Animation Studio Manager

Animation Studio Manager

My friend made this game and gave me a copy to play prior to release, and I’ve really been enjoying it so far. I completed levels 1-8 on both easy and medium mode. The easy level had enough guiding to help me through the game without being overly hand-holding, and it’s been nice to switch to the medium level for more of a challenge. The game moves at a nice pace but there is a pause button in case you need to stop and evaluate your next steps, which I appreciate because it keeps the game from becoming overly frustrating. I started out playing to give the creator some feedback from the perspective of someone who loves to game but doesn’t recognize herself as a hardcore gamer. Despite this, I have definitely found myself playing this game simply because I enjoy it and it helps focus my mind after a hard day of work. I can’t wait to see the next levels! I would definitely recommend this game and I will continue to enjoy it :)

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Time Management Games.

I’m hooked. I’m truly feeling the excitement and stress that a real animation studio manager would feel. It has cool mini games, an annoying producer, a sarcastic mother and a myriad of production and corporate employees. It’s a fun challenge as new demands appear at every level, like keeping employees happy making webisodes, episodes, and films. Try doing that while making enough money not to go bankrupt. Loved choosing the titles and genres of my TV seasons and watching them go viral. It was also exciting when one of my seasons got renewed. Next level, I get to compete for awards. Can’t wait.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Animation Studio Manager on Steam

Capital Island

Capital Island

Simple but good trading game.

If you’re not looking for a ‘cozy’ trading game, though, definitively go with ‘Challenge’ mode. Being able to visit shops multiple times (in ‘normal’ mode) means you eventually end up able to sell basically any excess resources you’ve got, which kinda takes the ‘trading’ out of this game. Just becomes logistics. Don’t get me wrong, I still had fun, but I like ‘cozy’ games sometimes. Probably pretty easy with Challenge on too.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Tutorial Games.

This game takes a bit to get into and requires some patience to continue. There’s a lot of repetitive actions but after about 30 minutes of playing you’ll notice the game advancing.

I’m sure this game is deeper than what I’ve initially seen so I will go back and continue to play.

The music is amazing, so peaceful and calm with an island flair. I can tell the dev worked really hard on this game.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Capital Island on Steam

“Warehouse Tycoon”

“Warehouse Tycoon”

Do you know how to program in Lua? Are you bummed by this game not being as good as it should be? message me. I recommend the game, however only if you know how to program either in Lua or are willing to learn so that you can fix his glitches and crappy programming and make it better. Half of my play-time is due to me fixing the game and running it over and over again. Again, message me if you’re interested in helping me fix this because the developer is never touching it again.

Real player with 109.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Base Building Games.

Information / Review English

Warehouse Tycoon is a Management and Simulation game developed by EcoGames.

Gameplay / Story

Warehouse management refers to the Management, Control and Optimization of Warehouse and distribution systems with Warehouse management (including quantity and storage space Management as well as Conveyor control and Disposition), with extensive Methods and means for controlling the System status and with a selection of Operating and Optimization strategies . Your task in this Game is to build yourself a Company in which you take on assignments and the better your Reputation gets, the more you get and become better known. No matter if Construction, Logistics, Transport services etc. many more await you. Build yourself a great Empire and become Number 1 in your Region.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Warehouse Tycoon on Steam

Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions


_“It’s been 3 months since grandma died. I know that I’m an adult now that I’m 18 years old, but still… It feels so scary that no one is there to take care of stuff.

There’s one good thing though. At the funeral, my uncle Fred asked me for my phone number. He said he wanted to help me get on my feet. I don’t really know him, but I guess he’s family after all.”_

Game Description

Big Ambitions is a roleplaying business simulator situated in the open-world city of New York. You start the game as a young kid surviving in the big apple. You have big ambitions for money and success, but you’re starting with absolutely nothing.


In Big Ambitions, you control a single person in the middle of the bustling metropolis of New York City. Your goal is to achieve financial success in various ways. Starting at the bottom flipping burgers or collecting garbage to eventually owning and running big businesses and real estate throughout the city.

As you progress, you always need to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, keeping up with your health, and making sure your happiness is sufficient. Increasing your capital can be trickier than you think. As you will learn, money can’t buy time.

