and I can see why many people are frustrated due to lack of transparancy. I would still recommend this game because I’ve ejoyed playing it and 773 / Seikai Project has made efforts to improve the game.

Card battle tips here:


  • Good music

  • Good anime styled art work

Real player with 71.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Anime Games.

I played through this game so many times now.

It’s a really good one and I love the characters.

Especially Asuka, Kei and Kyoko, as well as Asumi and Haru but everyone else is sweet too.

They gave every girl some background story and personality, and there’s quite a lot of characters. Of course this means it’s not super deep on character backgrounds as there’s just too many characters. But for the amount of characters present in the game, this is not surprising and they did a really good job with that. I mean, come on, it’s one thing to flesh out 1 or 2 characters and do a great game with those, but this game has 15 characters, you gotta account for that.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight on Steam

Deck of Ashes

Deck of Ashes

I’ve never left a review before, but this game deserves it. I see it has mixed reviews at this time and I understand some of the pain points that reflect the early-access-still-in-development status that have turned people off.

However, I think this is the best RLDB (Roguelite Deckbuilder) currently in Early Access on Steam (Or, at least, it is tied with Fate Hunters). It is already worth the money you’d be spending on it, as long as you have the patience to spend a few hours getting into it. And if you’ve played StS, a similar deckbuilder with long term campaigns, you really shouldn’t be afraid of putting in those hours because you definitely have the patience for the long term reward that sort of game gives.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

This game is great! And it certainly deserves a much better review score! Naturally, Slay the Spire and Monster Train are better, so I would recommend getting them first. If you have already played your share of StS and MT, this game brings a LOT of new concepts and variety to the genre.

It is different, so here are the things you should know before you get it:

1. the runs are much much longer (e.g. my first run was 30min, but my second run was 8hr long), so it is not really a rogue-lite like other similar games. You can of course exit and continue at any point. You can’t have multiple “saves”, but you can buy “resurrection”, so that if you die you get resurrected (I didn’t buy any, as you can use that money to get stronger). On the other hand, it does have additional cards and modifiers and traits that you can unlock after the run, like in rogue-likes. Also starting hand for each run can be drafted, which is a lot of fun! I recommend playing a standard character deck first (just to understand the mechanics), and drafting on following runs. So it does have some rogue-lite elements: if you hit a wall (and/or get killed), you can unlock some additional cards, draft a different starting deck and try a different strategy.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Deck of Ashes on Steam

Dungeon Cards

Dungeon Cards

Excellent RogueLite, simple gameplay that gets slightly more complex as new characters, powers and dungeons are unlocked.

The biggest problem with the game is the lack of gold drops, takes way too much grind to unlock upgrades, and after a while way too many strong monsters start spawning.

I might ask for gamepad support for those who don’t like to play with a mouse and keyboard.

EDIT 1: After playing this game for a while, realizing that four powers are better than three.

EDIT 2: Getting a high score rating for 1, 2 & 3 starts should give +1 MaxHP for that character.

Real player with 130.8 hrs in game

I initially thought this was a fun, silly game, but with a few hours under my belt I have soured on this grindy, difficult slog of a game.

That said, I am six hours in, and I find myself drawn back to it, so I am changing my review back to a positive one. It has taken me this long to get to dungeon five, and there are a lot more to go. I can’t say I will stick to the end, but if I played for six hours, hard to say it stinks, even if it does get frustrating.

ADDENDUM: For people who like to get achievements, this game seems to be broken in that regard. I have earned a handful, and Steam shows me as not getting any. Doesn’t bother me, but I know some people whom it would.

Real player with 79.3 hrs in game

Dungeon Cards on Steam



One of my least favorite card games coming games like Hearthstone, Magic, Slay the Spire, Gwent, etc etc. Very low impact on deck building. Fun concept of having dueling players build decks to play specifically against one other person in a draft duel but the mechanics of the game make 90% of matches a rock paper scissors match of do you get to play your cards or does your opponent get to play theirs. No matter how cool of a deck you can build, either you win because you just did damage and the other player didn’t get to do anything to make the match interesting or your that player who doesn’t get to play. The only “close matches” I’ve played were mirror-like matches where both players just punched each other until the one with initiative gets the killing blow. I believe the game is still being developed while I’m writing this review so I’m sure they’re still tweaking and I hope the experience gets better but unfortunately for me that would require completely abandoning several key mechanics that I believe they want to define the game.

