Planet Colonization

Planet Colonization

This is a tough one to rate. I thought I was buying a builder. Instead it is a unique take on Real Time Strategy in which prices from the independent market are the key drivers in determining how you build a functioning economy to support the war machine to take down your rivals.

The approach is creative and unique. You have to focus on staying profitable. Whatever resources you need you can buy in the market. However, to buy in the market you need positive cash flow or sufficient assets to access credit. You’ll bankrupt yourself quickly if you ignore the price signals from the market to focus on building the production chains you need.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Sci-fi Games.

Information / Review English

Planet Colonization combines the Game styles of Strategy and Real-time Strategy game, which was developed by Araknumia Software. And is still in the Early Access Phase.

Gameplay / Story

It all started in a galaxy far, far away … A planet full of natural nutrients that you need to survive, a dream that is too good to be true, but really there. You are lucky enough to have found this planet and you are the focus. This is how the game begins!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Planet Colonization on Steam

The Last Federation

The Last Federation

How do I explain this? Bullet Hell meets Civilizations in Space?

You have 8 races, all with very identifiably anatomies ranging from small furry barn-owls to Metroid style Chozo-esque utopian robots to a planet of robots who act like Bender from Futurama to a warlike crab? people (what the hell is a Burlust). The main game mode has you trying to make a unified Federation to stop genocides like the one that happened to your awesome 4 headed dragon race. You can research technology on you rown or with other races to improve your relations with them, help build structures on planets that can either strengthen defenses, help production/livelihood, or just make a bunch of TV channels that help different races learn that they’re not supposed to hate everyone.

Real player with 114.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Space Games.

There is a lot to say about The last federation that already has been said by people better at this kind of stuff than me, but another voice in the ether never hurt nobody :)

Right of the bat it should be said that the general concept is a twist on the old grand strategy formula of “unify the world to win” but excecuted in such a way that your character aren’t a contestant among others as much as the one that decided that an ensured galactic peace is something to work for. As such your job is to first create the federation, and then persuade the eight races of the galaxy to join it.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

The Last Federation on Steam

Transporter Manager Tycoon

Transporter Manager Tycoon


The game is a continuation of Freight Simulator (which I have also played). Transporter Manager Tycoon is a management game, which allows you to expand your company to several branches and follow different paths, different than Freight Simulator where you only managed your transport company, you can now transform your company into a distributor or in a stock holding. Of course, I couldn’t miss the chance to play this game, after having played Freight Simulator.


Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Indie Games.

It’s funny how Steam (and life) works sometimes. I spent £42 on CK3 and hated it so much I had to ask for a refund which is something I can never remember doing. I then spent £7 something on this and I haven’t stopped playing since. Goes to show some of the cheaper games can be better, Of course it can be improved, it feels a little bit clunky and it’s not exactly realistic. Why should a manager have to fuel a truck halfway through a trip, surely the driver would? Then you can stop a trip halfway through and come back to it later. Not something you can do in real life! I think it would be nice if there was some kind of basic geography included so you had loads going to and from different geographic locations and you could warehouse goods at different places, swap trailers, etc to make it more realistic. Overall though I really like playing and I’d recommend a buy.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Transporter Manager Tycoon on Steam

Comic Company Manager

Comic Company Manager

At the time being you can only hire employees to “create comics,” just to guess what the sliders mean from reviews trying to find a sweet spot.

It works. It’s just barebones.

Edit: But lots of updates.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Old Review is down below.

Patch 1 update does fix some things, it makes the experience a little more challenging and I like that there’s some bugs that have been fixed. However, I still have gripes with the rating system, as I will get a low score and a positive comment now as compared to the old patch where it was the opposite of said issue. The main thing this game really needs is more features, you can only get so far only being able to write comics and just view how they are doing. Still, I think this patch was a step in the right direction and can only see it getting better as substandardshrimp continues developing it. I’m still going with thumbs down for right now as it is still a mostly featureless game, keep updating though! I would love to see this blossom into a wonderful game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Comic Company Manager on Steam

Another Brick in The Mall

Another Brick in The Mall

I’ve played numerous management games, and I figured I’d list down the stuff that I think needs improvement in the game because, hey, I definitely love it.

