Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

“Anyone can make what I have built

And better now

Anyone can find the same white pills

It takes my pain away” 🎶

~Jimmy Eat World, Pain

OMG, that’s not Max Payne! #NotMyMax” Remember such topics from back in 2012? It was pretty fun. Surprisingly, though, quite a lot of people (yours truly included) kinda… didn’t even feel like playing this game back then. And not because they were triggered or something like that, but because… you know. I mean, look at the screenshots. Another random bald guy shooting some generic gangsters. In Brazil. There’s literally nothing that screams “Play me right now!!!” in that. Especially since we already had one popular series that went down the drain since the moment the main character shaved his head (hello, Sam…). Even though I bought Max Payne 3 ages ago, I was like “meh…”. A lot of people I know felt the same. And that’s the funniest (saddest?) thing about this game. See, Max Payne 3? It was supposed to be a shiny big present to the old-school fans.

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Third-Person Shooter Games.

One of the best 3rd person shooters you’ll ever play. The story is amazing, I keep coming back to it time and time again and it never gets old. The multiplayer can be fun, if you can find anyone to play with. The action is amazing and gore is just the same. Recommend that you play on harder difficulties for a fun challenge, the only problem I have is that its a bit too hard and in the later levels you’ll be wielding 2 pistols while your enemies will have grenade launchers, machine guns and much more. Overall a great game.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Max Payne 3 on Steam

Beyond Enemy Lines 2

Beyond Enemy Lines 2

Beyond Enemy Lines 2

Really enjoyed the SP experience - bought the game because it reminded me of OpFlashDR - big maps ( outdoor and indoor ) , liberty to approach the objectives , tense momments , brutal AI , no saving , FOV slider present , you can see your legs and are not just a floating camera which adds to the immersion , 21/9 support ,would have liked a stealth kill with knife - the existing melee kill animation is very rudimentary and not satisfying , liked the guns selection and their presentation !

Real player with 97.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

this game is pretty good,but.. the bugs are ticking me off . for instance enemy appears and disappears if you move either way, and they just appear out of nowhere. And now i have completed the army base mission, all i get for the next mission is a cheqered box. I would appreciate any feedback if poss. thanks.

Real player with 74.1 hrs in game

Beyond Enemy Lines 2 on Steam

Project Cybertronic

Project Cybertronic

Hello, welcome to Project Cybertronic.

Project Cybertronic is a zero gravity video game as a massive online battle arena. Fly in space with your jetpack and use all sorts of surfaces to walk on with magnetic boots, using flashy maneuvers to capture the surprise moment to use your opponents or trickle out their attacks. Infiltrate gigantic battleships and stations from within and find their weaknesses. Use tactical Items in the right moment to give you an advantage. Join the Earth Alliance and learn fighting in weightlessness to become the best in a Last Man Standing Arena. Play with your friends privately or public via Internet or Local Network.

From its roots as a passion project, we have begun gathering a team to turn it into something far more. But we need your help to make Cybertronic next years game of choice for enthusiastic gamers. It is highly motivating that people like you are interested in us and that gives us the power to realize Cybertronic.


This current game version is from a no-budget project development. We currently do not have a running online server, but you can create your own and wait until a player enters your match. For the Match Making we use a free Unity Unet account in which 1-3 Players can play without abort. If there are more players in a match, a connection lost could be happen till playing. You will be suddenly return to the main menu. For more players we recommend to make a manuel connection. If you have problems entering a game, restart the application completely and navigate directly to the desired game mode (without detours).

Nevertheless, we wish you a lot of fun and hope for your support to make Cybertronic to a complete game.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Read More: Best Bullet Time Indie Games.

Project Cybertronic on Steam

Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Sniper: Ghost Warrior

I don’t usually hate games, but man, I tried REALLY HARD to like this game, but the game just manages to piss me off in a lot of ways.

I know this is an old game, but it’s so full of clunkiness and jank, even for the time of its release. Thankfully the sequels are much better and they learned their lessons from this game.


