

Wow. So this game is incomplete however it has long way to go for greatness. The Dev needs keep working on it. I am sure though eventually this game will be great.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Management Games.

Economica on Steam

The Last Federation

The Last Federation

How do I explain this? Bullet Hell meets Civilizations in Space?

You have 8 races, all with very identifiably anatomies ranging from small furry barn-owls to Metroid style Chozo-esque utopian robots to a planet of robots who act like Bender from Futurama to a warlike crab? people (what the hell is a Burlust). The main game mode has you trying to make a unified Federation to stop genocides like the one that happened to your awesome 4 headed dragon race. You can research technology on you rown or with other races to improve your relations with them, help build structures on planets that can either strengthen defenses, help production/livelihood, or just make a bunch of TV channels that help different races learn that they’re not supposed to hate everyone.

Real player with 114.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Indie Games.

There is a lot to say about The last federation that already has been said by people better at this kind of stuff than me, but another voice in the ether never hurt nobody :)

Right of the bat it should be said that the general concept is a twist on the old grand strategy formula of “unify the world to win” but excecuted in such a way that your character aren’t a contestant among others as much as the one that decided that an ensured galactic peace is something to work for. As such your job is to first create the federation, and then persuade the eight races of the galaxy to join it.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

The Last Federation on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Massively Multiplayer Games.

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

BADA Space Station

BADA Space Station

Badass aims to bring short bursts of intense action by pitting you and your pals in an Arena against hordes of different enemies. The players will need to navigate through the different Arena Segments, killing all enemies that are sent against them and survive in order to win.

This is a co-op focused game. Gather your friends, stay close and coordinate in order to survive. At launch, there will be four available characters to choose from, all different and with unique playstyles.

All Characters share a similar control scheme. However, their Core Attacks, Weaponry, and Skills vary. This will have players make several choices on how they want their character to play out. Character progression is set by earning promotions and each new skill might open a whole new playstyle that you maybe had not yet considered. Do not get cocky though, the waves are randomized and you will not know what exactly comes next. So choose your skills and character wisely.


What happens when you combine Chewbacca and Conan the Barbarian? A furry brutality happens. Revel in the guts of your enemies as the first to enter the action and the last to leave. Use your gigantic Gun-Sword and either dismember or shoot your weakling enemies. Brawns is not the only thing this character has, from Explosive Rounds to Inspiring Brutality, this character has much more than meets the eye.


Like going fast? Like dodging bullets like nobody’s business? Like transforming your hand into a boomerang and throwing it around dismembering your unfortunate enemies? Then the Puppeteer is for you. Damage per second is her thing, and she does not shy away from playing dirty by becoming a blob that makes her invisible to her enemies. She can also fuse with other friends or foes, giving advantages or disadvantages to them.


If you like tanking all the damage and if you like humiliating your enemies by using your Gravity Gun, then the Scarlet Magnet is for you. The best crowd control abilities will be at your disposal and on top of that you can use your Gravity Gun to traverse or manipulate the environment. You don’t like where our level designer has put the explosive barrels? Just pick them up and throw them at the poor souls in front of you.


He might not look like it, but he is the smartest of the bunch. So smart that he modified his office chair into a machine of death. His Melee Attacks are nothing to boast about, but he does not need them. He is all about pure firepower and gadgets. All kinds of machinations can pop out of his chair, from Healing Turrets to Explosive Spiders, and if the worst happens, he can simply pick up his chair pieces and carry on with the fight.


Why all this aggression? Why the violence? Can’t we all live peacefully?

**ABSOLUTELY NOT.**The premise is simple:

In this far far away galaxy a very odd Event happened a long time ago. The sun stopped emitting the usual rays that… you know… suns do. Instead, it started emitting pure badass hormones. As a result, every living thing in this galaxy became super pissed and macho, creating chaos that lasted ages. But the Big Four Companies did not like the chaos, as it decreased sales. Yes, capitalism existed - even before the Event - and no matter what the money needs to flow.


They created the BADA Space Station and started having their employees fight in the Arenas in order to promote their products to their now bloodlusted customers. Simple advertisements did not cut it anymore. On the other hand, advertisements from the most badass creatures in the galaxy were priceless. You would only buy something from someone stronger than you. And that’s where you come in.

  • Choose your Character.

  • Fight with your friends against countless enemies.

  • Promote the Sponsor Products during the battle.

  • Earn their Influence for a wide variety of Bonuses.

  • Level Up.

  • Unlock up to 20 Skills.

  • Gather randomly generated Loot.

BADA Space Station on Steam

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp

Galactic Mining Corp is decent. It’s not quite good enough for me to say its a great game, but its not bad enough for me to say its awful either. It occupies that middle niche of being compelling enough to enjoy but also shows off a lot of points where it could have used some more refinement.

=The Good=

  • The artwork is great. You can tell effort was put into the art direction off the game.

  • If you enjoy completionist style games, this is going to have a lot for you. Hundreds of items to unlock and rank up. Lots of achievements.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Game is not terrible, though its essentually a clicker with very little actual game play. You’re just increasing numbers so you can gain even higher numbers. The mining sections while there’s interaction with power ups and such, are more a measure if your progress is “tall enough to ride” you can finish some maps earlier than intended with some intelligent play, but that’s extent to the depth of gameplay.

