Dead Simple 21

Dead Simple 21

I didn’t go in expecting much but this is a real gem. Variation on 21 with special cards, play modes, timer, interactive elements. Awesome solitaire or for challenging your mates. Highly addictive.

If you love your card games or need a fun way to kill idle time (on planes, trains, in bed, etc.), check out Dead Simple 21. It’s addictive. I’m challenging anyone that walks past to have a go at beating my high score. And I learned a new card game!

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Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Solitaire Games.

Dead Simple 21 is a blackjack inspired game where you draw cards from a deck and place them into one of four columns trying to hit 21. This game is a fun casual game to play. It features a fantastic art style and theme. This was fun to play, and I recommend giving it a try.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dead Simple 21 on Steam



I’ve just gotten into Stormbound in the past 2 months and I love this game. I’ve had a binge on CCG games for awhile and I play this one the most an consistently.

First and formost, the game is NOT PAY 2 WIN. Please view negative reviews with a grain of salt.

  • The game is about strategy but it takes awhile to learn what those strategies are, as there are 4 different archetypes of cards, and even then, there are sub-themes within each. For example, is the Winter Pact set. It typically revolves around stacking mana or freeze combos. However, you can use freeze combos just to stall enemies or to clear many enemies at once.

Real player with 64.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Turn-Based Tactics Games.

I wish ranked play was everybody playing same levels. I’ve noticed that when you finally get to rank 25, you’re starting to meet the whales who can’t win from other whales (aka: people with too much money (and maybe also too much time) and too little skill).

So even if you’re playing reasonably well enough, playing with level 1s and 2s against level 3s isn’t exactly on equal footing. I thought that ‘ranked matches’ in general should be about skill (in gameplay and deckbuilding), not about who’s got the most money to throw around.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Stormbound on Steam



Valve got greedy.

Apparently Valve forgot everything they learned from TF2, CS:GO and Dota2. Making fun games fully accessible to everyone. Online games without players and communities are destined to fail.

But… Nope. Valve decides to exclude 90% of the World.

  • Pay for the game.

  • Pay for cards to play the game, making the best cards the rarest and therefore most expensive. (when they said power level wouldn’t be related to rarity)

  • Pay to enter prize modes.

  • Take a % cut of prize mode entry fees.

Real player with 102.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Card Battler Deckbuilding Games.

Valve has literally abandoned the game…

Edit: 13/03/2021

This game was so hyped at the time, and for me, the gameplay lived up to it for me when it launched, it was so different from everything that I’ve tried before and I did not even know Dota 2 universe… But after years waiting for something, it’s finally Official, both versions of the game, Classic and Foundry, will not be in further development… Here is some of the main things that were impactful during all this time being a casual player.

Real player with 64.7 hrs in game

Artifact on Steam

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Disclaimer: I got this game for free like the rest of you all this week. I am only writing this review because I see so many uniformed reviews. You’re welcome to dislike this game and find it boring, but leaving a negative review because it is exactly what it claims to be seems petty.


This is a pretty close clone of the Age of Sigmar tabletop game by the same name. Tabletop combat can be clunky, time consuming, and even boring if your army has been wiped out or you’re waiting on your opponent to make a tough decision. So just like the tabletop game, this game has similar quirks.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

I have mixed feelings about the current situation of the game. I am hoping that by the time this game goes past early access I will have only positive reviews!

I’ll start with the good stuff:

  1. This game is implementing the mechanics of the table top version of Underworlds - Shadespire perfectly and I have faith that the developers will do the same justice to Nightvault and Beastgrave.

  2. The game looks great for early access. the Visuals are great and the models look fantastic. I would like to see the background change from game to game and make it feel more like a changing city but it should not be a deal breaker in my opinion.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Warhammer Underworlds: Online on Steam

Shadowverse CCG

Shadowverse CCG

I come from a very strict family, and I always like card games, especially the Japanese ones.

