Fallout 76

Fallout 76

Bought this game on sale just over a month ago, i have around 420 hours played, it’s an enjoyable and infuriating game in equal parts, if you’ve played any fallout/elderscrolls games you know what to expect gameplay/bugs wise, it has enough random events to keeps things interesting although they do get repetitive eventually and some places have random things happening each time you go to them such as npcs chatting, random vendors, battles between different ai’s an so on which makes the game both enjoyable and a pain in the rear, especially if you are looking for a specific companion/power armor an such, leveling an skill tree can be abit confusing at first but once you get used to it the cards system isn’t too bad (legendary cards level ups are a joke)

Real player with 508.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Dark Comedy Games.

Sucks at being a Fallout game.

Sucks at being a MMO.

They make it appear the game can be played without Fallout 1st but no. Not really. Not how to expect a fallout game to play. Imagine you had a workshop in your garage and you bought 10 2x4s to build something but even though you own that garage (the game) and paid money for it… you was told by the city you cannot store that wood in there, to throw out everything else in it just to store 10 pieces of wood. That would be your life playing FO76 if you tried to play without subscription, just 20x worse than i’m making it sound.

Real player with 423.6 hrs in game

Fallout 76 on Steam

Green Phoenix

Green Phoenix

  • Informational review

On rails shooter + good graphics - a bit slow = Narrative experience in futuristic world. Avoid obstacles and collect crystals. Could use more enemies or obstacles to shoot.

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Fantasy Games.

Green Phoenix on Steam

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad is a game that assaults all of your senses until you gain the skill and knowledge needed to assault the game back. Once you have ground the game into the dirt for what it did to you and there is nothing left to accomplish, it asks you if you are proud of yourself. The words make you feel like you winced, but outwardly you have shown no reaction. You continue to punish the game. You just keep playing. You have enough money but you keep harvesting organs. You have beaten every level over and over again but you keep replaying them. You’ve gotten S ranks in each level but you just keep going for shorter times.

Real player with 114.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Immersive Sim Games.

The art style is like being born again. Merely the appearance of everything is so unfamiliar, yet the form has a purpose. What is at first is an assault on the senses becomes this journey to have a precision beyond that of machine, to retire at 30, to be a home owner. But now that you’ve reached your destination, there’s a distinct emptiness. What more is there left to do? You’re a high net worth individual now, and you can’t truly take that journey for the first time again. If you throw away everything, you’ll just navigate effortlessly back to where you were. Simply put, there’s no more destination to venture to, there’s no journey to be had, you’re at the end of what this planet has to offer and what a society of miserable chunks of meat has to offer. What do you do at the end? Desperately try to relive any past experiences, no matter how boring they’ve become? Or maybe keep doing the same routine every day in hopes that something new will cross your path? What purpose does man serve when they’ve done everything?

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Cruelty Squad on Steam

Bunker Down

Bunker Down

Its simple and fun. I think I have found 4 separate endings already, but there seem to be more… Finding the true good ending is HARD. I’m still trying, but i’m enjoying the characters ^^

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s a pretty good game for what little there is. You must find the right combination on how to survive. I’m a fan of post apocalyptic games and this fits the criteria. Funny characters and hard to decide who lives and dies.

Review at:


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Bunker Down on Steam

Dear Future

Dear Future

I forced myself to finish it so you don’t have to.

TL:DR 8 hours of boring walking to uncover a lame story, and a non working multiplayer.

A walking simulator made for some college student art project, what could go wrong???

But the innovative sounding multiplayer component, plus the fact that it’s free, sucked me in. And the game, although minimalist, initially manages to feel well-designed and polished…

But notice how none of the reviewers seem to have played this for more than 30 minutes?

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Photos of future ruins

Dear Future (Dear Future Production Committee, 2021) is an asynchronous massively-multiplayer photography game about exploring an abandoned city. I have been trying to write about it for several weeks and have found myself incapable of doing with any organization or distance. What follow, instead, are orchestrated recollections and half-formed conclusions of my time with the game. A half-step towards the understanding I’m searching for. A version with photos is available here .