[+] The sniping feels pretty good actually. The bullet cam somehow looks better than Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, and to a very limited extent, better than Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

One of the few sniper-biz-themed FP-shooters up to the moment. At least, conceptually. In reality, it’s just the same as the most of other mediocre shooters of the time, with somewhat good visuals, stupid and way-too-pathetic story, ill-calculated scripts and AI. And way too much “spray-and-pray” for the sniper game. Even the levels where you start in stealth, do some (few) precise shots and supposed to get away quickly… there always be some “twist”, leaving you with .50 cal machinegun or AK/M4 in your hands.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Sniper: Ghost Warrior on Steam



To me this game is already a timeless classic.

Story: 8/10. A solid plot with plenty of humour. Not a masterpiece, but the story is conveyed excellently through the campaign style. Story mode is not the primary focus of Cobalt, but it is a lengthy, challenging and rewarding campaign. The lore behind the game is intriguing and leaks through into some of the arcade mode maps, which I think is a really nice touch.

Graphics: 9/10. It’s not beautiful pixel art and it’s no Mona Lisa, but playing some of the custom maps completely convinced me that this game can look really amazing.

Real player with 274.1 hrs in game

Cobalt is an achievement. This is something that can only be fully understood once you can play multiplayer deathmatch at sufficiently high level. I have played single player for 4 or 5 hours, but all of the rest was multiplayer deathmatch.

Because the combat in Cobalt is deep and refined.

Each minute decision of when to spin, when to jump, when to air jump, and on which direction, creates a very fluid and natural response in the player character. The result is that movement alone is a skill that you can spend hours upon hours mastering — and the range of possibilities is so vast that after practicing just movement for many hours (yes, I spent several hours jumping around alone in DM maps) the skill cap is still nowhere to be found.

Real player with 150.4 hrs in game

Cobalt on Steam

Quantum League

Quantum League

If you read the synopses of the game and it sounds cool to you, you’d like it. It’s as simple as that. It takes this concept and executes it super well, with satisfying, fast paced gunplay to boot. All complaints are minor quality of life ones or from people misunderstanding how the game works.

The game plays seamlessly with this “time paradox” concept. Everything you do matters and in the future you have to consider what your past lives did, what your opponent did, and the timings of all those things. That can sound complex, but generally people are just playing 1 on 1, and you’ll get the concepts soon. You can win by being the best at shooting or you can win by outsmarting your opponent. Do both for a round or two and you’ll feel like an unstoppable genius. When someone kills you and pre-emptively outsmarts you, you’ll be impressed at how they cut you off at every turn. Other reviews complain about some strategies they feel is unfair - you can safely ignore them. This game’s strategy is deep and tactics that seem unstoppable can be punished brutally when you realize their weaknesses. Racing a health pack can seem an obvious good play - denying it to your opponent can’t be bad, right? - but now you have a large portion of the round that you are now vulnerable. And heading to the health packs puts you in the open - a future clone can kill you when you are there. And leaving a gunfight to grab a health pack can leave your past clones helpless.

Real player with 319.2 hrs in game

I love this game! I bought it the day it was released in Early Access (Around May 2020). I LOVE time travel and I like FPS games, so I was super hyped for this game! (It’s right up my alley!) There’s not many players that have the game, so a lot of the time you’ll be waiting in the queue for a while.

I strongly advise joining the Quantum League Discord server, and adding a few people from there to avoid the long queue problem. I put a tag next to a bunch of new friends and acquaintances on Steam saying “QL” So I can search for a match more easily. A general chat feature would be a good addition to the game, as well as a way to join people directly from Discord if possible. I’ll suggest that on the Official Discord, if either/both haven’t been suggested already.

Real player with 138.9 hrs in game

Quantum League on Steam

War Yards

War Yards

War Yards is a 1v1 multiplayer shooter that approaches bullet time combat in a whole new way. The game utilizes a unique set of mechanics that allow each player to control the speed of their opponent’s projectiles. Bullet time mode can be activated at any time, but while active it restricts the player to room-scale movement only and removes their ability to reload. These mechanics create an unparalleled combat experience that seamlessly blends fast paced action with tense strategy. War Yards combines these innovative gameplay systems with incredibly detailed stylized maps to make for a truly unforgettable VR western adventure.


  • Challenge your friends to intense and highly strategic 1v1 duels.

  • Utilize incredibly unique multiplayer bullet time mechanics to outsmart your opponent.

  • Explore 3 highly detailed stylized maps inspired by classic western settings.

  • Enjoy the freedom of playing with users across nearly all VR platforms.

War Yards on Steam



Kinda fun VR shooter.

