Karen: An Outrage Simulator

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

I went into this game expecting 45 minutes-1 hour’s worth of silly little content that would give me, someone who’s worked in food and retail, a good laugh.

What I got was 3 hours of organ rupturing good humored, nail on the head scenarios that were so scarily familiar but also insanely ridiculous.

Without spoiling anything (yes, yes, there is a plot, and it is delicious), you go through a good handful of incredibly unique, inconvenient situations that could truly happen to anybody. No level feels like a repeat, no joke feels overused or like low-hanging fruit (unless you count the entire premise of the game as low hanging fruit). If you play on Normal mode, you have to figure out how to manipulate different characters to get what you want purely through intuition and guess work, WITHOUT you (Karen) becoming outraged and making a disaster of the place.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Memes Games.

Similar to other reviews, I thought this game would be shorter…offering maybe an hour of content. I ended up streaming it for over 3 hours.

I played this with a couple of other friends and we all took turns voice-acting Karen and the other characters. We spent so much time laughing our sides were sore!

I’ve also worked 7 years in retail and, again like other reviewers, have encountered my fair share of “Karens” and this game accurately depicts the stereotypical Karen in her natural habitat.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karen: An Outrage Simulator on Steam

Man of the World

Man of the World

It is possible to become a famous musician, take part in medieval battles, earn a fortune from trade, become a thief of women’s hearts or an avid duelist. The game allows you to do all this.

Read More: Best Capitalism Life Sim Games.

Man of the World on Steam



I’ve been looking for this type of game for a long time. Basically you’re dropped into a world and you do whatever you need to to make it. It’s still basic in the options you can choose to pursue, but the developer is still improving the game and is open to suggestions.

It’s still needs some work with balancing and some bug fixing, as well as smoothing out the gameplay. However, what is here and at this price, it’s still an enjoyable game for me.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Capitalism Text-Based Games.

If you’re looking for a mindless droll and tedious game this is the game for you!

Get ready to alternate between the f and e key over and over and over and over again…

It seems like the developer doesn’t know how to check if a key was just pressed, that or can’t differentiate between key down and key up commands. Because even the tutorial is e then f then e then f and so on. The game really needs to use the same key for the same thing which it fails at. As it stands right now some of your owned buildings use f to collect money and other use f to kick out tenants so if you don’t pay attention your kicking out all your tenants and when you kick a tenant out it sets your collected rent to 0 even if you had a ton saved up.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

MakeThatMoney on Steam

Bunker Down

Bunker Down

Its simple and fun. I think I have found 4 separate endings already, but there seem to be more… Finding the true good ending is HARD. I’m still trying, but i’m enjoying the characters ^^

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s a pretty good game for what little there is. You must find the right combination on how to survive. I’m a fan of post apocalyptic games and this fits the criteria. Funny characters and hard to decide who lives and dies.

Review at:


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Bunker Down on Steam

The Stonks Market

The Stonks Market

A charming meme game that manages to capture my experience in the stock market frighteningly well. The writing from Vagabond Dog is what you expect, funny and well paced. It’s a relatively short playthrough, but it’s worth to go through a second time if you lost it all when you yolo’d in $JANC the first time. 10/10 would hold again.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

A short, but comical story about a clueless man flirting with the stock market for the first time.

The trading platform sections are enjoyable and are critical to directing the narrative one way or the other. Are you going to lose more than just your money, or will you triumph and end on a high? The story being tied to my trading performance made me care about doing well to potentially get a good conclusion.

I’m about to go through it again and see how my story differs if I YOLO it all!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Stonks Market on Steam

Dog Eat Dog

Dog Eat Dog

Things are bad. Rent is late, again. There’s no food, again. Your father-in-law needs medication, again. Life is relentless. In this ethically ambiguous title, it’s time to set your morals aside, and do whatever it takes to survive. When all you have is nothing, you take from those who have it all.

Desperate Measures

When you’re feeling the squeeze from all sides, there’s little respite to be found. Playing as a scammer at a call centre in town, you do whatever it takes to provide for a struggling family, help a sick father-in-law and fend off those you owe.

How far will you go to protect the ones you love in a dog-eat-dog world?


  • Tonally dark story with a noir feel.

  • Branching paths leading to differing conclusions.

  • Simulation gameplay, controlling people’s computers.

  • Over 20 different people to call, encouraging multiple playthroughs.

  • Every decision matters.

Dog Eat Dog on Steam

Distant Dials

Distant Dials

Distant Dials is a science-fiction MUSH (multi-user shared hallucination). It’s a multiplayer game requiring the player to create parts of the experience with others.

 Distant Dials is a game relying on dialogues taking place in 2875. The player is a human who shall through discussions with others or with an IA, understand his current state and the state of mankind in this era. He will maybe reach another level of understanding allowing dialogues with 9 other players on issues of the past leading to where humanity is right now.