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Dear Future on Steam



From the outset, a young wanderer walk a ruined land alongside her best friend, a little monkey.

Arriving near the CLOAQUE, a LEGENDARY place supposed to be sheltered from surviving humans, she lost sight of her friend …

Through a PSYCHEDELIC world she will have to find her friend!


Each character can wear up to 3 ACCESSORIES in addition to the classic WEAPONS, HAT and ARMOR.

Potholders to resist fire or braces to attack twice…

A great way to customize your playstyle!


By slaying MONSTERS during BRAWL, FELLOWS amass a STAR FRAMGENTS who can be spent in the CONSTELLARIUM to increase a CARACTERISTIC (CONSTITUTION, DEXTERITY OR INTELLECT). It is also possible to learn or improve one of the three PSYCHIC TECHNIQUES from a FELLOWS.


Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich is a political strategy simulatior where you rule the state by interacting with characters and with the map. Each of your decisions will necessarily entail a result. The game raises topical problems of the modern world, politics and humanity as a whole.

You play on befalf of the president. Answer journalist, create an army, balance between rating and wealth, cooperate with leaders of other states. Dictator or President? Develop your country in a liberal or authoritarian vector - the political compass will show the direction of both your politics and society.Control the state and society, research technologies with the help of a scientist.

After the apocalypse, only 3 bunkers stayed, in the place of each of which a state arose. To the right of the you, monarch Vasily Pynkin is building an authoritarian state, while on the left, the utopian leader Jakobe Prescott embodies quality and cosmopolitanism. Which side do you prefer? Will you cooperate with a dictator, democrat, or you choose your own, special path? Will you be able to build your own state, or will you start a war? Will you manage to hold on to power, or will you have to hand it over to the oppositionist? Develop your own political strategy in this post-apocalyptic simulation game!

  • You can resurrect deceased citizens or sell them to Satan

  • Follow the news world and social opinion in the newspaper

  • Base an army of mechanical robots and defend the border from dictators

  • Many endings, which are constantly updated

  • Check your and society vectors on the political compass

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator on Steam




The digital afterlife survived humanity’s extinction.

Nocturne completes the full story that began with Nocturne: Prelude.

  • Meet a cast of unique characters who’ll challenge what it means to be alive.

  • Explore a vast and beautiful pixel art world.

  • Master an entirely skill based rhythm combat system.

  • Fierce battles with unexpected twists.

  • Challenge your highscores in Arcade mode.

  • Multiple difficulty modes suitable for beginners and veterans of the rhythm genre.

  • Original soundtrack composed with a mix of digital and live performances.

  • Befriend a giant orange fish.

Nocturne on Steam




  • Roguelike: Enter the DoxyCore! Many procedural levels to reach

  • Procedural Dungeon (DoxyCore) : Each time it will be different and you will start from 0.

  • Permanent RPG: Skills, stats, weapons and characters with levels, upgrade them to go further in the doxycore!

  • Big Map and Story: Many different areas to discover, with enemies and friends to write the story with

  • Quests: Help (or not) the different friends you will find in the world

  • Dialogues: You write the story, decide what your role will be

  • Crafting, Building, Housing: Collect materials to build your base and your own dungeon!

DoxyLanD on Steam



This game is so much fun for the whole family! You get to roleplay as Mr. Monopoly man’s henchmen; people are saying that the game is glitchy and crashes a-lot, but I disagree! It only crashes when you SUCK at the game haha. Anyway, I totally recommend this game for any hard-core video gamers, but also casuals alike! Bots are really fun to play with because they make me feel adequate in my life.

I just don’t understand the hate for the game. Mr. Monopoly gave me this nice Kool-Aid and everytime I play the game I just have a blast… :) 10/10

Real player with 117.4 hrs in game

The game is great but there is one problem. The NAT type problem. For some reason this game has a weird system where most of the time you have a strict NAT type which means you can’t join online games with friends so it locks you out of the fun part of the game. Additionally Ubisoft have done nothing so far and you have to port forward whatever it is in your router in order to fix it. This is the only game that has this problem. No other game has this problem to what I believe. The main game is great but connecting is the biggest problem this game has.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game