The game honestly goes on a little too long. They could have cut the entire 3rd galaxy and the game been just fine to me, the game starts feeling a little long in the tooth around the start of the 3rd galaxy. at least 35 of my nearly 60 hours was in the 3rd galaxy. Also whoever on the dev team decided what you go through on the planet Apollo needed to be a thing. There’s a special place in hell for you, you know what you did.

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Galactic Mining Corp on Steam

X3: Terran Conflict

X3: Terran Conflict

Beware possible spoilers ahead for newbies

X3 Reunion had a good voice cast. The story was not good. The game engine is still beautiful. The hud and mouse speed can be a problem. X3 Terran Conflict and the add-on Albion Prelude are amazing. If I knew that x-rebirth would totally destroy the series by being completely horrible I should’ve just asked for a albion prelude 2 on this old engine. This is the end of the line for the series. Everything after albion prelude is considered a hallow lifeless body floating in space that is worshipped by shills. (I’ll exclude X4 from this. Since it’s pretty good after years of repair. So that just leaves X-Afterbirth.. Huh weeeirdddd)

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

My favourite game of all time. A space flight sim blended with a strategy game and trading/industry sim, with a truly functional open world that you can profoundly change.

There are three things that in my opinion set the X3 series miles ahead from most other similar games. First is the ability to buy more than one ship and construct your own stations. Some space-sims will let you destroy stations in the game universe but there aren’t many where you can build your own, making permanent changes to the game world and economy, Many space-privateer games let you choose a ship to fly, where some might be better for combat, or trading, faster or tougher etc. Not many games will let you buy several ships, hop in one and order the others around while you fly.

Real player with 623.7 hrs in game

X3: Terran Conflict on Steam



A compulsive twin stick asteroid-mining rogue-like set in procedurally generated space with a brilliant “risk” system where at the start of the game, you can choose to enable any or all of 10 different scenarios to make the game more difficult in return for a higher percentage of profit.

One risk makes your armour weak so only one hit can be taken. Another adds gold to some asteroids but also adds competition in the form of big mining ships.

The game eases you in gently, the 10 risks are unlocked as you play, letting you add more challenge as you get more confident.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Tags: Tactical - Space Crew Sim

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Twinstick instance based freelancer. Fun but beatable in one sitting. Needs patching but dev abandonned due to contract with a new studio. Limited content. Grindy.

This is a one small map containing a few central hotspots. A police station spawning police cars, a fuel and ammo station and a mining station to sell ore. You go out and find cash lying around, get ore, and kill pirates to sell bounty items at the police station. You die respawn and as you unlock more things the world gets more populated.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Cashtronauts on Steam

Astero Inc.

Astero Inc.

Beautiful game. After the first hours of game, feels very addictive and funny situations with the characters and gameplay. It maintains tension at all time on the asteroids! Highly recommended

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

The game felt fresh, fun and challenging. If you skip the tutorial you will suffer punishment, but you will feel acomplishment as you make your way through the game and master it step by step.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Astero Inc. on Steam

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative is a management/base-building game that puts you in charge of mankind’s first worlds exploration program. In the near future, a new technology will allow us to travel instantly anywhere in the universe, via portals known as Exogates. An international initiative is created to develop this technology and start the first exploration program.

You will lead mankind into the vast unknown, where we never before dreamt to tread.

In the depth of a mountain plan, excavate and build your base using a variety of specialized rooms and equipment.

  • Complete freedom to dig anywhere on the map.

  • Plan and build specialized rooms, explorers will need barracks to rest, a training field to prepare for their missions or a laboratory to study samples they brought back from other worlds.

  • Place equipment in these rooms, each one of them will have a dedicated purpose.

Recruit, train and manage specialists from all around the world.

  • You will unlock 6 different classes of explorers, the scientist will study flora and fauna on other worlds, the scholar will decipher alien culture and languages and the soldier will ensure everyone is safe.

  • Explorers are called gaters, they are completely autonomous.

  • Each gater is unique. They come from different countries, have different ages, look different.

  • Take care of their needs and ensure their well-being, both physical and psychological, as they are constantly facing the unknown.

  • They will develop relationships between each other, and losing a friend on a mission will not have the same impact as losing someone you hate.

  • Provide them with the tools and suits needed for their journey

Assemble teams and send them exploring new worlds through the Exogate.

  • Gaters will perform missions on their own but will request your help from time to time.

  • These contacts are micro interactive stories that will constantly try to surprise you, and where you will sometimes have to make difficult decisions.

  • They may discover new flora, fauna or even intelligent beings. There are more than 10 different kinds of encounters

  • After each mission, teams will return with more experience and interesting things to study. This will allow you to unlock new technologies and earn money to keep the initiative running.

Don’t forget to wishlist and follow!

Exogate Initiative on Steam

Lightway Lines

Lightway Lines

In 2061, the desire for seamless interstellar travel continues to grow.

LIGHTWAY LINES - a modern, specialist airline - is trialing new technology to make space tourism safe and affordable for everyone. But in this moody, atmospheric sci-fi ARPG adventure, Captain Rain could end up paying the price for attempting to make history.

  • Explore the Lightway cruiser and unearth what really happened.

  • Fast-paced, ARPG-style combat.

  • Custom artwork with detailed, interesting environments.

  • A hard-hitting & unnerving soundtrack.

  • Plenty of collectibles that expand on the story.

LIGHTWAY LINES is set to launch in November 2022.

Lightway Lines on Steam