Transporter Manager Tycoon

Transporter Manager Tycoon


The game is a continuation of Freight Simulator (which I have also played). Transporter Manager Tycoon is a management game, which allows you to expand your company to several branches and follow different paths, different than Freight Simulator where you only managed your transport company, you can now transform your company into a distributor or in a stock holding. Of course, I couldn’t miss the chance to play this game, after having played Freight Simulator.


Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Indie Games.

It’s funny how Steam (and life) works sometimes. I spent £42 on CK3 and hated it so much I had to ask for a refund which is something I can never remember doing. I then spent £7 something on this and I haven’t stopped playing since. Goes to show some of the cheaper games can be better, Of course it can be improved, it feels a little bit clunky and it’s not exactly realistic. Why should a manager have to fuel a truck halfway through a trip, surely the driver would? Then you can stop a trip halfway through and come back to it later. Not something you can do in real life! I think it would be nice if there was some kind of basic geography included so you had loads going to and from different geographic locations and you could warehouse goods at different places, swap trailers, etc to make it more realistic. Overall though I really like playing and I’d recommend a buy.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Transporter Manager Tycoon on Steam