I had access to Beta release, it’s a fun unique take on farming, score attack, and tower-defence style games. Easy to pick up and play or sink a few hours into. Great fun!
It’s not a massive sprawling game, but you’ll easily get some hours of playtime in, well worth the $5.
– Real player with 46.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Capitalism Time Management Games.
Full play through w/ all achievements here when it uploads: https://youtu.be/HZTvax6dNbc
First Off Pro tip I didn’t find out until 5 hours into the game if you hit the R key the dog will run the sheep into the starting area and consolidate them The Concept of this game is actually really well executed, but first let me talk about the main thing that ruins the game a good amount for me. My little herder dude likes to target rocks walls trees EVERYTHING so I could be facing forward hit the w and go backwards cause he’s targeting some random object it makes your character herk and jerk around and it’s tragic. The sheep are dumb they literally run TOWARDS the danger instead of away. Whoever made this game has a really good understanding of animals the disease from having too many and the problems that can come from not thinning the herd can cause a huge problem and this mechanic is really well done and makes getting some of the achievements very difficult even on casual mode. The shooting works really well when my dudes not focused on a rock or a wall. The upgrades are super cool I was actually very amused when my sheep went face first into one of the land mines I planted. Definitely recommend this game for the price.
– Real player with 5.4 hrs in game
Time’s Up in Tiny Town
Time’s Up in Tiny Town is a fast-paced simulation game, in which you will build a town for a pocket-sized world.
As mayor and founder of Tiny Town, construct buildings, collect food and house as many townsfolk as possible. You will score points on how large your population grows but also on how sustainable your town is at the end of your mandate.
In Tiny Town, the more you build, the more land you acquire. And the faster your population grows, the more time you are afforded.
But be sure to balance-out your production, your population’s needs and your world’s natural resources. Because if your environment collapses, so may your townsfolk know deprivation and famine!
Read More: Best Capitalism Time Management Games.
Green Phoenix
- Informational review
On rails shooter + good graphics - a bit slow = Narrative experience in futuristic world. Avoid obstacles and collect crystals. Could use more enemies or obstacles to shoot.
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– Real player with 1.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Capitalism Fantasy Games.
Cubic Currency
A charming indie game with character. Hot take on capitalism
excellent worldbuilding
immersive experience: soundtrack, sound effects, and art are very well done
fun and nuanced gameplay that keeps you coming back
balances randomness and skill well
well planned achievements
seems a little too easy (i’ve won each of my first 3 runs without many difficulties) – let capitalism be more brutal! (or, have different difficulty settings–that’s probably a better way to do it)
as far as i can tell, there isn’t “save game” functionality? either that or it’s not intuitive how to use it. could be a nice thing to add
– Real player with 4.7 hrs in game
Full Disclosure. I bought this game at 90% off. It was less than a dollar, so at that price i really can’t complain for myself.
Now if you buy it at full price, it might be a little short for that price tag as I finished it in just over 3 hours. The game has enough elements to make some days/levels a bit intense, especially with the last character. Which is good because without the juggling of customers and the negative dice types, the game would be waaay too easy. And if you want to achievement hunt the game to 100% then you’ll probably get maybe an extra hour or two of gameplay.
– Real player with 3.1 hrs in game