

I honestly am upset giving this game a thumbs down because as the game progressed through the early access releases, it honestly looked like the structure of this game was going to build up into something great. Sadly, the dev team have taken this project into full release much too early and I worry that everything that at first glance might seem like placeholders are, in fact, here to stay.

There is no variety in guest appearances; just the same pallet swaps of hair, skin, shirt and pants. This also includes any entertainers you hire or VIPs you invite to your casino; they all just blend together without any kind of visual differences to make looking at your casino population grow from a few dozen people to thousands all that interesting. And it just feel like a massive shame that the magician you hired to preform on stage is dressed the same as everyone in the audience.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Sandbox Games.

For an early release this is pretty good. It has it’s issues and needs a lot more content but it’s definitely worth giving a try if you enjoy sim tycoon style games.

That said currently (12/31/2020) there are some things that could be improved and I’m going to give a list of suggestions below in case the developers actually read these reviews:

  • My clock display is set to a 12 hour clock but peak hours are still listed in military time.

*The minimum pay out for a slot machine grand prize is 10 dollars but we default to penny slots. If they are paying a penny one dollar is a huge return, minimum payout should be based on the cost per pull. Also, why is the AI spending ten dollars a pull for a game with a 25 dollar grand prize? That’s insane.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

SimCasino on Steam

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition

Neat little game to waste some time, I enjoyed causing some mayhem and trying to survive until the goal (it’s not always that easy). Far from perfect but enjoyable for sure for an indie title. Good job!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Driving Games.

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition on Steam