Business Tycoon Billionaire

Business Tycoon Billionaire

This game was not quite what I expected. It was really a game that let you click some buttons and watch the numbers go up. I put in 7 hours, but it was more of a set it and forget situation. Regardless of the “deal”, this game really was a time waster. If that is what you want, a true time waster, with no actual reward, then go for it.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Time Management Games.

this game is just a rip off a poor rip off of much better games like Adventure capitalist which is free BTW an has a lot more content. i hope this game comes out with leaderboards A OPTION TO TURN THE DAM SOUND OFF!!!!! and some good content

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Business Tycoon Billionaire on Steam

Highrise Mogul

Highrise Mogul

I’d recommend the game.

It’s a simple build your tower the way you want kinda game. Graphics are good for the game, simple but it matches the feel. Game play itself is fairly easy to pick up, just a little figuring out what works and what doesn’t for the increase and decrease of either offices or residential as well as the businesses you install.

My only complaints at this time are that there’s kind of a problem with keeping employees happy. I’ve got a bunch of businesses and breakrooms, however, janitors leave pretty much every other day and I have to rehire them en masse when i notice that floors are crazy trashed. I only wish that on that account, either people would use the trash cans more or that there were a way to easily see what employees are missing out on to be able to keep them around.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Management Games.

Built a tiny cute tower filled with theaters and shops in the middle of the forest. The visitors were very rude and littered all over the place but other than that it was pretty cozy.

Game seems like a nice relaxing time from what I’ve played so far. Though the tutorial is a bit lacking and it took me a while to figure out everything. Looks like a lot of content to go through with all the researches available. Graphics are simple and cute and fit the game well.

Overall a great time!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Highrise Mogul on Steam

Cruise Ship Manager

Cruise Ship Manager

Fulfill your dreams of watching over a beautiful vessel, a large crew, and all sorts of passengers in Cruise Ship Manager!

Take cruises to a next level in this unique management game. Choose how you want your cruise ship to be built, make sure everything runs smoothly, set the prices for the passengers, and become a legend of the high seas!

Choosing the layout of the ship is up to you! Decide on the layout, where to place a canteen for your crew, and where 5-star restaurants should be. Does a casino strike your fancy or maybe an open pool? And don’t forget about rooms for your passengers! Make sure everything is well connected and that you keep enough money for food or fuel.

Pick your crew wisely. Their skills will lead to your success or failure. Once you leave the dock, you’re stuck with the people you chose so make sure you don’t regret hiring an untested rookie over an experienced veteran.

Once you settle on the amenities and prepare the necessary equipment, you can finally search for passengers to invite onto your ship. But there’s a catch - it’s not up to you who buys your tickets. So price your tickets accordingly. You might charge a premium if you do, your passengers will feel entitled to the best service there is and it won’t be easy to satisfy them. On the other hand, you could sell the tickets at a low price and improve your budget through other means. For instance, by charging extra for fancy cocktails.

As your renown grows, more people will want to experience the thrill of signing up for your cruise. Build your brand and reach a point where people will pay any amount of money, just to say they were on your cruise ship!

You have the power to choose the route your cruise ship shall take. Would you rather make some quick cash on a routine, 2-day cruise? Or maybe a long journey through the Bermuda Triangle is what strikes your fancy? You might be paid more for trips to exotic places but beware of the storms. Lives could be at stake if a fire breaks out or engines malfunction. It will be your task to end such a crisis - before it’s too late.


  • A cruise ship of your own that you can customize to your liking

  • Resource management (fuel, food, etc.)

  • Incredible variety of unique passengers with different expectations and behaviors

  • Random events

  • Crew members that have their own needs

  • Route selection

  • Many unique rooms to add to your ship

  • Unlimited fun!

Read More: Best Capitalism Survival Games.

Cruise Ship Manager on Steam

Moonlight In Garland

Moonlight In Garland

Moonlight in Garland is a cozy, open-ended, life-sim that sees you making a life in the bustling metropolis of Garland. Find an apartment and make it perfectly yours, befriend your neighbours, grow your garden, solve community problems and experience all the weirdly wonderful stuff that city living offers.

Of course, city life isn’t all farmers markets and fancy coffee. Will you step in to stop the heritage building from being torn down and preserve a piece of history? Build a sense of community so more residents will stick around? Figure out which Jerk is stealing packages from the mail room? Be swept up in a whirlwind romance along the way?

Find your feet, make a positive impact and live your best life in Garland!

  • Move in! - Each apartment has unique challenges and community projects. (1/4 buildings currently available)

  • Explore the city! - Complete 6 mini welcome quests over 5 suburbs.

  • Daily tasks - Run errands, recycle trash and clean up graffiti.

  • Find friends or romance - 22 NPCs with 2 full friendship levels of dialogue.

  • Friendship events - Deepen your relationships with narrative cutscenes and mini quests. (2 currently available)

  • Building Upgrades - Cedar Court Lobby upgrade currently available.

  • Gardening - Get your green thumb ready!

  • Animal Photos - Take photos of local wildlife for your diary, that seagull is just walking around like he owns the place.

  • Manage your time and energy - Keep an eye on your physical and mental energy to make sure you can hit your goals.

  • Character customization - Be yourself or someone else!

  • Also… - Shop, clean up the city, and lots more.