Money making opportunities

We’re still in the process of adding content to the game, but to give you a better understanding of the basics, we put together a list of ways you can make money:

  • Getting a job (cashier, warehouse worker, garbage collector, etc)

  • Running storefront businesses (clothing shops, restaurants, gift shops, etc)

  • Running office-based businesses

  • Buying buildings and renting them out

  • Real estate investments (buying and selling buildings strategically)

  • Investment Funds


Even though Big Ambitions has an interesting story featuring Uncle Fred and other characters, it’s up to you to decide how much you want to listen to them. Everything is available right from the beginning.

Day to day objectives and tasks

In Big Ambitions, you go through days just like in real life. Every day is different, and you’ll have various tasks to handle such as:

  • Sleeping, eating, and exercising

  • Educating yourself with courses and school

  • Recruiting and managing employees

  • Managing business warehouse status (buying and transporting goods)

  • Expanding into new business areas

  • Renovating buildings

  • Managing your vehicle(s). Filling up gas, maintaining the vehicle, etc.

  • Paying taxes

Big Ambitions on Steam



FINALLY a stock trading game that actually works. I have tried a dozen of these types of games and this is the only one that works correctly. That is why I had post here. I have been playing it for over a month now and I have had no problems with it. Most like real world game so far. A great learning tool. I did have an issue when I tried to start the game for the first time, but support got it working for me pretty quick and easy. The instructions to resolve the issue were integrated into the game! Top notch game and customer support.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Thumbs up for fast and extremely helpful support. If the game starts with an error they will give you a quick fix.

The game is relatively simple. You choose your start amount, look through some stocks conveniently named in similar fashion to real companies and read the scrolling news as you “end your turn” and continue to buy and sell accordingly. No tutorial so navigating the beginning portions may take a 5-10 minutes to look through all the options. With only 20 mins played I haven’t gotten into the subtleties just yet. However I was very impressed by the customer service!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Capital Profit

Capital Profit

Music Used In Trailer

Track: the Sun Is Coming

By: Oursvince

License: Cc 3.0 By-share Alike

Capital Profit is a first person crafting tycoon game. It is based on the gathering of resources and creating them into various objects. Furthermore, you can sell these objects to NPCs in-game via your very own shop. The goal of the game is to either make the most amount of money possible or have the coolest/ rarest items!

  1. Search For Resources

  2. Build Items

  3. Sell Items

  4. Buy Items

  5. Decorate

Reasons to Play

  • Build Your Shop Empire In Real-time

  • Competition: Compare your shop and island with your friends and try to be the one who has the coolest items or the most money

  • Replay-ability: Continue playing and upgrading your island until you are satisfied

  • Family Friendly: This game has absolutely no violence except for the concept of fishing

The Name

I often get asked how I came up with the name “Capital Profit”. The game is very much based on the functions of capitalism, because of the buying/ selling of items and getting the most amount of money possible. Plus it was a word that my friend liked after I suggested to him (I’m all about that friendly teamwork). Now the word “Profit” is mostly based on profiting from the work/ play-time you put in the game. Therefore Capital Profit are two words that represent the game very well.

Capital Profit on Steam

Blockchain Tycoon

Blockchain Tycoon

The 8 career campaigns teaches you how to play then there are 10 scenario , 10 challenges and sandbox mode, the game dose not provide you with popup tips you have to use your brain it is not hard to figure out the campaign is the tutorial, this is not a supper complex game have a little patience, i’m saying this because the achievement for completing the campaign says only 0.8% have this i don’t know how accurate it is. One level was annoying just because i had to wait for the worker to complete creating a new coin and it takes a while. I guess it takes about 5hr to complete the campaign i’m not sure tho i fell asleep at about 5:30am so my actual playtime is different from shown.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

After several months of silence and no update to fix any bugs or issues, I am changing my recommendation. It seems to be dead.

