Dealer’s Life 2

Dealer’s Life 2

Very interesting game , it feels like it have a lot of potencial like dealers life 1 to improve. Game is a quite harder than first dealers life at start , i feel like there is a slight way to many less good items what you can buy from neutral auction because it simse that computer know almost all the time exact price of each item what he can bid. Also from the start of the game the guy who keep making your life hard by making excuses so you have to pay him ( even if you buy bouncer from start he have to be lvl 2 so he can throw him out of your shop ) is rly anoying and slow you down . This game have a lot of potencial and i hope that it will be worked on , Personaly i dont mind that game is a bit harder from start it just depend of your bargain skills but after you pass certain lvl and make some money the game starts to shine. Keep it up

Real player with 121.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Memes Games.

I usually feel like the haggling mechanics in video games are simple or sloppy, but the devs have clearly put a LOT of time into making haggling feel real and natural, not just “random” or predictable/formulaic. Here are a couple examples of situations that are common:

  • Someone comes with something appraised at 50k. They would accept a 40k offer if I offered it first (reloaded the game to confirm), but if I initially offer 30k, they get “mad”, and later won’t accept 40k.

  • Someone comes in with something appraised at 50k. I offer 40k. They counter 47k. I offer 43k. They counter 46k, I offer 45k, they accept

Real player with 58.5 hrs in game

Dealer's Life 2 on Steam

Dealer’s Life

Dealer’s Life

I love this game! I have had it since it launched on the play store for mobile devices.

I like how I can play it in a windowed tab and often play while watching tv on my laptop.

I wish the game offered more things such as leaderboards so you can see how you compare to other players. I have beat the game a few times with 24 weeks been the fastest to complete. and was wondering how that compares to other players.

Other things I think that would be cool would be head to head competitions where you have 15-30 minutes to try and have more money at the end than your competitior. It would help make the game interesting for me again.

Real player with 279.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Memes Games.

The Game:

This is basically the buy and sell portion of Recettear with a bit more depth added. You can add stats to yourself to be able to:

• Know the value of items

• Charm customers

• Read the customers' level of greed, desire for the item, and their patience for negotiations

You can hire people for your shop as well who will add a little to those stats, and who can also restore broken items, or authenticate them, or even create counterfeits.


  • Fun and addictive if you enjoy buy and sell games where you are the merchant (I love this type of game)

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Dealer's Life on Steam

Patrician IV

Patrician IV

7/10, got on sale for $5 but would be happy at full price of $15. I’m surprised it has such a low review score (53% at time of writing), maybe people had higher expectations than I did (update: seems people are unhappy about the lack of tutorial).

It’s kind of a leisurely game with no apparent objective other than discovering the game, enjoyment, and building out an intricate trade system. Granted I haven’t finished the game yet so perhaps the end game objective has yet to be revealed.

I like the ‘older’ looking pixely graphics and keeping and eye on the map as my ships make their way to and fro, and discovering and building mutually beneficial trade routes is also quite fun. Music is good and not inundating or overly repetitive. Helps if you enjoy trial and error and investigating what does what as the tutorial (campaign advisor) does not hold your hand much.

Real player with 50.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Resource Management Games.

It’s been a while since I’ve written a recommendation for a game, and it’s a service I feel the community really needs doing, so here we go:

Patrician IV, henceforth known as “Patty IV’s” is in something of a niche genre, in that it is a Renaissance trading simulator set around the Hanseatic League in Northern Europe. Doesn’t sound like the most riveting game now, but when I rephrase that as TIME TRAVELLING DOSH SIMULATOR 1420 EDITION it starts to sound phucking dank. (Note to self, make montage video with that title)

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Patrician IV on Steam

Poverty is a Choice

Poverty is a Choice

Has more stock options than most other serious trading simulators!! WHAAAAT?!

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Now I went into Poverty is a Choice blind, and what I found was a hardcore stock trading sim covered in edgy wrapping. Oh yeah, I like it. Y’all know I’ve been on a crusade to find a modern Drug Wars here on Steam, and while this isn’t exactly that, it’s both close yet different enough to totally be it’s own thing. Yes, you buy-low-sell-high, but things take a more orthodox direction here with traditional stock trading.

Again, there is a lot of dark humor thrown in to lighten things up, but at the end of the day you will be gathering all the information you can to make sure you earn money each day to support your lifestyle, and even hopefully make it better. There are a great number of various upgrades you can get to help you out. Too many to go into here, but they almost all seem functional (I’ve tried a good number of them). I even had a pen and paper handy to take notes. Yeah, it gets pretty serious.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Poverty is a Choice on Steam

Automobile Tycoon

Automobile Tycoon

Well… it’s not bad… but it’s not good.

