Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut

Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut

If you enjoyed the first stick rpg then you will likely enjoy this one.

Part of me does feel however, that this sequel went away from some of the charm that made the first game so fun. For example, you no longer feel a sense of progression as you move up the numerous career ladders. Remember your voice message in the first game? There is none of that in this game. And it’s funny, because you literally have a cell phone on your person. Such a missed opportunity.

House upgrades are not a thing anymore. You simply have the option of owning three houses. Even in the first stick rpg, there were upgrades you could buy that would give you a bonus. The only upgrades you can get in this game is just a bed, an alarm clock, and yeah… that’s it.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

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Stick RPG 2 is a fun little timewaster. Not worth the $20 price for sure, but if you can snatch it on sale and remember playing it or the original, go for it. Otherwise? Pass.

Quick rundown of what this has that the Flash game doesn’t.

  • A fourth screen for late game content

  • More careers, weapons, quests, homes and other little things. The game has essentially been expanded by like, 33%.

  • Cheats to play the game more quickly

  • Offline or online saves. There’s no reason, IMO, to ever use online saves as you have to login each time you boot up the game.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Stick RPG 2: Director's Cut on Steam