Capitalism 2

Capitalism 2

Pretty fun to master, but somewhat tedious once you’ve mastered it. This game gives you a few million dollars and 1 to 4 cities and tells you to go out and become a billionaire. You can build department stores to import better goods, driving out local business and taking all the profit for yourself. You can research powerful CPUs and conquer the computer industry. You can even take out a gigantic loan to buy up a gold deposit, then use it to build jewellery and fleece every happy couple out of a few grand in exchange for rings. There’s a lot of fun in managing all the aspects of making goods and selling them for profit, whether it be researching or training in order to get higher quality goods, or spending massively on advertisements so your low quality goods get bought anyway. But for all that the game gets a bit tedious towards the end and I’d like to note some things that you really should be aware of before you buy.

Real player with 270.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Management Games.

It’s bit old simulation game armed with realistic economy structure and standard of early 2000.

Like every simulation games “Cap 2” is easy to learn, but harder to master.

You can play in reduced retro resoltuion in 4:3 aspect ratio.

You can begin as retailer, farmer, mine operator, factory manager, researcher, day trader, etc. you will eventually combine everything you can to become most successful and richest character in your sandbox game.

There are various product categories you can grow, process, produce or mine, e.g. Leather Jacket requires a factory( farm(Cotton - Textil), farm(Leather)). Every product have their necessity (food high, luxury low) so producing and selling foods in reasonable price is one of survival idea in the beginning of harder difficulty.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Capitalism 2 on Steam

Mall of Mayhem

Mall of Mayhem

Mall of Mayhem is a open world shooter filled with neon, unsuspecting shoppers, and a wide variety of stores. Play as Mason, a assassin from the future with pent up anger, an exo suit, and an arsenal of weapons, all while being stuck in a time loop with seemingly no way out. Destroy everything in sight, collect currency for new weapons and upgrades, and find a way back to your time no matter the cost!

Advanced Tech Powers

To eliminate those who stand in your way, arm yourself with plasma blades, an energy shield, or a flamethrower. Use the magnetized grapnel to climb up walls and to escape from danger.

Living Breathing Mall

An open world mall made for mayhem. It has many different stores, including ones fo clothes, food & drink, Weapons, entertainment, high-street brands and so on.

Reactive AI

The CDF are the time police. They make sure you don’t cause any paradoxes or change any events too drastically. When the timeline becomes irrepairable, it needs to be wiped of everything in it, including you!

The Time Nexus

The time nexus is an interdimensional vessel outside of time and space. Use it as a safe house, to unlock new weapons. replenish resources, train using AI simulations, and equip and unlock new Tech for your exo suit.

Read More: Best Capitalism Parkour Games.

Mall of Mayhem on Steam

Luck be a Landlord

Luck be a Landlord

The negative comments on this game talk about how the balance is very unfavorable to the player and in order to win, you have to be very lucky. These complaints are valid. But they leave out an important piece of context: This game is being very actively worked on!

The developer is constantly tweaking with the game balance. If you look over patch notes, you’ll see tons of changes to how individual items behave, new items being added, and entire new game systems being included. Over the months, these changes have been very favorable to the player. It used to be that you’d have to play many rounds before you had one where winning was even a possibility, but now most games are winnable as long as you have a decent strategy in mind.

Real player with 225.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Procedural Generation Games.

I LOVE the concept and the game is good but it could be better. Which is about right for an early access game.

The biggest issue is replayability. For a ‘rougelike’ that is a big deal and this game has limited replayability. Every run begins to feel pretty samey after you’ve pulled off a handful of different synergies. So far the only efforts made to address this have been adding more symbols and a handful of items. While this adds replayability it is a limited option. Every new symbol and item added makes it harder to find things that go together which lowers the fun and viability of the game. Having 100 new synergies doesn’t make the game more replayable if you can never actually get the pieces together to do any of them.

Real player with 126.9 hrs in game

Luck be a Landlord on Steam

Riot Control Simulator

Riot Control Simulator

Your daily job is to keep the people of this city safe, above all, protests happen now and then. This time, however, something is different. The country is changing, and people are taking to the streets. When frustration grows, the whole country might suffer. Protests are already happening in every major city. Do you think you can stop it? Despite the dictatorship, you still have a job to do. After all, the law is the law.

Taking control of the raging crowd is a difficult task. Aggression leads to more hostility, and if you overdo it, the whole masses will fight back. Molotov cocktails, stones, and batons will be an enormous threat to you, while shield and helmet can save your life. The authorities want to suppress the riots at all costs.

You have heavy vehicles and crowd-breaking gear at your disposal. Nothing seems to stop protesters' zeal more than a stream of water from a water cannon. As a last resort, you can even call in a tank to restore order. Wait a sec! Isn’t it too much?

Be smart and use tactics while planning your next moves. A compact formation can easily restrict the movement of people or capture aggressive ones and arrest them. Use provocation and infiltrate the crowd to catch riot leaders.

Will you be a pawn of the government?


  • many cities to bring peace

  • moral decisions to take

  • extensive selection of crowd pacification equipment

  • ability to control heavy equipment

  • formations and tactics

Riot Control Simulator on Steam