I’ve burned quite a few hours in it, and keep coming back because I’m a car junky, but when I want that fix, I’m more often reaching for Automation, Gear City, or Production Line, and honestly I still prefer running Detroit in DOSBox, which this is supposed to be a spiritual successor of (it doesn’t catch the same magic though)

This is a decent spreadsheet simulator (turn off the inflation, or you’ll spend all your time micromanaging prices because costs spiral quickly but there’s no option to scale the selling price with inflation) but it isn’t really a car game. You could replace the products you’re making with just about anything, and change the R&D tree. Feels like it was built to be modular but then didn’t take off so they didn’t push it out with other assets.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

It is an enjoyable game. It provides different starting conditions which provide longevity. The drawback is that it does not provide clear cut challenges and it feels more like a big sandbox, which should explain some of the earlier bad critics. If you have no need for step by step challenges (like objectives or do this and that), you will find this a very nice game.

I personally dislike these step-based gameplay, where the game leads you through specific paths. so this game is my piece of cake.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Automobile Tycoon on Steam

Caravan Trade Tycoon

Caravan Trade Tycoon

Erased my entire game. Also pretty monotonous because you just go from town to town without events. I never got attacked.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

good game , but still have need more fix, high price

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Caravan Trade Tycoon on Steam

Megacity Builder

Megacity Builder

like the older city building games but with a national twist. incorporates multiple little cities to run a country. can really get lost in the constructing and managing

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Fantastic game! If you like lite sims, then this is your game.

It’s got a very detail orientated design for a game as lite as it is, its mechanics are nuanced and unique.

I strongly advise this game to anybody who is a fan of unique sims.

It has a bit of a learning curve, but never fear, its worth it!

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Megacity Builder on Steam

Wall Street Bets

Wall Street Bets

10/10 would lose all my life savings again

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game


Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Wall Street Bets on Steam

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation

The Birth:

Every day while sipping his favourite Earl Grey tea, Master Lee reflects on his inability to find a true Business Hero to succeed him. The wealthiest entrepreneur alive knows only too well the cost of making a wrong choice. Refusing defeat, Master Lee decided to create the ultimate tool to reach every corner of the world. A Business Simulation challenge based on his very first business. And so, Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation was born.


Prepare to make your fortunes in any capital city of your choice. Armed with some cash and a humble burger bike, begin your journey to become the richest burger business entrepreneur in the city.

The city is packed full of several groups of people, all with different tastes, eating habits, and earning power. You’re going to have to figure out the best recipes for each of them.

Start your business with a small burger bike stand and upgrade to more exotic stands as you become more profitable.

The City has 7 locations with a different population mix and cost of doing business. To sell more burgers, you’d have to adapt your strategy to fit the population in each location.

You’d also have to deal with weather conditions like snow and rainfall which affect the population size and their willingness to buy burgers.

To be successful, you must

  • Hook diverse customers with their perfect burger recipe

  • Offer burgers and drinks at prices customers can’t resist

  • Invest in equipment and upgrades to serve customers better

  • Snatch customers from the competition with timely marketing

  • Keep your employees smiling with bonuses and training that improves their skills

  • Respond quickly to weather changes and unexpected events

In this business simulation, you take all the business decisions at night and watch the result of your choices unfold during the day.


  • Experience fun but challenging game play inspired by real-world business and marketing strategy

  • Enjoy unique business experiences growing your enterprise in the capital cities of Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, and the USA.

  • Trade in the actual currency of the City you are playing in and enjoy realistic price simulation

  • Upgrade and Expand your business to 7 Localities (Street Corner, Noisy Playground, Park Central, Big Station, Glamor and Hip Street, National Landmark, and The Finance Hub) within the City

  • Target customers you think would be more profitable with a market segmentation strategy

  • Experience weather simulation consistent with the actual weather conditions of the City you choose to play in.

  • Face and overcome simulated economic conditions that will test your business acumen.

  • Play against friends and family in the multiplayer/1v1 matchmaking mode.

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation on Steam

King of Retail

King of Retail

TL; DR: A great concept that has been executed pretty damn well. There are a few bugs and complaints, which I detail below. But, I don’t think there’s any issue that should prevent you from enjoying this game if you like simulation-type games.

The devs, or dev, has put a significant amount of sweat equity into making this game. It’s not a AAA game, its an indie dev. This goes to show you that even with a limited budget, games such as this are possible to make and we’re all the better for it.

Real player with 108.8 hrs in game

Okay, 101 hours in and I thought I should leave a review as this game deserves it. It’s been a while since any game has captured my attention as much as King of Retail has and always gives me that urge to really want to play it at every opportunity. My niece has been watching me play and now has a store of her own too, she’s only 10 and has understood everything really well. I really need a second PC now! lol

It’s currently in Early Access but has plenty of playability and I really look forward to future updates. The next one apparently brings a ton of new female clothing.

Real player with 104.5 hrs in game

King of Retail on Steam