I’ll be adding more to the list as I log in more hours in the game.

More business types - Arcade, Spa, Events Venue, Staff Room, PC (Console) Cafe, etc.

Staff Management System - The map is huge, and growing the business means a larger staff. It’s hard to keep track of all the employees individually, especially their shifts. I’d also like to see some sort of “staff training”, so I could retain old employees instead of replacing them with other people who have better skills. Retaining the old ones and simply training them in what they lack is much better a way to handle employee productivity than simply replacing them.

Real player with 128.0 hrs in game

Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar,

You’re gonna go far, if you got to make a mall

Since the game is a pun of Floyd, i take it one step furhter

Unless you don’t do it right but the Pink Floyd opening was a must considering the name of the game and the achievements, get off your Strat though and realize this ain’t a The Wall fantasy but rather a tycoon game where you build up a mall or a store or a chain of stores or something in between, it’s up to you. It’s still in early access but unlike a lot of other EA games it already features a lot of options like sandbox with settings for how much money you have, if events happen, if shoplifting is a thing, if your staff needs to eat, piss, eat, repeat, if evemts like the start of school, halloween, christmal happen and how much your margin should be for goods. Next to the Sandbox you have Scenarios where you need to fix up fucked up malls, it’s run of the mill scenarios but they add a challenged.

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Another Brick in The Mall on Steam

Railroad Corporation

Railroad Corporation

Updated July 9, 2019

I have now played the campaign through twice and have learned a lot since the below review.

The game remains fun and I really cannot wait for the coming updates, because this game has a lot of promise. Some of the problems I had at first have been eliminated by getting better at the game the way it is now.

-Track laying- the first time through I was doing was overloading the network with too many trains and a lot of crossovers and intersections. The routing does need to be improved but with careful planning, future bottlenecks can be eliminated. Upgrade your stations and invest in train research ASAP. This will allow longer and faster trains, that takes care of the problem of clogging the network with slow and over worked trains. Also build sidings frequently so trains can bypass each other easily.

Real player with 724.5 hrs in game

See those cool videos ? They aren’t in the game. The general overhead view is what you will be seeing. I expected to be able to zoom in and move the camera to see cool things like in the videos (coal beingg loaded, trains going over bridges all like they show in the videos) Unfortunately that isn’t what you get to see, it may be clips you see in some later mission of the video (that I haven’t gotten to yet).

Overall, though, the game is a good financial strategy management game. I do miss the old days of RRT and 2 where you lay each small section of track individually, looking at the cost and elevations and having to decide if it was worth it in the long run to go through, over or around a mountain etc. But, strategically the game is definately a breath of fresh air for those that enjoy doing research, buying industries and managing trains and growing cities whose demands change over time.. I do kinda wish there was a log of how each city is changing as it pops up and is gone what the city is no longer needing or is now needing (it seems the game has been kinda “dumbed down” for those that don’t really want to immerse themselves in the grand strategy of it all).

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Railroad Corporation on Steam

Software Inc.

Software Inc.

  • Gameplay

  • Replayability

  • Building/Office Design

  • Realism

  • Developer

  • Stability

  • Peer Game Comparison

  • Procedurally Generated Worlds

+/- Learning Curve

+/- Graphics

+/- Sound

+/- Difficulty

+/- Interface

+/- Modability

+/- Optimization

  • Music

  • Campaign

I will mark whether I like something +, dislike something -, or am neutral +/- as I write the review.

You start as the founder of a software company in a standard sandbox enviroment +/-. You can choose the difficulty, speed of gameplay, starting funds, starting time period, traits, and skills of your founder +. You are able to set a basic appearance for the founder, but this is clearly not a focus of the game +/-.

Real player with 617.8 hrs in game

A10: The polish is coming along pretty nicely although since I posted the review (Late 2016) although I do have to say that some of the changes have made the development process a bit too hit-and-miss since you really have no idea how a product is going to turn out until it’s too late - while the code reviews are a nice addition, they’re not really that useful as far as ensuring a good product as most of the quality control process is out of your hands.

