Dealer’s Life 2

Dealer’s Life 2

Very interesting game , it feels like it have a lot of potencial like dealers life 1 to improve. Game is a quite harder than first dealers life at start , i feel like there is a slight way to many less good items what you can buy from neutral auction because it simse that computer know almost all the time exact price of each item what he can bid. Also from the start of the game the guy who keep making your life hard by making excuses so you have to pay him ( even if you buy bouncer from start he have to be lvl 2 so he can throw him out of your shop ) is rly anoying and slow you down . This game have a lot of potencial and i hope that it will be worked on , Personaly i dont mind that game is a bit harder from start it just depend of your bargain skills but after you pass certain lvl and make some money the game starts to shine. Keep it up

Real player with 121.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Trading Games.

I usually feel like the haggling mechanics in video games are simple or sloppy, but the devs have clearly put a LOT of time into making haggling feel real and natural, not just “random” or predictable/formulaic. Here are a couple examples of situations that are common:

  • Someone comes with something appraised at 50k. They would accept a 40k offer if I offered it first (reloaded the game to confirm), but if I initially offer 30k, they get “mad”, and later won’t accept 40k.

  • Someone comes in with something appraised at 50k. I offer 40k. They counter 47k. I offer 43k. They counter 46k, I offer 45k, they accept

Real player with 58.5 hrs in game

Dealer's Life 2 on Steam

Dealer’s Life

Dealer’s Life

I love this game! I have had it since it launched on the play store for mobile devices.

I like how I can play it in a windowed tab and often play while watching tv on my laptop.

I wish the game offered more things such as leaderboards so you can see how you compare to other players. I have beat the game a few times with 24 weeks been the fastest to complete. and was wondering how that compares to other players.

Other things I think that would be cool would be head to head competitions where you have 15-30 minutes to try and have more money at the end than your competitior. It would help make the game interesting for me again.

Real player with 279.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Trading Games.

The Game:

This is basically the buy and sell portion of Recettear with a bit more depth added. You can add stats to yourself to be able to:

• Know the value of items

• Charm customers

• Read the customers' level of greed, desire for the item, and their patience for negotiations

You can hire people for your shop as well who will add a little to those stats, and who can also restore broken items, or authenticate them, or even create counterfeits.


  • Fun and addictive if you enjoy buy and sell games where you are the merchant (I love this type of game)

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Dealer's Life on Steam

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

I went into this game expecting 45 minutes-1 hour’s worth of silly little content that would give me, someone who’s worked in food and retail, a good laugh.

What I got was 3 hours of organ rupturing good humored, nail on the head scenarios that were so scarily familiar but also insanely ridiculous.

Without spoiling anything (yes, yes, there is a plot, and it is delicious), you go through a good handful of incredibly unique, inconvenient situations that could truly happen to anybody. No level feels like a repeat, no joke feels overused or like low-hanging fruit (unless you count the entire premise of the game as low hanging fruit). If you play on Normal mode, you have to figure out how to manipulate different characters to get what you want purely through intuition and guess work, WITHOUT you (Karen) becoming outraged and making a disaster of the place.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Similar to other reviews, I thought this game would be shorter…offering maybe an hour of content. I ended up streaming it for over 3 hours.

I played this with a couple of other friends and we all took turns voice-acting Karen and the other characters. We spent so much time laughing our sides were sore!

I’ve also worked 7 years in retail and, again like other reviewers, have encountered my fair share of “Karens” and this game accurately depicts the stereotypical Karen in her natural habitat.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karen: An Outrage Simulator on Steam

Death Game+

Death Game+

Death Game+ has a simplistic artstyle that’s incredibly easy to pickup and play around in.

However, the game provides very little challenge, dying is incredibly easy and the campaign is relatively short and beat very quickly. The character acceleration is also insane and makes yourself hard to control so exploring a level is actually more difficult than dying in one.

if you’ve got money to burn and want do play something silly this is definetly the game for you.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Really bad

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Death Game+ on Steam

Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux

Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux

Don’t judge this game by its cobbled together graphical assets; they actually end up adding to the charm once you realize how good the game is! Epic Dumpster Bear is a very enjoyable platformer with a good deal of content. It’s got a lot of levels, 3 hidden collectible coins in each, some secret exits for optional harder levels, and speedrun challenge medals. It’s also pretty challenging in generally fair ways (harder than Mario, easier than Meat Boy), even for experienced platforming game players. Also the soundtrack is super good. $5 is a very fair price for the amount that you get with this game.

