District Steel

District Steel

Developer’s Note: If you are new to VR, we suggest playing a few other VR games first, before playing this one!

Check out the free demo!

Sent from an alternate dimension, SenTRI corporation robots are occupying various locations on Earth and are preparing for an all out AI takeover. There is only one person left to put an end to this…

Half human, half machine, you are equipped with a mechanical arm that gives special time bending powers, while in the other hand wielding a selection of deadly weapons. Blast your way through the underground facility, smashing robot skulls and going in guns blazing. Can you reach the Central AI Core? Can Earth still be saved?

District Steel is a full locomotion VR action game, inspired by the FPS classics. Brought to you by two long time gamers, first time developers, we hope you enjoy our game!

Read More: Best Bullet Time Early Access Games.

District Steel on Steam




The entire galaxy has been corrupted by a mysterious, demoniac source of evil, which just spawned out of nowhere to screw everything up - and to be even more “classical”, regarding profound story twists and characters, it’s up to Space Marshal Major McMâsscré to kill everything on sight that might be part of this evil (or well, just everything on sight). Of course, engaging the enemy with his prototype fighter on his own, just assisted by his neurotic tactical AI and except some of his good old friends, who might join him for a COOP session to save the day.


So if you are looking for an epic scaled 80s Scifi/Cyberpunk action shoot’em’brawl opera, fully packed with tons of weapons and customization options, plenty of gore and carnage plus bad and naughty b-movie kind of humor, then this cranky little shooter might be something for you!

Instead of just avoiding bullets, like in other bullet hell shmups (Shoot’em ups), Necrowarp also comes up with a lot of (un)forgiving brawler rampage as well, like crushing enemies with your melee weapons or by pushing them around or into each other. Of course, just as an addition to the huge arsenal of classic long-range weapons the game still relies on! And to make it a bit more, well, sadistic and personal, you’re not only fighting soulless robots or drones all the time, but manned enemy vehicles, crammed with really bad gang members or soldiers (trust us; they have the wrong political attitude), zombies (of course), mutants and other funky space abominations to bring democracy upon.


  • Epic scaled 80s Scifi/Cyberpunk opera with sick b-movie humor

  • Juicy massive destruction mayhem and gory battlefest action

  • Different vehicles, air- and spacecrafts to choose from throughout the game

  • Tons of weapons and customization options for your craft and gear

  • Plenty of brawler and melee rampage in addition to the classic long-range arsenal

  • A huge set of enemies with various weird and abnormal foes to fight against

  • Lots of exotic places and locations in a diversified galaxy to explore

  • Original synthwave and cyberpunk score to get you into the right mood

  • Play the entire singe player campaign with a friend in COOP

  • State of the art visuals and smooth performance due Unreal Engine 5

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

Necrowarp on Steam



Just bought CyberThreat (October 25, 2016) which is in early access for the HTC Vive. I watched a presentation by the develepor at the RTP VR meeting in Durham, NC last night and tried his game during a demo afterwards. I was amazed with the quality and play during the demo and it reminded me of the thrill of Space Pirate Trainer which has been a favorite since I bought my Vive in April. Only in this game you are not confined to a single room-scale area. I’m greatly impressed with the playability of CyberThreat and after only one hour-long session (I only stopped because I managed to kick my cord out of the plug). The jet-pack movement option is really thrilling to play and gives some really new combat strategy I haven’t experienced before in any other FPS. And it’s FUN! This is the kind of VR experience we’ve been waiting for - flying through the sky like almost no one (except experimental jetpack pilots) has ever done. The developer chose to have the enemy targets be non-human drones and robots, but these targets provide a fun challenge even at the early levels. Interestingly, the game seems very similar to the upcoming Epic Games Robo Recall. But, I can tell already CyberThreat will compare favorably despite the lower fidelity of his 3D content and graphics settings. It’s just too fun! I highly recommend this game already in early access if you like first person shooters.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

What a great game! In contrast to most other VR shooters, this one is open world - well in this case it’s open city ;) That means there is no linear level, but a few blocks of a city, with roads, alleys, houses and roof tops. You can simply go everywhere, even into some houses. On the streets there are parked cars, that can be destroyed and you can take cover behind a lot of objects. Your enemies are flying drones and bipedal robots and all come in several types with different look and weapons. Your weapons are (as far as I discovered them) automatic pistols, automatic rifle and sniper rifle and using them feels good and a lot of fun! The game offers several game modes, but I tested only the first two: the missions and open world. In the missions you are give a specific task and after completion you are given the next one. In open world it’s simply you in a city full of robots and you need to survive as long as possible. Although I haven’t completed all of them yet, I enjoyed the missions very much!

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

CyberThreat on Steam



After crash landing on a fringe planet in the outer edges of the galaxy, Jack “Goose” Redshot is given a mission to rescue the royal family of the city of Carcosa from a mysterious supernatural invader, who has laid siege to the city and it’s inhabitants. With over 200 rooms to explore and many weapons, items, and secrets to find, fans of the genre will find a challenging but fair adventure to be had in the wild lands of Carcosa.