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

🌎 Overview 🌏

A unique card-based rougelike RPG that has great presentation. The cyberpunk themes are strong, but the game still needs a bit of polish and more content to become possibly one of the greats.

Score is at the bottom of the review, while you are down there, leave a like if you liked this review!

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Haxity on Steam

Insane Robots

Insane Robots

I am half way through this game and I am loving it! So many different robots and maps, so I must think of different ways to defeat them every time. I had so many close shaves but tries something new and beat the enemy robot. It’s fun to play with friends too, though not so many players in the online.

I wanted to post a quick review now, but will add more when it is all finished.

Real player with 96.7 hrs in game

It deliver a 15 hour campaign as promised in the description of the game, and although it having a few cons overall its enjoyable.

Lets start at the pro’s

  • Fun multiplayer

  • Extra difficult levels, providing replayabilty value

  • Easy to get into

  • Appealing card battling

  • Updates promised

And the cons

  • Small multiplayer community (at the time of writeing this review)

  • May feel grindy at times

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Insane Robots on Steam

Knights of the Card Table

Knights of the Card Table

At its heart it’s not a bad game, but there are problems to be aware of. But first the good: It’s a light game that regularly introduces new elements. It plays well with risk/reward. The DM character has some fun lines. Now the bad: The elements it adds don’t do as much as they can to vary the game as you go along. There are stretches where the order you click the cards makes little difference, to the point where it can get a bit mindless. The big issue is that there are some optional levels that are exceedingly long, and as I noted with the sometimes mindlessness of clicking through thousands of the same cards, the levels feel even longer. Near the end there are several of these extra long levels which are not avoidable, and you grind to make it through. This becomes a problem as the game just sort of ends with a whimper.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

In the humorous RPG-lite card game style of We Slay Monsters, Solitairica, Guild of Dungeoneering and looks like Letter Quest. Not sure why old school RPGs have to be parodies. Anyway, addictive and balanced game. Great design and programming. Very easy to get into. I was sold after 5 minutes from Youtube.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Knights of the Card Table on Steam

Missile Cards

Missile Cards

A fairly unique spin on the genre and a fine, if brief, slice of card-driven entertainment.

It will be tricky to find another digital card game on the market today that gets its point across faster than Missile Cards does. Decked out in the sort of 8-bit retro aesthetic that we’ve come to love and loathe in equal measure, this wonderfully simple game tasks players with fending off the many nukes, comets, and other hazards that threaten to destroy their planet-side base of operations.

A set deck of player cards is assigned for your chosen level with each one featuring the planetary missiles and laser beams that you’ll need to fend off threats of differing intensity. The gameplay is as simple as loading your chosen card into your console and waiting for it to charge before deploying it in a satisfying explosion of pixelated debris.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Card games usually aren’t my bag, but something about the retro aesthetic and Missile Command undertones triggered an urge to buy. The genre can so easily feel unfair–as if all the skill in the world won’t compensate for a lack of luck–but that’s not the case with Missile Cards. Unavoidable losses are rare, yet so are the instances in which you can get by without thinking ahead. Meanwhile, the game steadily lays on new concepts to consider, and keeps the dopamine flowing through unlockable cards and skills. The low-fi kathunks and kablams have an odd way of making matches more satisfying, too.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Missile Cards on Steam

Northmark: Hour of the Wolf

Northmark: Hour of the Wolf



OF A SIMILAR NATURE TO: Hero of the Kingdom

WHAT TO EXPECT: Very short. Story-driven objectives. Fantasy setting. Overhead map movement. Minor RPG elements. 31 locations to visit, some with multiple areas. 196 card deck battle system. Limited number of basic puzzles. Virtually zero replayability value.




More info below….

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Okay I’m going to try to keep this simple as honestly I’m pretty confused how I feel about this game.

I enjoyed every minute of playing it, but at the end of it I’m feeling empty. I literally did everything I could, fought every battle visited every location cleared every arena and got every achievement. The game could be finished easily a lot faster than my own clocked hours,

I was crawling and searching through the dust hoping for more content.

What is here is really solid, good battle system, a decent selection of cards.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Northmark: Hour of the Wolf on Steam