This is a good game with GREAT potential! I liked playing it, and of course there were bugs and things that could be improved. One thing is a more realistic market in the exchange. It always seemed to me that the market was mostly stagnant with very little real price fluctuation. By that I mean that if you looked at the price over a year, it would be flat for every coin and token. It may fluctuate on a day to day basis, but no real growth. The other thing that could be improved is the token creation. In the game when you create a coin, it says you also create a blockchain, so why can’t you use your own for the creation of a token. I think it would be cool if you added the ability to add offices and more mining warehouses so you could also add a research tree. That would enable the ability to create hard forks, ability to implement cross platform support, add smart contracts, NFTs, etc. You could also add in researching the hosting of an exchange or NFT gallery. There is a lot that could be done on this front, and it could all affect different attributes of the coin and price, as well as the price of other coins potentially, if interoperability and forks are added. All of that having some sort of correlation with the price of your coin and token and how many other developers want to “support” your blockchain. Also, for some odd reason, any time I created a token, not matter what I did, I could only get tokens during my ICO to be between 30-50 and I couldn’t figure out why. I mostly stuck to creating coins because of this. Also, there needs to be somewhere that explains what different things do. For example, when you are creating a token, what are the differences between utility, security, payment, etc., and how do they affect the token? Speaking of that, when you do create a token, if you forgot which kind you chose, there’s no way of telling. It makes me think that maybe it doesn’t do anything at all. But, besides that, I never could get more than 30-50. One of my biggest irritations was that you weren’t actually managing a company. You didn’t name it or anything. There was no way to compare yourself with your competitors. There was a competitors section, but there was no info about you to compare to them there, and the information about them was very vague. It needs to be reworked entirely, along with some reworking of the economic system. It is very basic. It would be nice to have random events that affect the crypto market so there are real dips and surges. Also, it would be nice to actually benefit other operations when you invest. I would invest 10’s of millions, and it would say that their total investment would be a few mil. So there wouldn’t really be an affect on them. So I then have all these coins and it seems their companies have gone belly up or something because they never go to market. Those are just a few examples of how it is a basic economic system. Anyway, I really hope the developers keep working on this game and bring out some updated to address these things. It would make that mixed review rating look a little more positive. :) And why not take advantage of the crypto craze? lol

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Blockchain Tycoon on Steam

The Corporate Machine

The Corporate Machine

The first thing I need to say is READ THE MANUAL! If you’re like me and tend to play a casual game or two to get the hang of things it’s very easy to have no idea what you are doing and lose the game. A quick skiim of the manual will give you an idea of what is what and how the game runs.

I very nearly wrote a bad review after my first game after giving up in just five minutes, I hadn’t read the manual and had no clue what I was doing.

The graphics and sound options on the game are not great, basic graphics and no volume control are something of a turn-off, but you can do what I did and turn off the game’s music and ignore the graphiocs quality.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

I got this with stardock legends pack, so it was so cheap. It works on my win 10, and I don’t update it unless it asks me so it works perfectly on win10. First with the cons, the training isn’t working as it shows when you press f2 ( it’s been showed in help, f1) so I played a game at beginner than “difficult in pain”. After few lose I managed to own the world. So there should be some ways to endure the others. Ok you will say me to use cards and lucki but cards require too much resources for a losing company. Maybe I’m telling this because MOBA games and their competitive game strategy is popular now, however, I still think there should be balance. Also I wish to have suggestions to continue after 55% global market sharings. Or there would be other choices such as technology winnig. And pros, if you like this kind of games you will like it. You really need to control market, demand and sellings should be balanced very well, otherwise you lose. I really liked it. I wish ppl upgraded it till now, but this gem also lost itself in the marketing :/

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Corporate Machine on Steam

The Stonks Market

The Stonks Market

A charming meme game that manages to capture my experience in the stock market frighteningly well. The writing from Vagabond Dog is what you expect, funny and well paced. It’s a relatively short playthrough, but it’s worth to go through a second time if you lost it all when you yolo’d in $JANC the first time. 10/10 would hold again.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

A short, but comical story about a clueless man flirting with the stock market for the first time.

The trading platform sections are enjoyable and are critical to directing the narrative one way or the other. Are you going to lose more than just your money, or will you triumph and end on a high? The story being tied to my trading performance made me care about doing well to potentially get a good conclusion.

I’m about to go through it again and see how my story differs if I YOLO it all!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Stonks Market on Steam

Rear of Business

Rear of Business

Far too early access, there’s nothing to do other than walk or run around lol

currently bad fps, can walk through props/objects. can also walk through walls/windows in many buildings.

not sure why you have weapons there’s nothing to shoot. i started with some grenades but not really sure why lol.

I’d be interested to see if the devs actually do anything with this game or if it’s just a failed project.

Unfortunately i’ll be after a refund..

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Rear of Business on Steam