Travel to the land of Carcosa where the great capitol city is under siege by an unknown off world invader. Explore the city and it’s surrounding landscape to restore the defense network, and save the city from total destruction. Tackle objectives in any order and explore the non-linear world map to find many hidden secrets and goodies!


Use a plethora of different guns, weapons, and items to strategically outwit your enemies in fast-paced, deadly combat encounters. With over 10 different guns to acquire and even more secondary weapons, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, you will be tasked with equipping the right tools for the right job. Matching the right weapon with the right situation will help you greatly.


Your focus bar allows you to slow time to fire off quick and accurate attacks, as well as quickly dodge incoming attacks to avoid damage. However, use them too much and you might end up in a critical spot! Slowing and dodging drains your stamina meter, but using them both will come in clutch to get you out of some sticky situations!


Scattered across the world are upgrades to discover, from genre staples like the double-jump to companion characters that can help you in battle. Even rarer are special hats to find, which will offer helpful perks for you when equipped. A full AI system for all enemies and NPCs allow them to directly interact with each other and the environment, and getting in their good favor may even compel them to follow you around and help you out!


Carcosa is infested with creatures and beasts both native and offworld, and there will be many that must be overcome to complete your objective. Over 30 enemy types and a dozen bosses means learning each enemy’s behavior will go a long way to controlling a battle zone. Good preparation, clever strategies, quick reflexes, and a dash of luck will all be needed to defeat your enemies with your life intact.


  • Estimated 8-12 hours of gameplay

  • Up to 8k resolution support

  • High refresh rate support up to 240hz

  • Full controller support with customizable bindings

  • Full keyboard support with option to use with mouse or keyboard only

  • After the beginning area, levels and bosses can be completed in any order

  • Over 10 guns to find and use, with numerous other side weapons

  • Over 12 bosses to fight and conquer

  • Over 30 enemy types

  • Find secrets dotted all over the map to upgrade your abilities and equipment

  • 8 Distinct areas to explore, each with their own enemy types and bosses

  • Befriend AI companions to help you fight your way through the map

  • 360 degree dodging and numerous movement upgrades to optimize your travel through the game

  • 360 degree aiming allows for pinpoint accurate shooting no matter where you are

  • Bullet time mechanic lets you slow time to catch a breather and pull off some tricky shots

  • 3 difficulty settings and a post-game rating system makes allows for lots of replayability

  • Developed with speedrunning in mind

REDSHOT on Steam



To me this game is already a timeless classic.

Story: 8/10. A solid plot with plenty of humour. Not a masterpiece, but the story is conveyed excellently through the campaign style. Story mode is not the primary focus of Cobalt, but it is a lengthy, challenging and rewarding campaign. The lore behind the game is intriguing and leaks through into some of the arcade mode maps, which I think is a really nice touch.

Graphics: 9/10. It’s not beautiful pixel art and it’s no Mona Lisa, but playing some of the custom maps completely convinced me that this game can look really amazing.

Real player with 274.1 hrs in game

Cobalt is an achievement. This is something that can only be fully understood once you can play multiplayer deathmatch at sufficiently high level. I have played single player for 4 or 5 hours, but all of the rest was multiplayer deathmatch.

Because the combat in Cobalt is deep and refined.

Each minute decision of when to spin, when to jump, when to air jump, and on which direction, creates a very fluid and natural response in the player character. The result is that movement alone is a skill that you can spend hours upon hours mastering — and the range of possibilities is so vast that after practicing just movement for many hours (yes, I spent several hours jumping around alone in DM maps) the skill cap is still nowhere to be found.

Real player with 150.4 hrs in game

Cobalt on Steam

Old Town Stories

Old Town Stories

This is a realy good game i extermly recommend playing this but there are somethings i would suggest to be changed in the campaine i think it would be better if you got to know the end boss guy more because you dont realy know him also the tractor beam it a little glitchy bacause when you use it somethins the gun doesent go into your hand

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Great game!

even tho its kinda short, it´s a lot of fun and the mechanics are awesome.

I honestly have only one small problem with it, and that’s that the “tractor beam” sometimes doesn’t work right on the first try.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Old Town Stories on Steam




Title: Vanquish

Developer(s): Platinum Games

Publisher(s): Sega

Genre(s): Action, third-person shooter

Game Engine: Havok

Release Date: 25 May, 2017

Mode(s): Single-player


+ Merits:

If you are in a hurry and want to play a video game expeditiously, then I recommend Vanquish. It’s a relentless, fast-paced game that will fill-up your adrenaline to the maximum level with its intensive gameplay. Combine Bayonetta with Gears of War, and you will have something that resembles Vanquish, a fast-moving, cover-based shooter with some QTEs. From the third-person perspective, you control Sam Gideon, a guy augmented with a cool battle suit that’s powered by a portable reactor. It gives him post-human capabilities and grants us a stupendous warfare experience with its boosted slide and slow-motion mechanism.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

At first blush, Vanquish is another third person cover-based shooter. But if you’re familiar with those deranged perverts over at Platinum Games, you should be instantly suspicious. This is a studio who is concerned primarily with making new IPs with new gameplay paradigms, and Vanquish is no exception.

