Fallout 76

Fallout 76

Bought this game on sale just over a month ago, i have around 420 hours played, it’s an enjoyable and infuriating game in equal parts, if you’ve played any fallout/elderscrolls games you know what to expect gameplay/bugs wise, it has enough random events to keeps things interesting although they do get repetitive eventually and some places have random things happening each time you go to them such as npcs chatting, random vendors, battles between different ai’s an so on which makes the game both enjoyable and a pain in the rear, especially if you are looking for a specific companion/power armor an such, leveling an skill tree can be abit confusing at first but once you get used to it the cards system isn’t too bad (legendary cards level ups are a joke)

Real player with 508.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Dark Comedy Games.

Sucks at being a Fallout game.

Sucks at being a MMO.

They make it appear the game can be played without Fallout 1st but no. Not really. Not how to expect a fallout game to play. Imagine you had a workshop in your garage and you bought 10 2x4s to build something but even though you own that garage (the game) and paid money for it… you was told by the city you cannot store that wood in there, to throw out everything else in it just to store 10 pieces of wood. That would be your life playing FO76 if you tried to play without subscription, just 20x worse than i’m making it sound.

Real player with 423.6 hrs in game

Fallout 76 on Steam

Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions


_“It’s been 3 months since grandma died. I know that I’m an adult now that I’m 18 years old, but still… It feels so scary that no one is there to take care of stuff.

There’s one good thing though. At the funeral, my uncle Fred asked me for my phone number. He said he wanted to help me get on my feet. I don’t really know him, but I guess he’s family after all.”_

Game Description

Big Ambitions is a roleplaying business simulator situated in the open-world city of New York. You start the game as a young kid surviving in the big apple. You have big ambitions for money and success, but you’re starting with absolutely nothing.


In Big Ambitions, you control a single person in the middle of the bustling metropolis of New York City. Your goal is to achieve financial success in various ways. Starting at the bottom flipping burgers or collecting garbage to eventually owning and running big businesses and real estate throughout the city.

As you progress, you always need to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, keeping up with your health, and making sure your happiness is sufficient. Increasing your capital can be trickier than you think. As you will learn, money can’t buy time.

Money making opportunities

We’re still in the process of adding content to the game, but to give you a better understanding of the basics, we put together a list of ways you can make money:

  • Getting a job (cashier, warehouse worker, garbage collector, etc)

  • Running storefront businesses (clothing shops, restaurants, gift shops, etc)

  • Running office-based businesses

  • Buying buildings and renting them out

  • Real estate investments (buying and selling buildings strategically)

  • Investment Funds


Even though Big Ambitions has an interesting story featuring Uncle Fred and other characters, it’s up to you to decide how much you want to listen to them. Everything is available right from the beginning.

Day to day objectives and tasks

In Big Ambitions, you go through days just like in real life. Every day is different, and you’ll have various tasks to handle such as:

  • Sleeping, eating, and exercising

  • Educating yourself with courses and school

  • Recruiting and managing employees

  • Managing business warehouse status (buying and transporting goods)

  • Expanding into new business areas

  • Renovating buildings

  • Managing your vehicle(s). Filling up gas, maintaining the vehicle, etc.

  • Paying taxes

Read More: Best Capitalism Life Sim Games.

Big Ambitions on Steam

Capital Profit

Capital Profit

Music Used In Trailer

Track: the Sun Is Coming

By: Oursvince

License: Cc 3.0 By-share Alike

Capital Profit is a first person crafting tycoon game. It is based on the gathering of resources and creating them into various objects. Furthermore, you can sell these objects to NPCs in-game via your very own shop. The goal of the game is to either make the most amount of money possible or have the coolest/ rarest items!

  1. Search For Resources

  2. Build Items

  3. Sell Items

  4. Buy Items

  5. Decorate

Reasons to Play

  • Build Your Shop Empire In Real-time

  • Competition: Compare your shop and island with your friends and try to be the one who has the coolest items or the most money

  • Replay-ability: Continue playing and upgrading your island until you are satisfied

  • Family Friendly: This game has absolutely no violence except for the concept of fishing

The Name

I often get asked how I came up with the name “Capital Profit”. The game is very much based on the functions of capitalism, because of the buying/ selling of items and getting the most amount of money possible. Plus it was a word that my friend liked after I suggested to him (I’m all about that friendly teamwork). Now the word “Profit” is mostly based on profiting from the work/ play-time you put in the game. Therefore Capital Profit are two words that represent the game very well.

Read More: Best Capitalism Crafting Games.