Time warp/bullet time was great. I’m no twitch player, and being able to treat a shooter more like a tactical game is just my speed :)

BAD GAME for completionists and achievement hunters since to get 100% you need to play through it six times, once on each difficulty level. Nope. Nope nope.

Very short game, though - three levels. I played through it in two evenings, and have 7 hours playtime on it after exploring a third evening exploring the “Endless” mode. I tend to play slowly, so that’ll be an upper bound for how long most people play it.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Played on Oculus Rift w/ Touch

Verdict: buy on sale

Summary: short 360 degree node based wave shooter that’s a mix between Superhot (bullet time) and Robo Recall (mixed pistol and melee) but more basic than either


  • auto saves at each node in the level

– There’s a few points that took me a while to figure out and if I’d had to restart the whole level I’d have Hulk-smashed my room and rage-quit half-way though (last node of level 2…)

  • bullet time makes the dual wield pistols practical

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Aeon on Steam

F.E.A.R. 3

F.E.A.R. 3

Every time I see FEAR 3 on sale I see people bashing it as the worst in the series, but the meta score is actually not too bad 74/100. Unlike the first 2 FEAR games, FEAR 3 has one of those regenerating health systems where you just hide under cover for a few seconds and you recover back to full health. No need to scrounge for med kits or armor. Also, the game seems built around 2 player co-op, which I like in first person shooter games (when I have someone to play with).

Spoilers ahead

FEAR 3 takes place an unspecified amount of time after the events of FEAR 2. Alma is pregnant and getting ready to give birth, as a result her psychic power is tearing up the city (possibly the world). Again the main opposition is the private military contractor Armacham, who seems to have become 100x more powerful than they were in the first games. Even without their clone super soldiers from the first games, Armacham seems capable of overrunning and occupying entire cities with soldiers, aircraft, and power armor. You play the Point Man protagonist from the first FEAR game (the guy you play in FEAR 2 also shows up briefly) but this time you have an “imaginary” friend Paxton Fettel (Bad guy from the first game). Your primary goal this time around is to reach Alma before she gives birth and deal with her once and for all. Unfortunately for you, Alma’s psychic pain has summoned nightmare creatures and twisted the surviving civilian population into crazed psychos.

Real player with 156.1 hrs in game

The history of F.E.A.R’s development has swapped hands through practically every expansion and installment and which each one, a new take on the franchise was created. Most, if nearly all, fans of the series consider the first F.E.A.R to be the ‘best’ due to its thick, tense atmosphere and and engaging combat and I agree to a point. F.E.A.R 1 still out plays most shooters and horror games today!

So with that legacy and high standard already set from the get go, it’d cetainly be a challenge to meet it again, especially in the hands of a different developer! As a result, many people tend to look down on F.E.A.R 3 as being a ‘generic’ CoD clone and this couldn’t be more of a lie!

Real player with 57.7 hrs in game

F.E.A.R. 3 on Steam

Grapple Hoops

Grapple Hoops

This game is pretty cool.

Grappling Hoops plays like a Spider-Man NBA Jam, where you swing around with a grappling hook and use a basketball to score hoops / dunks and take out enemies.

This gameplay feels very fun and energetic and really emphasizes speed and precision.

Unfortunately a good number of levels are rather boxed-in to really grapple around quickly, that’s doesn’t make them bad levels, but they don’t play to the main mechanic of the game making them a bit out of place.

That said, I believe there will be enough levels with variety to satisfy all the game-play styles that the game offers.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

I love this game. There are a few bugs and problems, which is to be expected with a game that has released today. Andrew nailed the combat and mechanics down, all though some of the story mode levels don’t fit the game(Their very small and cluttered, allows them to be prettier but you get stuck on small little props) I think with levels more like the floor is lava, and the original demo ones the game will be perfect. Bosses are really cool, all though I expected that I would have to perfectly dodge the hammer, and then dunk on it, instead of throwing a basket ball at it which can hit it anywhere. The mech enemy I was able to cheese by constantly grapple kicking, and tossing the basket ball. The droid boss however was really fun. It allowed me to pick up great speeds, and it was super fun dodging the bullets. Going to graphics this game is beautiful. I love the cartoon/toon shader. It looks great. I will end my review here, and my rating is 8/10.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Grapple Hoops on Steam