But, my parents always get angry at me for wasting my money at these real form card games.

Not after this game was Introduced to me few months later from a feed on my social media where some weebs shown off their legendary card gacha pack.

I was intrigued by it and search it from google, and I found this hidden gem. The moment after passing the tutorial, I already fallen in love with the game.

But I was a bit too late, since it’s already on Darkness Evolved expansion pack and I’m missing many free stuffs. Nevertheless, I still enjoy playing the game until this day..

Real player with 1620.2 hrs in game

This CCG has its own cancer deck(s) of course, but it’s still good enough to recommend, since my experience is: a tiny bit of frustration, which quickly goes away, and a whole bunch of fun, that you won’t forget any time soon. Most of the following is very subjective, so that’s an other reason to try the game, but of course reading different opinions might help you decide if the game is for you, so here we go! (I’ll try to stay objective, where I can. Tl;dr: check the “OVERVIEW” part.)


Real player with 1119.8 hrs in game

Shadowverse CCG on Steam



After having played this game extensively since I acquired it, I am posting this review in the hopes of addressing the points made in the negative review above, as the reviewer clearly does not understand the purpose of this game. This is going to be somewhat lengthy, will try to summarize at the top.

TLDR; Pro’s and con’s below. If you came here expecting standalone chess look elsewhere, if you are interested in a sandbox experience where you can create your own units read on.

First and foremost I would like to point out something that I believe is the reason for said reviewers negative perception of this game, and that is that Wardens is NOT chess. If you go into Wardens expecting standalone chess, you will be disappointed. At present the only resemblance this game has to chess is the movement and arrangement of the pieces (for now), and that it is played on a chess board. However, despite one of the default game types being Capture the King, Wardens lacks practically all other basic chess rules, such as en passante, castling, and most importantly, check. As your goal in the aforementioned game mode is to KILL the king, not checkmate him. This was done so as to introduce the concept of the abilities in a familiar way without overwhelming the player. As for the abilities being boring, I admit that I myself do not care for the starting decks. That is because those decks are more useful as templates, to showcase possible abilities and help you to make your own. So the abilities are only as boring as you make them. Granted the amount of things you can do at the moment is a bit limited, but there is a surprising amount of versatility with what is already there. With the tools currently available, I have created over 4 pages worth of cards, with varied abilities including, but not limited to, things such as a unit that when they have sufficient mana they and surrounding allies cannot be frozen, a unit that has an ability that grants permanent attack immunity until next overtake (akin to stealth), and a unit that allows allies to cast their abilities for free provided they have sufficient mana for said ability, although this requires (for now) compatibility to be integrated into the other units in order to work, as does my most recent unit, which will allow nearby allies to cast their abilities for 3 mana less. The list goes on, and it will only improve with time as more things become available.

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

As a chess player, this looked interesting, but I can’t recommend it. It’s basically just chess, but the pieces have boring abilities, their movement is unchanged. Board readability is terrible, all the pieces (both yours and your opponent’s) look too similar and so everything blends together until you can’t figure out what is happening anymore. There’s no tutorial, and the AI you can play against is terrible, if you’re decent at chess you will easily crush it.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Wardens on Steam



One of my least favorite card games coming games like Hearthstone, Magic, Slay the Spire, Gwent, etc etc. Very low impact on deck building. Fun concept of having dueling players build decks to play specifically against one other person in a draft duel but the mechanics of the game make 90% of matches a rock paper scissors match of do you get to play your cards or does your opponent get to play theirs. No matter how cool of a deck you can build, either you win because you just did damage and the other player didn’t get to do anything to make the match interesting or your that player who doesn’t get to play. The only “close matches” I’ve played were mirror-like matches where both players just punched each other until the one with initiative gets the killing blow. I believe the game is still being developed while I’m writing this review so I’m sure they’re still tweaking and I hope the experience gets better but unfortunately for me that would require completely abandoning several key mechanics that I believe they want to define the game.