Capital Profit on Steam

Callparin 2

Callparin 2

Dear Developers!

If You read the reviews, PLEASE, make a control configuration option! I’m playing on PC, and I have to twist my hand using the standart WASD keys.

Oh, and the game is good. I enjoy it very much.

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

although fun little game not worth anything over 5$ theres just not much to do a couiple houres and you will done everthing butt still not a bad game

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Callparin 2 on Steam

Man of the World

Man of the World

It is possible to become a famous musician, take part in medieval battles, earn a fortune from trade, become a thief of women’s hearts or an avid duelist. The game allows you to do all this.

Man of the World on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

X3: Terran Conflict

X3: Terran Conflict

Beware possible spoilers ahead for newbies

X3 Reunion had a good voice cast. The story was not good. The game engine is still beautiful. The hud and mouse speed can be a problem. X3 Terran Conflict and the add-on Albion Prelude are amazing. If I knew that x-rebirth would totally destroy the series by being completely horrible I should’ve just asked for a albion prelude 2 on this old engine. This is the end of the line for the series. Everything after albion prelude is considered a hallow lifeless body floating in space that is worshipped by shills. (I’ll exclude X4 from this. Since it’s pretty good after years of repair. So that just leaves X-Afterbirth.. Huh weeeirdddd)

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

My favourite game of all time. A space flight sim blended with a strategy game and trading/industry sim, with a truly functional open world that you can profoundly change.

There are three things that in my opinion set the X3 series miles ahead from most other similar games. First is the ability to buy more than one ship and construct your own stations. Some space-sims will let you destroy stations in the game universe but there aren’t many where you can build your own, making permanent changes to the game world and economy, Many space-privateer games let you choose a ship to fly, where some might be better for combat, or trading, faster or tougher etc. Not many games will let you buy several ships, hop in one and order the others around while you fly.

Real player with 623.7 hrs in game

X3: Terran Conflict on Steam

Mall of Mayhem

Mall of Mayhem

Mall of Mayhem is a open world shooter filled with neon, unsuspecting shoppers, and a wide variety of stores. Play as Mason, a assassin from the future with pent up anger, an exo suit, and an arsenal of weapons, all while being stuck in a time loop with seemingly no way out. Destroy everything in sight, collect currency for new weapons and upgrades, and find a way back to your time no matter the cost!

Advanced Tech Powers

To eliminate those who stand in your way, arm yourself with plasma blades, an energy shield, or a flamethrower. Use the magnetized grapnel to climb up walls and to escape from danger.

Living Breathing Mall

An open world mall made for mayhem. It has many different stores, including ones fo clothes, food & drink, Weapons, entertainment, high-street brands and so on.

Reactive AI

The CDF are the time police. They make sure you don’t cause any paradoxes or change any events too drastically. When the timeline becomes irrepairable, it needs to be wiped of everything in it, including you!

The Time Nexus

The time nexus is an interdimensional vessel outside of time and space. Use it as a safe house, to unlock new weapons. replenish resources, train using AI simulations, and equip and unlock new Tech for your exo suit.


Mall of Mayhem on Steam



I believe the there’s just too much shit in this world. Whether it’s video games or cereal, there are endless variations on the same few basic concepts. This has made us complacent: we stay squarely in the middle of our comfort zone, scared of the unknown, unwilling to explore the outer rims of this rosebud of life. Well how about for once you strap in, jack off, take a chance and head straight into the danger zone? Welcome to Redaxium, population: you. Perhaps you’ll discover yourself there. Perhaps you’ll discover that the game sucks. Does it really matter? Only one way to find out.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Redaxium on Steam

Cave Confectioner

Cave Confectioner

This product was provided for free to review by a friend of a friend.

The game initially reminded me of the classic Kings Quest game on the Apple II. You wander around a bit looking for the next thing to pick up. Kind of just wandering and clicking around with very little direction, but there are some occasional tips by talking to the characters. It was probably inspired at least some by MineCraft, since the player starts with nothing and has to pick up items and then use them with other items in inventory or objects on the ground to try to get make else. It also has similarities to One Hour One Life. There’s a lot of experimentation required to get anything going.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The game seems really nice, and I like the concept a lot. Thing is, I am having some issues with saving. However, as far as I understand the game is early in development and possibly being made by one person so issues like these are understandable. Can’t wait for future updates!

P.S A little help with saving would be much appreciated! :D

Edit: Save function in now working. Also, the controls are fine, that was a mistake on my part. Big thanks to the developer for the fast fix and the kindness!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Cave Confectioner on Steam