Fallout 76

Fallout 76

Bought this game on sale just over a month ago, i have around 420 hours played, it’s an enjoyable and infuriating game in equal parts, if you’ve played any fallout/elderscrolls games you know what to expect gameplay/bugs wise, it has enough random events to keeps things interesting although they do get repetitive eventually and some places have random things happening each time you go to them such as npcs chatting, random vendors, battles between different ai’s an so on which makes the game both enjoyable and a pain in the rear, especially if you are looking for a specific companion/power armor an such, leveling an skill tree can be abit confusing at first but once you get used to it the cards system isn’t too bad (legendary cards level ups are a joke)

Real player with 508.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Open World Games.

Sucks at being a Fallout game.

Sucks at being a MMO.

They make it appear the game can be played without Fallout 1st but no. Not really. Not how to expect a fallout game to play. Imagine you had a workshop in your garage and you bought 10 2x4s to build something but even though you own that garage (the game) and paid money for it… you was told by the city you cannot store that wood in there, to throw out everything else in it just to store 10 pieces of wood. That would be your life playing FO76 if you tried to play without subscription, just 20x worse than i’m making it sound.

Real player with 423.6 hrs in game

Fallout 76 on Steam

Death Game+

Death Game+

Death Game+ has a simplistic artstyle that’s incredibly easy to pickup and play around in.

However, the game provides very little challenge, dying is incredibly easy and the campaign is relatively short and beat very quickly. The character acceleration is also insane and makes yourself hard to control so exploring a level is actually more difficult than dying in one.

if you’ve got money to burn and want do play something silly this is definetly the game for you.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Arcade Games.

Really bad

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Death Game+ on Steam

Cubic Currency

Cubic Currency

A charming indie game with character. Hot take on capitalism


  • excellent worldbuilding

  • immersive experience: soundtrack, sound effects, and art are very well done

  • fun and nuanced gameplay that keeps you coming back

  • balances randomness and skill well

  • well planned achievements


  • seems a little too easy (i’ve won each of my first 3 runs without many difficulties) – let capitalism be more brutal! (or, have different difficulty settings–that’s probably a better way to do it)

  • as far as i can tell, there isn’t “save game” functionality? either that or it’s not intuitive how to use it. could be a nice thing to add

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Management Games.

Full Disclosure. I bought this game at 90% off. It was less than a dollar, so at that price i really can’t complain for myself.

Now if you buy it at full price, it might be a little short for that price tag as I finished it in just over 3 hours. The game has enough elements to make some days/levels a bit intense, especially with the last character. Which is good because without the juggling of customers and the negative dice types, the game would be waaay too easy. And if you want to achievement hunt the game to 100% then you’ll probably get maybe an extra hour or two of gameplay.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cubic Currency on Steam

Bunker Down

Bunker Down

Its simple and fun. I think I have found 4 separate endings already, but there seem to be more… Finding the true good ending is HARD. I’m still trying, but i’m enjoying the characters ^^

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s a pretty good game for what little there is. You must find the right combination on how to survive. I’m a fan of post apocalyptic games and this fits the criteria. Funny characters and hard to decide who lives and dies.

Review at:


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Bunker Down on Steam

How to Win: Season One

How to Win: Season One

Incredibly funny, and then actually really emotional in places.

I absolutely loved this game. The characters are great, it’s really funny and interesting seeing what suggestions people have given, and while the game uses more player suggestions that I was expecting, it still managed to keep some order in the chaos to deliver great characters and a really satisfying narrative.

I finished the main story in around 3 hours, but then kept replaying to see different pathways and unlock achievements/bonus scenes.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

There is so much I could say about this game. It’s beautifully done for starters. It touches on a lot of extremely serious issues, some subtly, some much less so. All of them done with wit and charm one has come to expect from the genius of Cael, Elliot and the Hidden Track team. This game will put you through every emotion imaginable. I laughed, I cried, I felt afraid and everything in between. The art style was simplistic, yet unique and beautiful. Once again, to be expected as a Hidden Track project. The sounds were spot on. And DO NOT get me started on the plot twists. I genuinely did not see them coming. It was so easy to lose myself in the worlds they created. And the characters… There were a couple I will love forever, and a couple I will loathe forever, yet another feeling not oft invoked in me. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you’re probably tired of my rambling praise at this point. Needless to say, though I was cautiously optimistic when they gave it to me to try, I fell hard and fast and will be purchasing copies for friends as soon as I’m able. 10 of 10 a must play.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

How to Win: Season One on Steam

Suits: A Business RPG

Suits: A Business RPG


Instead of translating my French review, this will do: Suits is an amazing RPG. From the “lore”, to the battles, to the black-and-white universe, to the humor and the characters. I had a blast playing it, getting the achievements, and I’ll do another playthrough often.