Distant Dials on Steam



This game is fantastic. It’s a roguelike, not quite like instant death, but in that, you can potentially end up in a crushing amount of debt based on how crappy of a captain you are. But if you are an excellent decision-making-capitalist-smuggling-hacker, you can dig yourself out of any hole you might find yourself in this game. Besides, you can always just start a new game.

There’s a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not that hard to read the Help tips and what Falcon tells you to do. I like the fact that it has its own way of doing things. The game itself is like an operating system mainframe. It reminds me of FTL and a bit of the old school PC Sim City that had all those secret text-based codes!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

I really enjoy this game, but it’s not for everyone, especially people who only play modern games. This game is purposely trying to appear as a classic Commodore 64 game. That alone makes it interestingly enough to pick up. The art seems perfect for the tone of the game, which is somewhat silly in places while still never overshadowing the rest of the game.

The reason its not for gamers who only play contemporary games is because it almost too perfectly emulates a C64 game you picked up from a garage sale with no manual. It provides almost no instruction of what to do or how to do it. The first 10 minutes are going to be spent trying to figure out how to leave the hangar. You’ll be flying around slowly putting together what does what and where you need to do what in. Heck, there isn’t even any auto-save (at least, none that I have found).

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Blimps on Steam

How to Win: Season One

How to Win: Season One

Incredibly funny, and then actually really emotional in places.

I absolutely loved this game. The characters are great, it’s really funny and interesting seeing what suggestions people have given, and while the game uses more player suggestions that I was expecting, it still managed to keep some order in the chaos to deliver great characters and a really satisfying narrative.

I finished the main story in around 3 hours, but then kept replaying to see different pathways and unlock achievements/bonus scenes.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

There is so much I could say about this game. It’s beautifully done for starters. It touches on a lot of extremely serious issues, some subtly, some much less so. All of them done with wit and charm one has come to expect from the genius of Cael, Elliot and the Hidden Track team. This game will put you through every emotion imaginable. I laughed, I cried, I felt afraid and everything in between. The art style was simplistic, yet unique and beautiful. Once again, to be expected as a Hidden Track project. The sounds were spot on. And DO NOT get me started on the plot twists. I genuinely did not see them coming. It was so easy to lose myself in the worlds they created. And the characters… There were a couple I will love forever, and a couple I will loathe forever, yet another feeling not oft invoked in me. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you’re probably tired of my rambling praise at this point. Needless to say, though I was cautiously optimistic when they gave it to me to try, I fell hard and fast and will be purchasing copies for friends as soon as I’m able. 10 of 10 a must play.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

How to Win: Season One on Steam

Lawgivers II

Lawgivers II

The sequel to Lawgivers is in the works!! Join our communities and contribute to one of the most ambitious political simulation game!

Lawgivers II is a political sandbox game which offers multiple ways to experience the process of ruling and approving bills. Start your political adventure from the very bottom and perhaps lead your nation one day to become the most influential in the world.


The game comes with a world map featuring the most well-known nations and up to two levels of administrative subdivisions. Players will have comfortable filters to display population, relations, gdp growth, election outcomes by districs, etc.


Enter the parliament/congress with your lawmakers to approve or abolish laws in a much expanded and realistic way. Elect the speaker of the house to watch over parliamentary democracy and set up committees for personalized laws. Request a secret vote, or ask for impeachment. Many graphs will assist players with their choice.


Run for the highest seat in presidential and semi-presidential republics or become the prime minister in parliamentary republics. Form a government alone or with a coalition of party and try to survive motions of no confidence. Bypass the parliament if necessary to satisfy your needs but be prepared to face the consequences.


Personalize and approve laws like never before. With constitutional amendments you can control the workflow of the most important institutions of the country. Players will enjoy total freedom of choosing whether to insert a bill in constitution or just approve it as an ordinary law.


In Lawgivers II all lawmakers will have their own opinion about laws and way to rule. If there are to many points of view in a party, some politicians might leave it or found another one. Check out their personal history and be sure to have their trust.

Organisations and Lobbies

Organisations and Lobbies might achieve a lot of influence in your country. Ask them for support by hiring one of their gentlemen or try to practice honest and clean politics.

War & Trade

Raise your influence over the world and secure important resources for your country. Corrupt other parties in poorer countries or organise “legal” referendums to annect other regions. Enter war with other nations in order to reach economic and political supremacy.


Join with your friends in a coalition to form the government, rr simply stay in opposition and get ready for your first chance to grab power. (The multiplayer will be available at a later development stage)


The game will come with Steamworks support. Modders will be able to add new countries, laws, events, resources, ideologies and more content just with a simple text editor. The appearance of lawmakers will be completely cutomizable too so you can draw and import your favourite politicians.

Lawgivers II on Steam