You can also put the best staff on a project, allocate teams optimally etc and it’ll still come out as rubbish, so I don’t know, maybe that needs to be more sensible.

Real player with 132.2 hrs in game

Software Inc. on Steam

Russian Roads

Russian Roads

TL:DR: Terrible but hilarious and kind of fun to play.


Absurd physics

Mediocre sound

Terrible checkpoints around the corner so you don’t know which way you’re going,

The other npc vehicles are faster even after you’ve applied the 3 torque upgrades


Funny AF


Trading cards

Computer AI so dumb it’s hilarious

Hasn’t crashed or bugged out

Worth the sale price because I’m enjoying it and want to complete it.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Russian Roads is a 3D third person road racing game made out of a series of Unity Asset flips. It’s designed as a mostly joke game to lambast the state of roads in Russia, as the tracks have a series of potholes and other aspects of disrepair that act as obstacles to the driver.

Despite some effort around assembling a game from a racing template and some low quality/asset flipped vehicles and environments, the end product is still obviously asset flip tier and of such poor quality that I can’t recommend it. The joke premise is mildly amusing for around 2 minutes. Laush Studio has a long history of these kinds of frankenstein asset flips, and this is no exception to their record of poor quality bundle fillers.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Russian Roads on Steam

Tropico 4

Tropico 4

Power corrupts, absolute power… is pretty neat.

Tropico 4 is the magnum opus of the Tropico franchise. It has the best gameplay, graphics, story and characters of the whole franchise. This game took the torch from Tropico 3 and made everything absolutely better. The soundtrack is amazing and gives you the Caribbean immersion you need to rule the proud nation of Tropico. The interface is clean and to the point, and the game communicates very well to the player what he is supposed to do, and the colour palettes in this game are gorgeous even by today standards. Also the jokes are hilarious and never get old.

Real player with 817.6 hrs in game

At first, I wanted to be a kind, benevolent dictator, in charge of my island which of course would be perfectly green, a land of equality, equal pay, a high living standard, jobs for every Tropican, a high level of schooling and a good member of the United Nations.

However, people kept complaining. At first, this was fine. Free Speech and all. But they were not working. Worse, they began to become rebels and attack the work of innocent, hard working Tropicans. “Right,” I thought, “no more of that.” I built guard posts around the nation to protect my other civilians and the economy which kept everyone fed and housed. After a while, the strikes became too much. “This right to protest is too inefficient”, I thought, “and we just missed that freighter. We needed that boost to the economy.” In a moment of Thatcher, I had the newly raised guards gun down some of the strikers. The rest returned to work. The right to protest had been removed, but people were happier as everyone got richer.

Real player with 258.9 hrs in game

Tropico 4 on Steam

Victoria 3

Victoria 3


Paradox Development Studio invites you to build your ideal society in the tumult of the exciting and transformative 19th century. Balance the competing interests in your society and earn your place in the sun in Victoria 3, one of the most anticipated games in Paradox’s history.


  • Lead dozens of world nations from 1836-1936. Agrarian or Industrial, Traditional or Radical, Peaceful or Expansionist… the choice is yours.

  • Detailed population groups with their own economic needs and political desires.

  • Reform your government and constitution to take advantage of new social innovations, or preserve the stability of your nation by holding fast to tradition in the face of revolutionaries.

  • Research transformative new technology or ideas to improve your national situation.


  • Expand your industry to take advantage of lucrative goods, taxing the profits to improve national prosperity.

  • Import cheap raw materials to cover your basic needs while finding new markets for your finished goods.

  • Secure vital goods to fuel your advanced economy and control the fate of empires.

  • Balance employing available labor force with the needs for new types of workers.


  • Use your diplomatic wiles to weave a tangled global web of pacts, relations, alliances, and rivalries to secure your diplomatic position on the world stage.

  • Employ threats, military prowess and bluffs to persuade enemies to back down in conflicts.

  • Increase your economic and military strength at the expense of rivals.

  • Accumulate prestige and the respect of your rivals as you build an industrial giant at home or an empire abroad.

Victoria 3 on Steam