  • voix off *

Un monde en noir et blanc. Où les humains ne sont que de vulgaires engrenages pour la grande machine qu’est le TRAVAIL. Où la justice se règle a coup de pot-de-vin. Où la seule nourriture existante est des sandwichs au goût douteux. (Il y a aussi des hamburgers et des pizzas, mais impossible d’en manger!) Où LE PDJ est le maître suprême. Où être VIRÉ équivaut à la mort.

! (Et devenir un sandwich!) The Guy, un employer dont le numéro est sans intérêt, parviendra-t-il à survivre garder son travail, tout en découvrant les bas secrets de ce monde? VOUS le découvrirez dans Suits : A Business RPG!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

This has been a little game I had under my radar for a while mainly because I like RPG Maker games and the business theme looks pretty interesting. Plus it had a similar art style to OFF and while OFF was okay, it’s art was pretty interesting. So is it good?


In a world where corporations run rampant, companies can bribe to get what they want. women are treated as mere plants that look pretty and the mere act of refusing a product is enough to land you in jail. In this world, you live as a simple drone until events happen that put you in an adventure that might change the world.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Suits: A Business RPG on Steam

The Trolley Company

The Trolley Company

Actions speak louder than words.

Welcome to The Trolley Company, founded on helping people travel safely across the nation.

Your job will start by looking after passenger safety, making sure there are as few casualties as possible while trying to keep the moral high ground.

Later, if you can make it past basic training, you will be faced with lives toughest questions, not knowing who to trust when you are put on the spot with difficult choices to make in only 60 seconds.

But don’t fret, throughout your moral dilemmas you will have me by your side, helping you stay on the path of the righteous.

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

In ‘The Trolley Company’ players are pitted against many philosophical questions, varying from some well known in pop culture to others usually only found in textbooks, packaged in a comical and thought-provoking journey.

Each ethical conundrum will give you the choice of two outcomes, not only will these test your moral fibre but you will also have the judgement and commentary of your conscience at all times helping you along. With 60 choices to make you better get started! Peoples lives depend on it!!!

The Trolley Company on Steam

Death: The Ascension

Death: The Ascension

Certainly not for everyone, confusing at first, but has plenty of unique mechanics after you get past the learning curve

Real player with 285.1 hrs in game


After a few ascensions, I have a better idea now how the mechanics and concepts fit into this creative new game developed by a very friendly and responsive indie-developer who has updated the game in quick response to suggestions on the discussion forum.


What is it?

I would describe Death: The Ascension as a card/puzzle life-choice simulator in which you aim to optimize your chances of a successful ascension by manipulating event probabilities. It has a deck-building type of mechanic in which you add cards to your deck, but the deck is not a draw-deck. Cards in your “deck” influence the chances of drawing cards into the player’s five card hand from an infinite pool. In other words, if you have only one card in your “deck”, you have a 100% chance of drawing five cards of that type. You are playing cards against Death as your opponent. Death has their own deck that has similar draw mechanics, but only draws one card per turn. Each turn one card from each deck is played with four possible events dictated by the player’s card with varying probabilities for each event known ahead of time.

Real player with 83.4 hrs in game

Death: The Ascension on Steam

Negative Nancy

Negative Nancy

Negative Nancy is an social introvert’s wet dream.

Negative Nancy is a modern take on the classic CYOA genre with a modern twist that will humor, amuse, and entertain you.

Negative Nancy is the “No” simulator that you wished was your real life when you worked/work at your retail job that you hate.

Negative Nancy is everything and more.

Negative Nancy…

is the negativity in your life, processed and refined, polished and packaged with care-

so that your life can be

a little more


Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

“Nancester, we’re doing a review on your game. Would you like to say a few words about it?”


“Come on, Nancester. Tell people why they should play Negative Nancy. Is it for my dashing good looks?”


“My charming wit?”


“My heroic deeds?”


“My spiffy hairdo?”


“Nancester, come on. Don’t be such a grump. Should they at least play it?”


“I’ll take that as not a no!”

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Negative Nancy on Steam

The Hustle

The Hustle

The Hustle is an open-world board game where you can go anywhere - anywhere - to build your fortune from the bottom up.

  • Go Left, Go Right, Do Whatever - winners don’t respect board game conventions. Winners cut through the middle of the board and tell Candyland to shove it.

  • Meddle with Forces Beyond Your Ken - Every round, players vote to change one rule about the game. Adjust your strategy to succeed, or get left in the dust!

  • Don’t call it “Bribery!" - That’s the invisible hand of the free market shoving $100 into your jeans.

  • Ruin Real-Life Friendships - Cut the dead weight from your social group in classic board-game style!

  • Build a Legacy - Will you be remembered a Miser? A Titan of Industry? A Peasant? Every smart move is another scene in your Oscar-winning biopic, and every dumb move is another shovelful of dirt in your stupid, stupid, anonymous grave.

The Hustle on Steam