Real player with 50.6 hrs in game

Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux is a funny and challenging platformer that is fun to play. You play as a bear whose natural habitat has been destroyed by “an evil corporation” and you are out for revenge. The simple story coupled with the actual gameplay really reminds me of the classic 8-16-bit games such as Mario and Sonic titles.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux on Steam

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself

This game is really great its like a mix of autism and jesus. This game gave me a boner. Maybe i love this game just because i eat fidget spinner but wow


Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

This game is the cheapest unstressing therapy you can get. I spent 40 minutes to reach to 1000 in unbreakable mode. Music turned off after beating 550, but I turned on my own calming zen music and it was fine! :) I recommend it to all of you!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself on Steam

The Stonks Market

The Stonks Market

A charming meme game that manages to capture my experience in the stock market frighteningly well. The writing from Vagabond Dog is what you expect, funny and well paced. It’s a relatively short playthrough, but it’s worth to go through a second time if you lost it all when you yolo’d in $JANC the first time. 10/10 would hold again.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

A short, but comical story about a clueless man flirting with the stock market for the first time.

The trading platform sections are enjoyable and are critical to directing the narrative one way or the other. Are you going to lose more than just your money, or will you triumph and end on a high? The story being tied to my trading performance made me care about doing well to potentially get a good conclusion.

I’m about to go through it again and see how my story differs if I YOLO it all!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Stonks Market on Steam

Steamulator 2019

Steamulator 2019

Disclosure: I’m friends with one of the conceptualizers of the game.

Enjoyable game for the price. Simplistic in nature but a generally addictive nature will make players want to keep coming back to the game. The game has you running your own Steam storefront where you have to monitor your stats to assure they aren’t too high or too low, otherwise its game over.

The game suffers from some bugs such as no matter what the event is, every time you swipe right on a card, your game count will increase by 1, even if the choice doesn’t involve publishing a game to Steam and the confusing stat adjustments made in correspondence with your decisions (how does accepting games have the same positive influence on developers as when you deny them?)

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Well I originally wrote a long rant about why I hate these devs after they’re first success that was half-decent, but then I realized I would probably get deleted for it, so here’s my attempt at a reasonable and constructive review for this game.

Don’t buy it, Reigns is better. Long story short, it just seems like a cash grab to me, as was their last game after the initial lootbox simulator success that was alright but probably not worth the cost. It’s a half baked concept they put a price on to cash in on. Or perhaps an attempt at a game inspired by games like reign that they gave up on either out of boredom or inability to manage to work out kinks and bugs. I would suggest Game Dev Tycoon or other similar rip offs if you’re looking for the steam-esque simulators. I have a degree in computer game development that I haven’t used in 3 years because I wasn’t a fan of it, so I have a basic understanding of how to make a game. If I bothered to do research I could probably make this myself for free. Anyway, not worth a look if you ask me, if you’re looking for anything from these guys, the only good thing is I can’t believe it’s not Gambling, the first one, not the second.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Steamulator 2019 on Steam

Talk to Strangers

Talk to Strangers

Where can I start with this Quirky little game. Talk To Strangers aka(Door To Door Salesman Sim) is one heck of a charming game with quirky characters hiding behind each door each with their own little challenges when you face them, The soundtrack is eerily catchy especially the main menu music and I cant seem to get enough of it, The game play is super challenging but fun and the game is super replayable especially as there seems to be no end of achievements to grab and endings to find! all whilst making sure you dont get either killed,too depressed or angry and rage quit oh and dont annoy your boss!

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Surprisingly entertaining and even challenging casual game, if you are eager to make a sale at every house, learn about the different stories and endings, and maybe get all achievements.

I would describe it as choice-driven rouge-like drummer (*door-to-door salesman) simulation. I was quite flummoxed when I tried this for the first time and fell for some cookies from a nice old lady. Instead of quitting, I learnt the ropes, became an artful barterer, and can even count the Death to my customers.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Talk to Strangers on Steam

AdVenture Capitalist

AdVenture Capitalist

I’ve successfully beaten this game (as in, unlocked everything) without spending a single cent on it. Most of the “time” I have logged on this game was from leaving it idle, and there’s nothing to be gained from this game. I did it as a personal test to train myself to resist microtransactions.

Real player with 272.4 hrs in game

Probably the best and most fun clicker out there.

Took me 1 year to complete 100% (I’m on the finish line right now, probably 2 more days to complete it), but the game is worth the time.

It had some balance issues, but now the game is properly fixed and the events and daily gifts provide a lot of opportunities for players to gain multipliers on the hardest planet to complete, Earth.

Real player with 236.2 hrs in game

AdVenture Capitalist on Steam