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

🌎 Overview 🌏

A unique card-based rougelike RPG that has great presentation. The cyberpunk themes are strong, but the game still needs a bit of polish and more content to become possibly one of the greats.

Score is at the bottom of the review, while you are down there, leave a like if you liked this review!

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Haxity on Steam



The easiest way to describe Prismata is to call it a RTS-themed (think Starcraft) chess. Chess comparison comes from the fact it has 0 RNG of any kind and no hidden info so the game is deterministic i.e. one of the players has a guaranteed win based on the starting positions. But just like Chess, Prismata is incredibly complex where solving it is impossible.

Players start with 6 or 7 Drones that harvest gold (2nd player starts with 1 extra drone to compensate), gold buys you technology structures that produce blue/red/green resources (not official names, but that’s the accepted naming convention in the community). Subsequently gold and tech resources buy attackers/defenders and your goal is to kill opponent’s units while protecting your fragile drones and attackers. Sounds simple at its core.

Real player with 981.4 hrs in game

EDIT: I almost don’t believe it. Within two days the devs released an update that addressed several of these issues. That’s just awesome. You hardly see that happen for any game these days.

Thumbs up for quality of life updates, and a great strategy game. There’s still room for improvement with drone defaulting to block and such, oh well. Game is good though.


I really want to love Prismata. At a glance, this could be the first truly free to play strategy “card” game without any of the pay to win nonsense, and a potentially fantastic game at that. But for a game that tries so hard to be different than all the others in its genre, why are there so many familiar disappointments?

Real player with 203.9 hrs in game

Prismata on Steam

The Horus Heresy: Legions

The Horus Heresy: Legions

This here, it is their cash milking machine, mind you as long as the gros is getting to GW i rly dont mind.

Just wish there was something you could invest money in without being a whale. a sub that didnt suck for instance , a better matchmaking system ? in fact id prolly buy single player cmpaigns if those gave me good cards instead of the RNG.

The gem system is 5:1 a card being drawn as double only gives me 1 5th of its cost in the gem shop.

Trouble is new factions cost gold primarily to get and at first only 200 coin crates are available not the more reasonable ones.

Real player with 1215.3 hrs in game

The game throws you into some pretty cool fights when you first start the game.

They have cool enemies and you are getting rewards and you think maybe there is a cool story and hope this continues to develop and allow you to adjust your deck as you go through an amazing campaign story mode.

But no…It just ends abruptly out of nowhere and the game is pretty much a grindfest or pay wall from that point onwards. You try to play a friendly match, you get in a game with ai or players. Players have better decks than you because you are a noob who hasn’t paid any money to buy all the cards and build better decks or grind for hundreds of hours, so you get pummelled because the matchmaker is trash like most card games.

Real player with 597.3 hrs in game

The Horus Heresy: Legions on Steam

Collective: the Community Created Card Game

Collective: the Community Created Card Game

Huge Change:

They removed the Draft feature that triggered every time you levelled up your character in a match… The single most important distinguishing feature that made this card game what it was for me and unique among the others.

Huge thumbs down for me, I had grown to love this game mainly due to the excitement of drafting at each level up. Without that, the game is as good as dead for me and not much different to other card games out there. Will still give it a chance, but I cannot express enough how disappointed I am in this and how much i disapprove this change.

Real player with 357.0 hrs in game

After over 140 hours and almost 2 months playing it, It has interesting concepts but some serious downfalls.


A - Trying to Encourage Player Participation

This seems like a good idea that has been tried in different ways in other card games, just that by now I would have expected people to learn from those previous games and have guidelines to avoid mistakes made before.

B - Both Single and Multiplayer

Card games with both seem to do better than those with only 1 except for either modern roguelike games (Slay the Spire, Iris and the Giant, etc.) or older games from years ago when multiplayer was more rare (original Magic: The Gathering from 1997, etc.).

Real player with 151.6 hrs in game

Collective: the Community Created Card Game on Steam