Many reviewers have already discussed the general premise of the game, so I will spare you those details except to remind you that Vanquish is about Big Boss fighting robots in space using a rocket-powered mecha suit; he shoots, he slides on the floor like an idiot, he slows down time. Instead, I want to address the core philosophy behind this game (as I see it) and explain why I find it fun.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Vanquish on Steam



Kinda fun VR shooter.

Time warp/bullet time was great. I’m no twitch player, and being able to treat a shooter more like a tactical game is just my speed :)

BAD GAME for completionists and achievement hunters since to get 100% you need to play through it six times, once on each difficulty level. Nope. Nope nope.

Very short game, though - three levels. I played through it in two evenings, and have 7 hours playtime on it after exploring a third evening exploring the “Endless” mode. I tend to play slowly, so that’ll be an upper bound for how long most people play it.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Played on Oculus Rift w/ Touch

Verdict: buy on sale

Summary: short 360 degree node based wave shooter that’s a mix between Superhot (bullet time) and Robo Recall (mixed pistol and melee) but more basic than either


  • auto saves at each node in the level

– There’s a few points that took me a while to figure out and if I’d had to restart the whole level I’d have Hulk-smashed my room and rage-quit half-way though (last node of level 2…)

  • bullet time makes the dual wield pistols practical

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Aeon on Steam



This game was my go in blind purchase of the week. It is so cheap and the content that it delivers is well worth the asking price. I am having a lot of fun with this frantic arena FPS. You get to double jump, bullet time slo-mo kill vast swathes of tin robot armies which come in a variety of fun shapes and sizes. You get an arsenal of 9 guns, some of which you can dual-wield and all of which have weight and a distinct feel to them. Once you are done working out all the little secrets the game has to offer and self-tutor yourself in the primary and secondary functions of each gun and survive all 30 waves and boss fights, you then get a little something extra. Don’t want to spoil anything, you will have to get there yourself. Bear in mind that the game MUST BE BEATEN IN ONE SITTING. But there are 3 checkpoints along the way which you can start from when you inevitably die on your run.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Armored Head is a fluid, fun and well-realized indie shooter developed solely by Egor Rezenov in Unity. Taking the role of a gladiator bot, you have to prove your worth against waves of opponents consisting of various bots. It is clear that Egor took his time to polish both the aesthetic and mechanic sides of his game, thus Armored Head provides around three hours of enjoyment for those interested in the genre.

Even though it is a wave-based shooter that takes place in a single arena designed for the purpose, it does not go on forever. The goal is to survive for 30 rounds and face the final boss, after which you are granted a prize and are free to explore or leave the premises. The arsenal for the task at hand consists of ten weapons which are presented to you gradually at the start of specific waves. You collect coins throughout the game which are either dropped by defeated opponents or found within the boxes scattered around, then use them at your will to unlock various helpful features of the arena. While most of the opponents are melee-only fighters of varying size and strength, there are also ranged shooters, fliers and droppers, as well unique bosses. Your abilities extend to dodge-jumping, double-jumping and slowing the action down for a brief amount of time; but further collecting in the form of pills is required to gain the necessary energy for utilizing them.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game




So overall this game have very great potenial, but still has a few bugs that need to worked out. Like when I faced the first boss( which took me like 100 tried to beat on hero diff) I got it to one of its health stops when it goes invisible, and it was stuck in invulnerable state until I died which sucked because I was close to beating it. 2nd: There could be some kind of combo list. I noticed that there were times when my melees would turn red then purple ( I came to understand that purple stuns thing) but I had no clue how I performed said combo. 3rd: I feel there should be an option to what weapons I pick up. Sometimes I like using 4 rocket launchers or 4 assault rifles. 4th: Materials should be a bit easier to understand how to get them, I think I ran around the 1st open area for about an hour trying to figure out where to get the Mats to make a fusion key or scanner. 5th: I find it almost impossible to dodge enemies that spawn right above you and they use an attack and next thing you know you have to restart your combo (this happens even though I am constantly on the move). Above all I love the difficulty of the game, the back story could use some work but over all enjoyable. I really look foward to seeing the full release of this game. It has my support. When I showed some of my friends at work they were mind blown in a sense. But I dont like how people compare it to warframe. I see the simiularities but I think they are on 2 totally different levels.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Backed on Kickstarter

This game was tailored for people that 1. do not have epilepsy. 2. can handle sensory overload: the bullet hell junkies, the DMC and Nier: Automata fans, the Touhou addicts.

  • The screen will fill with enemies, your decisions within seconds will either result in the next wave of enemies or result in your death.

  • You must be mobile; yes, Nelo is fast, but the Nightsithe are just as fast.

  • Your enemies will reflect your damage back at you, dodge your attacks, teleport away or towards you, and even bullrush you.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Nelo on Steam