Fallout 76

Fallout 76

Bought this game on sale just over a month ago, i have around 420 hours played, it’s an enjoyable and infuriating game in equal parts, if you’ve played any fallout/elderscrolls games you know what to expect gameplay/bugs wise, it has enough random events to keeps things interesting although they do get repetitive eventually and some places have random things happening each time you go to them such as npcs chatting, random vendors, battles between different ai’s an so on which makes the game both enjoyable and a pain in the rear, especially if you are looking for a specific companion/power armor an such, leveling an skill tree can be abit confusing at first but once you get used to it the cards system isn’t too bad (legendary cards level ups are a joke)

Real player with 508.1 hrs in game

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Sucks at being a Fallout game.

Sucks at being a MMO.

They make it appear the game can be played without Fallout 1st but no. Not really. Not how to expect a fallout game to play. Imagine you had a workshop in your garage and you bought 10 2x4s to build something but even though you own that garage (the game) and paid money for it… you was told by the city you cannot store that wood in there, to throw out everything else in it just to store 10 pieces of wood. That would be your life playing FO76 if you tried to play without subscription, just 20x worse than i’m making it sound.

Real player with 423.6 hrs in game

Fallout 76 on Steam

Rules Of Survival

Rules Of Survival

Having played this game for over 200 hours of my life, I can say without a doubt that this game, albeit fun, sucks. Why do I say this, you may ask? The developers (NetEase) have refused to fix many issues in the game, such as performance, lag, and address the heavy problem of cheaters/hackers in the game, for years. Despite their many promises towards the community assuring that they will indeed do so.

This game is heavily plagued by hackers and many technical issues, yet all the developers care about is updating the game with new “content”, this content being new player cosmetics, weaponry, and map changes.

Real player with 240.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Action Games.

thanks steam and netease for permanently banning the cheaters after the season has ended.I was laughing so hard when i claimed my season rewards when i found out that the cheaters i reported have been perma ban, imagine cheating countless of hours in the game to get to grandmaster then the next day the cheaters opened their accounts, then found out that they have been banned =) best feeling ever! Thanks for giving justice for the players that are playing fair and square. AND TO THOSE CHEATERS OUT THERE, stop cheating already or you might be next on the line in the banned list of steam =)

Real player with 214.5 hrs in game

Rules Of Survival on Steam