And coming soon… Part time jobs, mini games, marriage, crafting, calendar events, more apartment and garden upgrades, mysteries, and more!

A solo dev project by Violet.

Moonlight In Garland on Steam

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation

The Birth:

Every day while sipping his favourite Earl Grey tea, Master Lee reflects on his inability to find a true Business Hero to succeed him. The wealthiest entrepreneur alive knows only too well the cost of making a wrong choice. Refusing defeat, Master Lee decided to create the ultimate tool to reach every corner of the world. A Business Simulation challenge based on his very first business. And so, Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation was born.


Prepare to make your fortunes in any capital city of your choice. Armed with some cash and a humble burger bike, begin your journey to become the richest burger business entrepreneur in the city.

The city is packed full of several groups of people, all with different tastes, eating habits, and earning power. You’re going to have to figure out the best recipes for each of them.

Start your business with a small burger bike stand and upgrade to more exotic stands as you become more profitable.

The City has 7 locations with a different population mix and cost of doing business. To sell more burgers, you’d have to adapt your strategy to fit the population in each location.

You’d also have to deal with weather conditions like snow and rainfall which affect the population size and their willingness to buy burgers.

To be successful, you must

  • Hook diverse customers with their perfect burger recipe

  • Offer burgers and drinks at prices customers can’t resist

  • Invest in equipment and upgrades to serve customers better

  • Snatch customers from the competition with timely marketing

  • Keep your employees smiling with bonuses and training that improves their skills

  • Respond quickly to weather changes and unexpected events

In this business simulation, you take all the business decisions at night and watch the result of your choices unfold during the day.


  • Experience fun but challenging game play inspired by real-world business and marketing strategy

  • Enjoy unique business experiences growing your enterprise in the capital cities of Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, and the USA.

  • Trade in the actual currency of the City you are playing in and enjoy realistic price simulation

  • Upgrade and Expand your business to 7 Localities (Street Corner, Noisy Playground, Park Central, Big Station, Glamor and Hip Street, National Landmark, and The Finance Hub) within the City

  • Target customers you think would be more profitable with a market segmentation strategy

  • Experience weather simulation consistent with the actual weather conditions of the City you choose to play in.

  • Face and overcome simulated economic conditions that will test your business acumen.

  • Play against friends and family in the multiplayer/1v1 matchmaking mode.

Business Heroes: Food Truck Simulation on Steam



I honestly am upset giving this game a thumbs down because as the game progressed through the early access releases, it honestly looked like the structure of this game was going to build up into something great. Sadly, the dev team have taken this project into full release much too early and I worry that everything that at first glance might seem like placeholders are, in fact, here to stay.

There is no variety in guest appearances; just the same pallet swaps of hair, skin, shirt and pants. This also includes any entertainers you hire or VIPs you invite to your casino; they all just blend together without any kind of visual differences to make looking at your casino population grow from a few dozen people to thousands all that interesting. And it just feel like a massive shame that the magician you hired to preform on stage is dressed the same as everyone in the audience.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game

For an early release this is pretty good. It has it’s issues and needs a lot more content but it’s definitely worth giving a try if you enjoy sim tycoon style games.

That said currently (12/31/2020) there are some things that could be improved and I’m going to give a list of suggestions below in case the developers actually read these reviews:

  • My clock display is set to a 12 hour clock but peak hours are still listed in military time.

*The minimum pay out for a slot machine grand prize is 10 dollars but we default to penny slots. If they are paying a penny one dollar is a huge return, minimum payout should be based on the cost per pull. Also, why is the AI spending ten dollars a pull for a game with a 25 dollar grand prize? That’s insane.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

SimCasino on Steam

Callparin 2

Callparin 2

Dear Developers!

If You read the reviews, PLEASE, make a control configuration option! I’m playing on PC, and I have to twist my hand using the standart WASD keys.

Oh, and the game is good. I enjoy it very much.

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

although fun little game not worth anything over 5$ theres just not much to do a couiple houres and you will done everthing butt still not a bad game

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Callparin 2 on Steam

Capital Island

Capital Island

Simple but good trading game.

If you’re not looking for a ‘cozy’ trading game, though, definitively go with ‘Challenge’ mode. Being able to visit shops multiple times (in ‘normal’ mode) means you eventually end up able to sell basically any excess resources you’ve got, which kinda takes the ‘trading’ out of this game. Just becomes logistics. Don’t get me wrong, I still had fun, but I like ‘cozy’ games sometimes. Probably pretty easy with Challenge on too.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

This game takes a bit to get into and requires some patience to continue. There’s a lot of repetitive actions but after about 30 minutes of playing you’ll notice the game advancing.

I’m sure this game is deeper than what I’ve initially seen so I will go back and continue to play.

The music is amazing, so peaceful and calm with an island flair. I can tell the dev worked really hard on this game.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Capital Island on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam

Cozy Cabin

Cozy Cabin

From the developer of Simple Farm comes a brand new relaxing survival game where you survive in a cabin set in a old school operating system.

I was watching a Kingsway stream one day, an RPG set in an old-school style operating system, when someone in the comments said that the UI was cozy. The comment immediately inspired me to make a coziness simulator based completely in an old-school desktop. Cozy Cabin is meant to be as relaxing as possible. It’s set in a quiet, rainy town where your only job is to fish, farm, and mine in order to pay your monthly rent and stay in the cabin.

Cozy Cabin on Steam